6 24h

17 0 1

The rest of that afternoon, evening and night, I spend to learn the choreography to Seventeen's 24h. At first, I watched a choreography video together with Soonyoung, and then we started going through it together. Junhui was also there to help me with the placements since I was supposed to take his place.

Soonyoung had also offered to finish the Fear choreo with me, so I could do Junhui's part in that one as well. But I told him that that would be a little bit too much for now, and after seeing how much effort it took me to learn 24h, I probably had made the right decision.

As soon as I get my placements right, I start to rehearse the choreo with the rest of the band members and just try to follow what they are doing, which seems like a surprisingly good method. And after the song is over, I ask them about the steps I'd missed. After that, we just repeat the choreo again, and again, and again, and again.

Around 11 PM, most of the guys leave for bed, except for the performance unit: Soonyoung, Chan, Minghao and Junhui. I tell Junhui he should probably go to bed as well, but he insists to stay in the plastic chair we'd put him in to keep on mentally supporting me.

By the time of midnight, they'd taught me every step, so now it is up to me to memorize and optimize them, and especially work on my timing so that we'll all be in sync at the performance.

"Ughhhhh!!!" I exclaim when I get another movement wrong for the 20th time in a row. I collapse on the floor and close my eyes.

"Guys, Blair is offline," Junhui says, making me laugh.

I hear the door of the practice room open up and someone walking in. "Do you guys want a midnight snack?" It is Selena and when I look up, I notice that she has a bowl filled with French fries in her hands.

"Fuck yeah, gimme!" I sprint towards her and grab a handful of fries, not caring about my hands getting dirty.

"How is it going?" Selena asks.

Chan takes a deep breath and brushes with his hand through his hair. "She's getting there."

I shake my head as I swallow. "I'm so done. I can't hear that crappy song anymore!"

"Don't tell Jihoon you said that," Soonyoung chuckles.

"Maybe you should get some sleep," Chan brings in.

I shake my head. "Nah, I prefer doing something else for a second to get my brain at ease, and then get back on practicing. I really want the performance to go well tomorrow."

Selena tilts her head as she looks at me. "Care for Bboom Bboom?"

And so the two of us put on Momoland's Bboom Bboom and dance to the song as if our life depends on it. Chan has taken over the bowl of fries and he and Minghao both sit down on the floor next to Junhui to watch us.

Just dancing to something else releases a lot of stress from me and I'm pouting in sadness the second the song is over, but ready to continue rehearsing what needs to be rehearsed and so I get back in position.

"Are you sure you will be okay? We don't want to put too much pressure on you," Chan asks me with a worried look on his face.

When I nod at him, he says: "Do whatever feels best for you, but don't mind me going to bed."

I look at the clock on the wall, which tells me it's almost 1 in the morning, look back at him and I notice his drowsy eyes. "Yeah, I get that. Sleep well."

Soonyoung, Junhui and Selena join him and we all hug goodnight. Then it's only me and Minghao in the room.

"Let's go?" I look at him as I straighten my shoulders.

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