Chapter 12

176 13 3

Third Person
'Uh alright, give us one Logan' Thomas replied hesitantly, 'but don't make it to hard'
'That's what she said'
'Shut up Roman'.

Logan took a breathe and plastered a look of concentration on his face,
'Alright I got it' he said looking back up at the rest of his friends, 'I... have abs, I've got blue eyes, and I've never been in love'
Patton met Logan's eyes, 'you made it to hard Logan'
'That's what-'
'His eyes are brown.' Virgil cut in, the room went silent for a few seconds.
'You've never been in love??????????' Shouted Roman drastically
'You have abs????????' Shouted Thomas at the same volume.
'Yessir' replied Logan as he posed as the thottiest thot to ever thot. He then twirled on the spot, flicked his hair back to reveal for sharp, mysterious hairline, and winked at Roman who squeaked as a response.
'You all just got destroyed 3000' Logan pouted,
'Later losers' he then strutted of into the horizon.

I have no idea what I'm doing I started this when I was quite young and my writing skills and general direction of the plot was so bad TwT. Just give me a bit I promise I'll make it serious again and don't be made if the plot starts going in a different direction 🤷
So so sorry, and I can start a new one if you want I feel quite embarrassed actually- yeah idk see ya

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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