2 Holiday

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"Lena! Get here you little shit!"

Seungcheol comes running down the porch, wraps his arms around his sister and picks her up like she weights nothing, making her squeak and hugging him back.

I lift my head and notice my big brother (big brother as in age, not in seize) calmly walking towards us. We point at each other with finger guns and do our secret handshake before finally hugging as well.

"Glad to see you again, sis," he speaks as he pats my back.

"Bro what kind of villa is this?" is my response.

Jihoon hisses as he breathes in and comes standing next to me, crossing his arms. "Well, you need some space when you're living together with twelve crazy hyper active creatures."

"Hey, I heard that," Seungcheol shouts and ruffles Jihoon's hair. Then he pats my shoulder. "We've already met through video call, but anyways; Hi, I'm Seungcheol, nice to meet you."

"Can you guys hurry up, please?" Minghao whines.

I turn my head and see him and Junhui holding our luggage.

"I'll get that," I say as I stick out my hand to take over my suitcase and bag from Minghao. "Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome," he says. "Now let's go inside. I promised Seungkwan I'd help him cook diner tonight."

"Yeah, he'll probably need some help, let's go," Jihoon says as he guides us to the front door.

When we enter the house, nine guys were waiting for us to launch their party poppers and shout: "WELCOME!" Both Selena and I scream and almost fall down, but Seungcheol and Junhui were fast enough to catch us. When we have recovered from the shock, we look at the smiling boys standing in front of us.

"Welcome to our home," one of them says in English. I recognize him as Joshua and I confirm my thoughts when I notice Selena blushing as he speaks to us. Next to Wonwoo, she also has the hots for the member from LA, and I don't blame her. He looks insanely good with that dirty blond hair of his.

All nine of the bandmembers introduce themselves to us, and so I can finally match their names to their faces, Joshua, Hansol, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Chan and Soonyoung. And of course our drivers Minghao and Junhui and Selena's brother Seungcheol and my brother Jihoon.

After the introductions, Jihoon and Seungcheol guide Selena and me upstairs, to the bedrooms. We're both sharing a room with our brother for the few weeks we're staying, so I unpack my suitcase in Jihoon's room as Selena does the same in Seungcheol's room.

"How was the flight?" my brother asks.

I frown. "Awful, as always."

"Well, that's what you get when you leave South Korea, sis."

"Bro, shut up," I chuckle as I throw a pair of socks I'd just unpacked at him.

He catches it and throws them extra hard back at me. I stick out my tongue after it lands via my head in my lap.

"Sis," he then says.

I look at him. He is playing with a ring on this pinky while looking down. He then looks me in the eyes and I can see the playful mood is gone.

"I really missed you, I mean that."

"I've missed you too," I say as I walk towards him and embrace him.

He is standing on his toes as he wraps his arms around me. In my head, I imagine that we are the ultimate example of the younger sibling always being taller than the older sibling. I still don't get how our genetics decided that I'm 6'1 and he is only 5'4. But it is what it is and I get to tease him a lot with it.

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