5 Don Quixote

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"No no no," Jihoon says. "I do not trust my sister's life in a car you're driving."

"Ah, come on," Mingyu mutters.

"Bunch of toddlers," I whisper in between my teeth as I sit down in the drivers seat.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Jihoon speaks to me.

"Since you guys keep bickering over who should be driving this car, I thought I'd make it easier for you and decided I'll be driving," I tell him.

"Do you even have a driver's license?"


My brother looks at me and I raise my eyebrows. "Are you getting in or what?"

"Fine, just don't get us killed," he states.


"Soonyoung, you little fucker!" Mingyu shouts.

Soonyoung giggles and sits down in the passenger seat. My brother shakes his head as he and Mingyu both sit down in the backseats.

As the three other cars are already moving, I'm still on my phone, which frustrates the boys.

"What are you waiting for? We're gonna be late," Jihoon complains.

I shush him and place a bluetooth speaker on the desktop, from which the intro of Blackpink's Ddu Du Ddu Du starts playing, making my brother groan. I sigh and put on my sunglasses. "Very nice you guys have only Seventeen songs in your cars. But at the studio's I already have to listen to it, so we're listening to my playlist now."

"You are not required to come with us," Jihoon says.

"And you were not required to invite me over for the holidays. Now, are we ready?" I snarl, sounding meaner than I intended.

"We're really going to be late, though," Mingyu says quietly behind me.

I roll my eyes, release the clutch and press the accelerator with my right foot. And as soon as we pass the first traffic lights, I push it way further than the law allows me.

"Do you want a fine or something?" Soonyoung says as he holds on tight to his seat.

"Do you want to be late?"

"Oh, we are so going to die..." Jihoon sighs, making me grin and speed up even more.

On the highway, I switch towards the left lane and it doesn't take long before I've passed Joshua's bright red Lamborghini. It is my mission is to be the first car that arrives at the studios. Because that's where we're heading: the rehearsals of a big K-Pop live show in which Seventeen participates and will be held tomorrow night. The rest of the guys agreed on Soonyoung's suggestion to let me and Selena watch their final rehearsals today.

"Isn't that Jeonghan's car?" Mingyu suddenly says.

I peek at the gleaming white Tesla diagonally in front of me on the road. "Please wave when we pass them."

And so Mingyu and Soonyoung enthusiastically do. My brother just keeps shaking his head in disappointment. "I'll never let her drive again."

"Wait, wasn't Selena supposed to be in Jeonghan's car?" I ask when I don't see my girl as I quickly look in my rearview mirror at the car that is now behind us.

"No, she last minute switched to Wonwoo's car," Soonyoung answers.

"Hmm, speaking of which, he's driving over there," I say and I press down the accelerator a little bit more.

And there she is, in the passenger's seat, where she always sits because otherwise she will get carsick, and she is passionately chatting with her driver. When she notices me, she gives me the look girls give each other when they're with a nice guy, and I wink at her before passing the car. Mission accomplished, we're gonna be there first.

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