Chapter 8

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Third person
Dr Picani handed Logan a small card.
'A card? Seriously? That was a build up for nothing' Logan states after taking the card.
The Dr laughed uncomfortably,
'No you see, it's an address to a special place which I think you should go to!' He said, walking over to sit next to Logan.
'A special place?'
'What is it? What do you do there?'
'Well, it's a place for people's "sides" that haven't been fully figured out or accepted'
'So that means that their are a few of Thomas's sides there as well. Some that haven't even been mentioned yet'
'Oh, so your saying you want me to go to a place with other sides who are potentially like me to figure my self out?'
'Yep! That's exactly what I'm saying, and I will always be here if you need to talk about anything'
Dr Picani stood up,
'I say you head there now, don't you think?'
'Now? Ok'
Logan stood up and walked to the door.
'Make the most out of it Logan, ok?' The Dr said, opening the door for the taller man.
'Ok I will'
And with that Logan left to his next destination.

Logan walked up to the big wooden doors.
So I guess this is it, he thought.
Logan opened the door and walked in, and I front of him were around 50-60 people talking in small groups. Logan looked to his right where a small desk was stationed and behind it sat a small plump lady with glasses on the tip of her nose.
'Um... excuse me?' Logan mumbled,
'Oh! Hello Logan!' Logan didn't even tell her his name though, how did she know?
'Dr Picani told me to come here...'
'Ah yes, I'll fill out the details for you. Now, the Sanders gang is just over there if you want to join them,' the lady pointed to the top left of the room, 'otherwise the Logical group is just over there' she then pointed to a small group of people standing beside the doors and talking.
'I see... well thank you very much' and with that Logan slowly made his way to the Sanders group, not knowing who would await there.

Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated this in like, 7000 years, but I'm trying to get back on track with this story. Do you still want me to keep going because I have another Logan angst in mind which would make more sense and I think is better, and I was just wondering if you guys would read it too (when I start... if I start)?
Sorry again for the late update, also if you have any questions about the direction of this story you can just ask in the comments and I'll probably answer.
That's all, bye

Logan Angst- Sander SidesWhere stories live. Discover now