Looking at pictures of your baby

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before i start this i just wanna say this was inspired by a chapter on chaeryeong imagines by gayforddlovato !!!


"Y/n, Ryujin!! It's so great to see you both here!" Your nurse said before leading you to the ultrasound room. "Feels great to be here I can't wait to see pictures of my baby!" You said happily smiling from ear to ear.

You and Ryujin went into the room and the nurse prepared everything by putting the translucent gel on your stomach which had a slight bump. "Oh wow.." The nurse said with a shocked face. "What is it?" Ryujin asked worriedly.

"Well you see I'm not seeing only one baby in here...There's two!" You and Ryujin were shocked and suddenly you were sobbing tears of happiness. "Baby it's happening except not with one but two!!" Ryujin said excitedly through tears.

"I've never been happier Ryu.." You said as you both continued to shed some tears.
"Can we get pictures? A lot of them..." You said continuing to cry of happiness as you wiped your eyes but that did no good because tears continued to fall from your eyes. "Of course you can" the nurse said as she chuckled a bit.

She left the room and you noticed Ryujin looking at you lovingly. "I'm so happy to be having a family with you." She said and a tear fell from her eye. "I am too..This is all i've ever wanted with you Ryu." You said to her and she kissed you so lovingly.

When she pulled away you couldn't help but look at her in happiness. All you have ever wanted was to have a family with this girl. The love of your life, the one who has always been with you and finally it was all falling together in place.

"Ryujinnie" you said catching her attention. "Yes darling?" She responded and looked at you with love in her eyes. "I love you." You said to her and caressed her cheek. "I love you too baby" she said and pecked your lips softly with love.


Words - 409

SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS SUPER BUSY WITH SCHOOL!!! i'll be trying to update more frequently in a bit after my last test! I will maybe be updating a lot this week since i'm on spring break hehe.. I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho thank you for being patient. ❤️

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