Chapter 10

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Third person
'Excuse me?' Asked Logan, confused
'I said I don't like you, piss off' replied Jealousy
'Well for your information jealousy, I only just got here and I don't really know what I'm doing here so maybe try and be more nicer to new arrivals and not be such a jerk, capeesh?' Responded Logan,
'Yaaaaaaasss preach iiitttttt-'
'Shut up Remus'
'Sorry Janus~~'

Remus POV
Wtf is Logan even doing here, I mean, he's a light side so he shouldn't have anything wrong with him right? Well either way, I'm glad he's here. He's, like, hella hot

Third person
Jealousy shut his mouth and turned away from Logan.
'So what brings you here?' Asks rage,
'Well I've been a bit all over the place lately and can't think straight which defiantly isn't normal for Logic'
'Ah I see'
'What about you' asks Logan
'Well when a side hasn't been fully discovered yet, they either wait down here and send hints that they do exist, or they can make a random appearance and scare the shit out of their host(Thomas)' rage gestured his head towards Remus and Janus, 'like they did'.
'So you, jealousy and Honesty haven't been recognised yet?'

Everyone was silent for a moment until Remy appeared out of absolutely no where.

'Sleep?!' Exclaimed Logan,
'Oh, what's up blue whatcha doin here'
'I don't know'
'What are you doing here'
'Remy likes to pop out of no where and annoy us all' replied Honesty,
'It's what I do best babe'
'Whatever' mumbles Honesty, crossing his arms and slouching over.
'Nah but I do have an actual reason for being here' said Remy after taking a long sip of his Starbucks, 'I'm takin you home blue, Thomas needs you'.
'Oh, ok then' said Logan, standing up 'i guess I'll see you guys later?'
'Byyeeee' exclaimed Rage and Remus at the same time, the others just mumbled what sounded like a 'bye'

Logan walked over to Remy and looked down at his coffee Starbucks,
'Dyou want some?' Asked Remy with a smirk,
'Yes' replied Logan as he grabbed it and put the straw to his lips.
'Fair enough' said Remy and then he sunk them both out.

Heh, I'm so lost, I don't know what to do next I'm literally making this story up as I write it, WHAT DO I DO.

Logan Angst- Sander SidesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt