Chapter 6

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I walk into school feeling weird. "I'm Jisung's fake girlfriend now, god this is going to be so weird."

I mean a lot of girls take interest in Felix too. He's famous for his looks too, especially since he's Australian and has a deep voice.

But he only takes interest in that emo dude Changbin, and I'm the only girl he talks to since I'm his best friend.

I saw Jisung walking up to me with a smirk. I was honestly scared, I mean I have to do this for 2 months. I'm going to have to get used to this.

"Hey." He takes my hand into his which caught me off guard. I probably looked like a tomato right now don't I?

"Oh um hey." My words weren't coming out right. It's like I couldn't speak. "Y/n make it look believable you look like a mess." He whispered in my ear.

I did something that I never thought I would do. I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked with our intertwined hands.

He looked shocked at my action but he went along with it. Then I heard a girl shriek. I swear I almost went deaf.

"Jisung why is that bitch holding YOUR hand?!" She screams in anger.

"Because she's my girlfriend." He said with a smirk. Hearing that word made me gulp, that word seemed so alien to me.

"Did you just say girlfriend?" She asked nervously.

"Did he stutter? Or are you just deaf?" I finally spoke.

"Just you watch Y/n I'm so gonna get you." She growled as she walked off. Not gonna lie hearing that made me a little nervous.

"Y/n don't worry I'll protect you." Jisung said assuring me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I can protect myself I'm not a child." I say as I shook his hand off. I walked off to find Felix.

"God what did I get myself into?" I walked down a hallway and heard kissing noises. I let my curiosity get the best of me which I immediately regret.

I peeked only to see that emo dude Changbin eating Felix's face off. I cringed and quietly walked away. "What do I do now? Felix is busy right now." I mumble to myself.

"Y/n are you talking to yourself?" I heard someone say with a laugh. I look up to see Seungmin. "Oh sorry just thinking about something." I say.

"So you're dating Jisung...?" He asked quietly. I slowly nod. I wanted to tell him it was fake, but I couldn't I had promised Jisung that I wouldn't.

"When did this happen?" He asked. "Uh yesterday.." I answered. I looked down, for some reason I felt upset in a way.

"Y/n?" He suddenly called, I still kept my head down. He put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up. "Y/n are you happy with this?"

"Happy with what?" I asked. "Happy with being with Jisung, from what I know you hate him. Or at least hated him." He said.

"Don't worry Seungmin I want this relationship. I would have said no if I didn't want to." I say attempting to assure him.

He nodded. "Try not to get hurt." Before I ask him what that means he walked off. Leaving me in confusion.

"What does he mean by that?" I ask myself.

Time skip

I was walking to the cafeteria with Felix. I had explained my interaction with Seungmin earlier.

"And then before he left he said try to not get hurt. He just walked away I wanted to ask what he meant, but I couldn't." I rant.

"I think I know what he means." I look at Felix expectantly. "Well you know Jisung is a playboy he flirts with people all the time. So just gotta hope he doesn't cheat on you." Felix explained.

"Yeah but the relationship is fake." I say quietly so no one could hear. "I know that, but Seungmin doesn't right? He thinks this relationship is real."

"Oh yeah, I honestly feel guilty I wish I could tell him."

"Why do you feel guilty?" Felix asks. "Because I was actually taking some interest in him, but I'm stuck in a relationship I don't want to be in." I say.

"That's the only reason? Is there anything else you noticed about him?" Felix asked.

I look at him confused. "What do you mean that's it." Felix shook his head.

"Anyways moving on are you sitting with me or Jisung?" Felix asks.

"Well technically I should sit with him, but you have to come sit with me too."

"No I'm not sitting with you guys." Felix said. "Pleaseee Changbin will be there." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ugh fine, but only because Changbin's there." I rolled my eyes. "Jeez you would sit with Changbin but not with your best friend that you've known for years." I say annoyed.

"Yup, you are 100% correct." He said with a smirk. I smack his arm. "Ugh you're so mean!"

We got to the cafeteria and got our food. I scanned the tables trying to look for Jisung's. Then I saw Jisung waving his hand.

I walk over to his table. Jisung moves over so I can sit next to him. I sit down, I look up to see Felix. But he sat next Changbin already I was a little disappointed. But that's why he agreed to come with me right?

I felt really awkward since I've never talked to his friends before, they seemed a little scary. They looked at me like I was a alien of some sort. How I wish to be Seungmin and his friends. They seemed so much nicer and welcoming. Felix even liked Chan.

"Alright Y/n let me introduce you to them." Jisung said finally breaking the awkward silence. "In front of you is Minho." I look at him.

He smirked. "Hey I'm Minho you can call Lee Know if you want to I don't really care." Then he leaned in closer to me. "And I'm also gay." Then he leaned back. With that smirk still on his face.

I was caught off guard by that last sentence, but it didn't really matter since I wasn't really into Minho anyways. "The emo guy next to Felix is Changbin."

"Oh yeah I know him I saw him eating Felix's face off earlier." I say. Felix blushed really hard while Changbin just smirked, as if he was proud. "Oh just to clarify Y/n I'm not emo like that idiot squirrel told you." I just laughed while Jisung just shot him a glare.

"And last but not least he's Hyunjin." Jisung pointed. "Hey, just so you know I'm not gay unlike those two." He said winking.

Jisung smacked his head. "Back off she's mine." Hyunjin just laughed. If I was being honest, their introductions made me even more awkward. I had strongest urge to just get up and leave, but that obviously wasn't an option.

"As you guys know I'm Y/n," I paused as they all stared at me, Felix looked like he felt bad for me. But you could tell he found my awkwardness amusing. "Jisung's girlfriend." I finally finish.

"Hope he doesn't cheat on you, he can't keep his hands to himself." Minho said. I nervously laugh. "I hope so too." I say. I mentally facepalmed. Did I actually just say that?

Jisung gave me look that said "Did you actually just say that?"

"So how long have you guys been dating?" Hyunjin asked. "Wait they don't know it's fake?"

"I confessed to her yesterday." Jisung answered. "Oh then I still have a chance." Hyunjin said smirking.

"I swear to god Hyunjin leave Y/n alone, go after the other girls." Jisung said pissed.

Hyunjin seemed amused with his reaction. "Chill I was joking." But that seemed to make Jisung even more mad, the next you know Jisung and Hyunjin were arguing with each other. I facepalm at their childish behaviour.

"Is it always like this?" I ask Minho. He nodded. "It's been like this for years, you can't change that."

"I'm honestly used to this I'm not even surprised anymore." Changbin said. I started getting a headache so I finally bursted out.

"Stop!" They immediately stopped arguing. Minho, Felix, and Changbin looked shocked at my outburst.

"You guys actually need-" I was interrupted by ice cold water being dumped on me.

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