Chapter 6

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Third person
After Patton had left, Emile turned to Logan,
'So Logan...' Logan straightened up and looked at the doctor,
'Was what you said to me before true?'
'About being fine?'
Logan glances around the room,
'Well... no, not really'
Dr. Picani got up and walked around his desk to Logan and sat down on the couch,
'Do you want to tell me what's been happening?'
Logan looked down at his hands that were in his lap,
'Um, ok...' Logan sighed,
'After I came back from the hospital I didn't feel myself, I felt as though all that is my purpose for Thomas was suddenly unimportant, I- I can't focus on things as much as I used to, and nobody cares?'
'Logan...' Emile started 'Logan Cant you see that they are trying to figure out what's wrong?'
'They- they are? I guess I've just been to caught up in my own thoughts lately...'
'It's ok, but there is something that I might be able to do to help'
Logan quickly looked at Emile,
'What? What is it?!'
The doctor laughed,
'I'll have to show you in our next session'
Logan sighed but nodded, Emile spoke again,
'But for now, why don't we learn a bit about each other'
'Yeah, I guess' Logan agreed. Emile walked back around to his desk and pulled out a chess board and pieces.
'I heard from Virgil that you were quite the competitor for chess ey?' Emile said as he began to set it all up,
'Yeah I guess' Logan moved towards the edge of the couch so he was closer to the desk.
'Well then... let's play!'

Emile and Logan played some chess with Emile winning the first and second round, but Logan winning quite quickly on the last one; then they talked about there friends and hobbies until Patton knocked on the door,
'You may come in Patton!' Called Emile,
Patton walked into the room,
'So how was it Logie?'
'It was really good, yeah'
'Well that's good to hear. D'you want to head home now?'
'Yeah sure'
Logan got up and walked to the door, stopping  In front of Patton in the entrance. He turned and looked at the doctor,
'So, is this time next week ok?'
'Yeah of course Logan! I'll see you then'
And with that Patton and Logan walked down the stairs and into the art shop,
'Hold on' Logan said, tugging on Patton's arm,
'Isn't it Roman's birthday soon?' He asked the shorter man,
'Oh, yes! Yes it is!'
'Ok wait a minute', Logan went over to the paints and grabbed a few red, gold, and browns, he then paid for then at the counter and Patton and Logan walked out of the store.

'Hey Patton?' Logan asked, they were still walking home,
'Thank you'
'For what Logie'
'For taking me there, it really helped me'
'Oh! Of course! Your welcome, just doing what a loving dad does, hey?'
Logan laughed,
'Yeah... you sure do'

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