mi corazon

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My first day as an official member of ITZY!!! I'm super excited and ready to finally chase my dreams! I got up from my bed to find a cute outfit. I put on some gray sweatpants with a white tank top and a black cropped over top. Around 4:15 when I finally picked my outfit I hopped into the shower while trying to finish as fast as possible to be able to get there super early from how excited I was! When I was finally finished I put on my outfit along with a black bucket hat and my white sneakers.
I ran down the stairs to go make myself some heart french toast with strawberries and an organic juice I make myself! I've loved to eat healthy ever since I was little, I guess you could say I'm healthy as heck! When I finished my breakfast I ran back up stairs to brush my teeth and grabbing my phone and wallet and then ran out the door to my car. I was so excited I could hold in the urge to listen to music and begin singing loudly in my car while driving.
I finally arrived at 4:49 AM just in time as practice does start at 5:00 AM I saw the other girls there and rushed over them greeting them with excitement.

"Hi, i'm Yeji! You must be Y/N?" one of the girls said. "Yes I am the one and only" We all laughed a bit and we all began to introduce ourselves to each other until I set my eyes on Her. "Hey im Ryujin pleased to meet you Y/N" she said with a huge smile on her face
Jesus where has she been all my life.
I just met her and I have this weird feeling in my stomach.

We shook hands while smiling, until it was 4:57 we all began heading into the building for practice. After a long time of practice it was 7 PM, we all rushed to get water from how thirsty we all were. Ryujin must have seen me chugging my water down as she giggled a little
"Hey Y/N" I heard someone I turned my head to see it was Ryujin reaching her hand up to help me get up from the floor as I was sitting while Drinking my water. I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. I really couldn't tell if I was red from how much practice we had or if I was falling for her.

"Thanks for helping me up Ryujin" I said to her
"Of course it's not a problem! Well say now that we finished with practice why don't we go grabbed a coffee or something to eat?" She said Smiling from ear to ear. I think I might have exploded right then and there. Was this a date or a friend thing?
"Uh sure!" I said "Great then let I actually came here with Yeji so she could drive us if yo-"
I cut her off saying "No that's alright I can drive us there!" "Alright then!" We both made out way to my car when we heard Yeji yelling for Ryujin asking if she wanted her to take her home. "Hey Ryu! Want me to drive you home are or you going with Y/N?" She said "I'm actually going with Y/N! Thanks tho Ji!"
Goodness she's so sweet to everyone

"Alright have a safe ride home! See you tomorrow!" Ryujin and I waved bye to Yeji as she ran to her car, eager to get home and rest.
Ryujin and I made our way to my car so tired from all of the practice.
"So where do you wanna go?" I asked the girl sitting beside me. She looked up at me from her phone and said "Where ever you'd like." She said smiling, I smiled back. I made my way to Seoul fresh, We got some bulgogi and kimchi, we both got some water and enjoyed our delicious food as we were so hungry from all of the practice and only having a few snacks on our breaks.

"Thanks for bringing me here Y/N, this is really nice of you" she said smiling while continuing to eat her food.
"No problem but don't give me all the credit it was your idea to go out and get some food!" we both giggled and continues eating. Ryujin and I both decided we would hang out for a while to get to know each other as we will practically be spending all of our time together considering we are in the same k-pop group!
I began getting that feeling again, she makes me feel so happy in such a short period amount of time.

We drove to a park after eating our food to get some ice cream and walk around while talking.
"so Y/N what made you want to become an idol?" She asked me while eating her
"I don't know its just been a huge dream of mine since I was little watching all of these people become famous, and make incredible friendships, and relationships with their fans, it just made me so happy that I began training to be one!"

She looked at me with a smile and said "you have big dreams Y/N." I turned my face and blushed a little. To not make things awkward I asked her what her reason for becoming a k-pop idol was. "Kinda the same thing as you I always dreamed about being up on a stage singing and dancing, just living my life you know?"
Yep I tdid know I also knew how hard I was falling for her, it getting stronger by the second.

It was getting dark so we started heading to Ryujins home to drop her off for the night as we do have practice again tomorrow.
I walked her to her door to make sure she was safe before dropping her off as I was waving goodbye and turning around to leave I felt her tug on my arm a bit till the point I turned around. "wait please stay it's dark outside and I don't think you should be driving home like this." I smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked, she smiled and said "If I wasn't sure why would I be asking you dummy." We giggled and I felt Butterflies In my stomach. I was walking into her house when she gave me some spare clothes to change into and showed me to the bathroom so I could shower as she went to do the same.

When I finished showering I put on the clothes she gave me and walked out to ask her where I would sleep. She gave me a blanket and patted the bed she was laying on signaling for me to lay down here. I dropped down to the bed from how tired I was and she let out a chuckle, She told me goodnight and I did as well and she turned off the lamp.

Around 2:27 I was woken up from a bad dream accidentally waking up Ryujin as well. "Are you okay?" she asked me. She had a worried look on her face so I told her it was just a bad dream. She was comforting me until we laid back down and as I was falling asleep I felt her arms wrapped around me which made me smile. I scooted closer to her to the point we were face to face. "Goodnight" She said, And I said it back to her as well. and we fell asleep cuddling all night.


I hope you enjoyed that it was my first fan fiction writing!
I'll update this as much as I can <3
word count - 1371

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