Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- this is an au in which the sides can visit Thomas and interact but they also have another world where they can go places without Thomas's awareness. It's ok if you don't like this au, it's just one that I like the idea of because it gives me things to interpret into this story. Thanks! Also I sniffed a marker in school today so I got really high (not literally) after school, just some knowledge for y'all, ANYWAY enjoy 💕

Patton's POV
I had noticed how Logan had become more unfocused and that he didn't pay attention as much as he used to, so I decided to take him to a close friend of mine.
He seemed hesitant at first, but he eventually gave in.

~time skip~

Third person
Logan and Patton had arrived at a small art shop.
'Well, this is the place' exclaimed Patton,
'An... art shop?' Asked Logan
'No silly, we're going up stairs' said Patton, opening the door for Logan.
'Oh' sighed Logan as he walked through the doors, thanking Patton on the way through.
The pair looked around the small shop.
'Well I certainly hope it's bigger up stairs' said Logan as he made his was up the stair case, with Patton following.

The duo came to the door which opened before they could knock.
'AH! Patton! It's so good to see you again, do you how do?'
Patton smiles and giggled,
'I'm doing well thank you, and how are you doing these days Dr.?'
'Perfectly fine! Why, thank you for asking. Now, come in come in, I want to meet this new person!'
Patton walked in to room, with Logan following him and closing the door behind him.
They took a seat on the small couch, while the Dr. took a seat behind his desk.
'So, your name is Logan?' He asked,
'And what has been on your mind recently?'
'U-um nothing, just the normal, logical stuff' Logan stuttered.
'Hm, yes I see.' the Dr. turned to Patton,
'Patton, would you be oh so sweet and just leave us to talk for, I dunno, around 45 minutes?'
'Yes of course!' Patton got up and opened the door to leave,
'Take as much time as you need Dr. Picani'
'Thank you so much Patton, and please, call me Emile'
'Alright! Bye Emile, bye Logie, see you in a bit!' And Patton was gone.
'Bye Dad' Logan mumbled under his breathe,
'What was that?' Asked Emile,
'Oh? Nothing' Logan answered, knowing full well that the Dr. new exactly what he said.

Logan Angst- Sander SidesWhere stories live. Discover now