Chapter 14

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I was standing in front of the school entrance doors, I've stood there for about 5 minutes now. The people passing by me stared at me weirdly as I stood there not doing anything.

I let out a deep breath. "You got this Y/n just walk in and go about your day, ignore him at ALL costs." Saying it in my head seemed easy but I know once I tried it in real life it's a lot harder.

I finally enter the building, I look around trying to find a blonde head. I finally spotted one that looked Felix. I walked up to him ignoring everyone, but then I get stopped by a girl.

She looked at me with a sad expression. "Can I help you?" I asked confused as she was not saying anything.

"I just... I'm really sorry Y/n that your relationship with Jisung didn't work out. I feel more guilty too because the girl he cheated with is my best friend, I tried talking her out of it but she didn't listen. And I want to say that I'm so sorry I tried, I really did."

I felt bad she was apologizing for something that was fake in the first place, so she really had no reason to be apologizing to me right now. But either way I still had to put my act on. "Hey it's okay don't worry about it, if Jisung knew better he would have stayed away. So it's not even in your control." I explain.

"I know but I still feel bad." I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't be I've moved on anyways, break ups are normal in life we just have to get past them. So stop saying sorry okay? You have nothing to be sorry for."

She gave me a pained smile. "God I don't know how Jisung even cheated on you, you're so sweet." I smiled at the compliment and then she finally walked away.

I finally turn around and walk to Felix. "Hey Lix."

He turned around shocked. "Y/N?! OH MY GOD MY BABY YOU'RE BACK!" He yelled.

Everyone looked at us weirdly. And then someone yelled over to us. "HAVE YOU MOVED ON TO FELIX NOW?! SEEMS LIKE A SLUT TO ME!" A few people laughed but not many, since people had actually felt bad that I wasn't with Jisung anymore.

"BITCH I'M GAY!" Felix yelled back angrily. Some students laughed at his response. The guy looked embarrassed and quickly left the scene.

"Ugh Felix look this is why I didn't want to come, I can't fucking do this." I complain.

"It's okay Y/n just ignore them, they don't even know the real story anyways. All you have to do is ignore Jisung." He said coolly.

"Speaking of the devil." He turns around and faces Jisung.

"Jisung?" I was trying to sound annoyed but it came out as more of a question.

Before he could speak Seungmin punched him, sending him to the floor. The people around started yelling 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'.

"You're actually a bitch! You know that?! You go around playing with people's hearts like their fucking toys huh?! So why don't I play with YOU like your a fucking toy BITCH!" Seungmin yelled with so much fury in his voice you couldn't miss it.

Some people were surprised by Seungmin's actions considering that he wasn't really the type to talk much, he was the lowkey kid in our school.

Seungmin got on top of him and started punching him with so much anger that Jisung's face started bleeding.

"Seungmin stop! You're gonna get in so much trouble!" I yell attempting to stop him.

"Y/n don't even try! This bitch thinks it's funny to play with you so I'm gonna teach him a little lesson!" He turns around and continues to punch him.

Jisung finally pushed him off, he gets up a little unbalanced but he ignores that and throws a punch to Seungmin. And let me tell you Jisung has STRONG biceps. The one punch he threw to Seungmin made his lip bleed already.

"Fuck off this is between me and Y/n!" Jisung yells in anger.

"Actually it's Y/n and I not me and Y/n." I correct, but he immediately throws me a glare. And I look away awkwardly.

"Yeah but if she gets hurt then I have involved." He said with a menacing stare.

"Yeah? What are you, her boyfriend?" He asks mocking him.

"As a matter of fact yes I am, but you're her ex. So back off!"

Jisung stood there shocked, I felt like I could see a little bit of hurt present in his expression. But I didn't care he hurt me, so why should I care if he's hurting?

Without a word he walks away, I almost felt a little bad but once I saw Chaeri run to him bombarding him with questions. My mood changed and I turned to Seungmin.

I slam my locker close packing all of my belongings. "Hey Y/n!" I hear Seungmin call.

I turn around to face him having a very faint smile, but you could still tell. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Uh I'm sorry for saying I was your boyfriend back there, it was just to get Jisung to back off." He said apologizing.

"Hey it's okay I should be thanking you right now for fixing MY mess, so thank you and please don't apologize." I say assuring him.

"Alright if you say so.."

"Anyways I gotta go Seungmin Felix must be waiting for me." I say.

"Y/n I have a question," Seungmin slowly starts. "Do you like Felix or does he like you?"

I chuckle a little bit. "No Seungmin Felix is my best friend, in fact he's actually gay. He also has someone else he's interested in."

Seungmin looked flabbergasted by my response. "Oh I did not expect that I'm sorry for assuming-"

"It's okay don't worry about now I have to go Felix is impatient, see you tomorrow!" I walk away looking for Felix.

I finally spot him by the entrance doors waiting, he made eye contact with me and his expression turned annoyed. "Took you long enough!"

"Sorry sorry Seungmin wanted to talk to me."

"Whatever it's fine you wanna go home and watch Netflix?" He asked, I reply with a nod.

I stuff my face with the snacks and candy Felix and I purchased from the convenience store, we were currently at Felix's house on a movie marathon.

"Hey Felix I wanted to tell you something but I forgot earlier." I say.

"Yeah?" He responded pausing the movie.

"Well uh earlier with the fight when Seungmin said he was dating me, I feel like I saw Jisung look a LITTLE hurt. I don't know if that's just me."

"Oh my god you noticed too?!"

"Huh?" I say feeling a little lost.

"When Seungmin said that I noticed Jisung's face change a bit."

"Oh my god so I'm not crazy."

"For once." Felix said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and smacked him on the arm.

"You know Y/n," Felix slowly starts, I look at him waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"I think he likes you."

A/n - not proof read

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