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It was early in the morning and Y/N was still sleeping. I laid still on my phone not wanting to wake her from her slumber.

About an hour passed and I felt her shift beside me clinging on to me as she looked at me with her soft brown eyes.

"Good morning baby" I said to her smiling at her lovingly kissing the crown of her head.
"Good morning my love" she said to me giggling as I kissed her.

It wasn't long before we got caught on each other. I hovered over her not breaking from the kiss.

We finally separated and she looked at me with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back a her as I planted a few kisses on her face and hugged her tightly

"Hi beautiful" I said to her and felt her smile against the crook of my neck.
"Hello my baby" I smiled brightly at her as I kissed her again.

"Ryujin..I love you a lot" she said still a bit sleepy. I kept kissing her I could never get tired of giving love to my girl.

"Are you still tired baby? Let's sleep a little while longer and I'll treat you to some breakfast when we wake up." I said to her cheerfully.
"I love the sound of that my love" she said as she closed her eyes again and snuggled closer to me.

"Get some rest sweet girl, I love you so much. Let me know if you need anything baby." I said kissing her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her just a bit tired to ensure her I wasn't going anywhere.


Ahhh thank you for reading this and sorry it's a bit short but I hope you enjoyed!!!
Should I make a part 2 btw??

Words - 306

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