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Selena's POV:

There is a knock on the sliding glass door that leads to the backyard and when I look up, I notice Mingyu who is not able to open the door because he is carrying a passed out Blair bridal style.

"What the...?" Jihoon says in between his teeth as he aggressively stands up to open up the door.

And as soon as he does, Mingyu starts rambling: "I don't know what happened. We were just chatting and suddenly she just... I couldn't get her to wake up!"

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER?!" Jihoon yells, making Mingyu starting to tear up.

I sigh. "Relax, this happens all the time."

Now thirteen sets of eyes are all fixed on me.

"When she is drunk and sits down, she can fall asleep so deeply, you just cannot wake her up. It happens sometimes," I explain.

"Are you sure?" Chan asks.

"Yeah, just put her down somewhere and maybe she'll join us later on after all," I say.

The guys don't seem to be that comfortable with just putting her down and Mingyu decides he'll bring her to her bed.

As he takes her upstairs, I stand up and dance to Joshua and Jeonghan who continue their unique version of Back It Up. Due to the energy boost I got from all those alcoholic drinks, I just can't stand still and come standing next to them. Joshua hands me his microphone and lets me rap a piece of the song. I mess up really bad, but none the less the guys clap for me and I bow before running back to the couch.

When Double J is done (that's what I call them from now on as a duo), I want to sing another song. As I'm scrolling through the songs on the machine, I notice someone standing behind me and also grabbing a microphone.

"So, what are we singing?" It is my brother.

As an answer, I do the choreo from the chorus. Luckily, he recognizes it immediately and starts smiling. "Of course."

"What? What song?" Junhui asks.

I dramatically press the play button on the karaoke machine and glance at him, noticing him rolling his eyes at us as Seungcheol and I start whispering the intro of The Feels from Twice into our microphones.

Seungkwan squeaks and comes standing next to us without a microphone and dances to the choreo as if he is Twice's 10th member.

Before I look back at the screen, I glance at someone else. Someone who has taken my breath away ever since he introduced himself to me. He is already looking at me as our eyes meet and even winks. I quickly turn back around to continue my karaoke session with Seungcheol before I lose my concentration.

"I'm so curious 'bout you boy..." And I mean that.

Mingyu's POV:

I carefully place Blair down on her bed in Jihoon's room, the bed with the purple sheets. She looks so peaceful as she is asleep, but it feels wrong to just leave her here all by herself when we're all having fun downstairs. And I'm still recovering from what just happened.

She had been outside for over fifteen minutes, so I decided I would check up on her, since she didn't feel alright when she walked out. When I looked around in the backyard, I found her sitting on the swing. She fell off as soon as I spoke her name, I probably scared her. She landed on her belly and turned around, leaning on her elbows.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that," I said.

She shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'm just really clumsy."

That Summer Break With My Brother's BandDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora