3 Jam Jam

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It has been two days since Selena and I have arrived at the Seventeen villa. The first night, the guys left for their talkshow gig, and the next day they were also busy jamming some music while Selena and I discovered the arcade hall downstairs. And that night after diner, we also watched a movie in the small movie theatre located in the basement of the villa together with Jihoon, Seungcheol, Seokmin, Junhui and Mingyu. We watched Twilight, as one should, and Selena and I reenacted most of the awkward Bella and Edward scenes, which made the guys laugh and tell us that we should start an acting career. Although we'd just met most of the band members, it already feel really amiable spending time with them at the villa.

As we are having diner all together on the third evening, Chan starts pouring in some alcoholic drinks. He looks at Jihoon before he is about to poor some into my glass. "Is she allowed to drink?" He asks.

"Bitch, please," I say as I grab the bottle of whatever liquid out of Chan's hands to pour it into my glass, and then refill Selena with the same drink.

The guys stare at us and then at Jihoon, who shrugs. "She's 20 years old, she can make her own stupid decisions."

Seungcheol purses his lips and then nods at Selena, agreeing as well.

And with that I smile and take a huge sip.

After some chatting, it is time to do the dishes. Wonwoo stands up and gathers the empty bowls and plates and I offer to help him.

"Do you enjoy your staying so far?" he asks as he starts to dry the bowl I'd just washed off with a dish towel.

"Hmmm... let me think," I say as I rub my chin, pretending to find this an extremely hard question to answer. "I'm staying in a huge ass villa with a pool, arcade, movie theatre, thirteen famous artists and whatever-cool-things-I-haven't-discovered-yet. Nah, I'm not really feeling it," I say in a cynical tone.

Wonwoo chuckles quietly.

In peace and quiet, we continue our dishes, when we're suddenly interrupted by Selena's voice coming from some speakers in another room nearby the kitchen, followed by the tune of Twice's Dance The Night Away.

I frown and look at Wonwoo.

"I guess she has found our karaoke machine," he says as he takes the plate I just handed him.

"You guys have a karaoke machine?" I exclaim.

He nods.

"Dry faster, Wonwoo! I wanna join them!"

And so, after we're done with the dishes, we both enter the karaoke room where currently Seungkwan and Seokmin are performing Nu'est's Inside Out.

Minghao walks up to me and Wonwoo and hands both of us a Bacardi-Cola mix, which I take a huge sip of.

"Blair!" someone shouts from the other side of the room and I look up. It is Chan. "Care for a duet?"

After taking another sip, I put down my drink and take the microphone he hands me. "Bring it on!"

He lets me choose the song on the karaoke machine, and I choose TXT's Blue Hour. It is such a mess with the alcohol already flowing through my body and the happy sounds of the song and me and Chan dramatically dancing as we are both singing extremely off-beat.


When I turn my head to look at my brother, he is laughing his ass off and shaking his head, making me go even more extra. While I'm taking a short breath-break and Chan sings solo, Soonyoung hands me a shot of tequila which I throw down my throat immediately before continuing the karaoke, ignoring my burning throat. And when the song is over, me and Chan both pose dramatically as the others clap for us.

"Now it is our turn," Seungkwan shouts and points at Hansol, who gives him a look making clear that he doesn't agree with him.

None the less, I hand him my microphone. He looks up at me and smiles, taking it in a slow movement. As he stands up, he doesn't break the eye contact until he is standing next to Seungkwan, who is already swiping through the songs. I can't resist biting my lip for a second due to the butterflies I feel in my stomach. Damn, that man is so hot. I bite my nails when I sit down next to Selena. She glances at me and I smilingly shake my head.

"What's going on?" Jeonghan whispers as Momoland's I'm So Hot blasts through the speakers, followed by Seungkwan's enthusiastic vocals.

Shit, he has seen our little eye contact.

Selena leans towards him and whispers something into his ear. His eyes widen.

"You're having the hots for Hansol?" he whispers a little bit too loud.

"Wait what?" Mingyu joins the conversation.

I roll my eyes and hide my face in my hands out of embarrassment.

"Wait, is there some tea going on here?" Minghao joins in.

"It's nothing," I hiss.

"Well..." Selena starts.

I raise my index finger. "You shut up, or I tell them you have a crush on Wonwoo and Joshua."

"Oooohhh," Jeonghan, Mingyu and Minghao seem to enjoy this a bit too much.

Selena is speechless, especially because Joshua just walked in with a tray filled with some alcoholic mixes.

"Over here, thank you," I shout as I enthusiastically wave at him, just to smirk at Selena.

"I think you've had a little bit too much already," Seungcheol says out of nowhere from the other side of the gigantic couch. Was he watching me? For how long has he been watching me?

I glance at him. "Excuse me, are you my father?"

"No, but..."

"Then you've got nothing to say about my drinking problems," I say as I take a huge sip of the mojito I've picked up from Joshua's tray.

"My God, Blair," Jihoon sighs.

I look at him, raising my eyebrows, which means I'm asking him where the fuck he got the audacity to judge drunk-me.

But then the alcohol hits my stomach. Well, Joshua definitely wasn't shy while pouring the rum. I set up big eyes as I stare at the beige colored rug that is placed between the couch and the karaoke machine. Wow, is the rug floating? It kinda looks like it lays on top of water, although I'm pretty sure this flooring is made of wood, or something like that. But it waves... The flooring looks like it's waving. Wait, is it weird to have thoughts like this? Haha, I guess I'm drunk. Fuck, I'm about to throw up, I think...

"Are you okay?" Selena asks me.

"I... I need some air," I say and I decline the offers from her and Jihoon to come with me.

Until I reach the backyard, the nauseous feeling keeps getting worse with the second. With a lot of effort, I open up the sliding glass door and step outside. I lean over with my hands on my knees as I inhale the fresh oxygen. My head is spinning and so is my stomach. Most of the times I know my limit, but now it overwhelms me a little.

I sigh deeply and I straighten my back, noticing a swing in the distance and decide to walk towards it. When I've reached it, I sit down and close my eyes, just to open them again to look at the stars and wander off in my own thoughts. I can't help it, the stars are so pretty and my thoughts are all over the place. These are the moments my fantasy starts running wild. I come up with a story about a boy and a girl, romantically sitting on a beach bench while watching the starts together.

It is a love story, where their love is forbidden. She is from a rich family and destined to marry another rich douchebag, while he is a poor farmer boy, trying his best to earn his family some money. Cliché, I know. As a writer, I should come up with something more exciting than this, but I just happen to adore clichés.

I have no idea how much time has passed when I get scared by someone saying my name. Outbalanced, I fall off the swing and land on my belly.

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