You get into a fight

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"I can't believe you Ryujin." You said cleaning up the table.

"I told you, she's just a friend! I don't understand why you're being like this." She said walking over to the couch.

"Just a friend? You were flirting with each other, right in front of me too!" You said as you walked to the sink.

"It was a joke Y/n! Get a grip!" She said rolling her eyes and walking over to the counter.

You turned to leave to go to your room until what she said next made you stop in your tracks.

"I hate you Y/n. You never let e do anything without getting mad." She said.

She quickly realized what she had said and her heart dropped.

"Y/n I-I'm sorry..." She said walking up to you.

When you turned around her heart broke.

"You didn't mean that...right?" You said as your breath hitched and your eyes filled with tears.

"No of course I didn't honey...I-I'm sorry I don't know why I said that." She said as tears fell out her eyes.

"I need to be alone. I'm sorry." You said and walked upstairs to your bedroom and locked the door before laying in bed.

That night ryujin laid awake on the couch wondering how she could make things better.

Should I do a part 2? Lmk! :)
Sorry this is a bit short! You guys will be getting a somewhat long chapter on "Let me kiss you again, sober"

Words - 251

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