Chapter Twenty-Eight: Marinette

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Marinette couldn't help but gulp as she stared at the large room around her. One table was jet black, like it was carved from pure obsidian, the other silver (Keefe said he accidentally turned the table silver back when he was in this session). On a shelf on the far wall, there were random objects having turned to gold, silver, and other various metals. But in a dark corner, behind a pile of bronze books, she saw a dusty golden object, almost the size of a...

"Well, I see you're a curious one."

Marinette turned to see the Mentor Dex and Keefe kept stressing about this whole time.

Lady Galvin took a few steps closer to the teen.

"It's almost like Miss Foster when she nearly touched the alkaheist," she said.

"Alka–what?" Marinette wrinkled her nose in confusion, her brain immediately wishing she could take it back.

"Ugh, even as ignorant as Miss Foster," Lady Galvin rolled her eyes. "It's the universal solvent. It can and will dissolve anything it touches."

Marinette was still lost.

Lady Galvin sighed a little.

"Let's hope that you have more competence than the last one," she said. Marinette turned and saw that indeed, half the shelf was golden, no doubt part of when Adrien was last in here (she was guessing because she remembered Plagg talking about how he was accidentally gilding things in gold, including that piece of Camembert from that day).

She also noticed that the two tables were at least six feet apart from each other.

Talk about social distancing.

She gripped her strap tighter, trying not to freeze anything. Instead, she focused her eyes on the diamonds embedded in Lady Galvin's cape.

"I hope you don't do any damage to this," Lady Galvin said, stroking her fingers along one of the larger diamonds. "My emerald one was a victim to Miss Foster making a simple mistake."

Marinette gulped again, feeling small ice crystals form under her fingertips.

Breathe... breathe... deep breaths...

She felt the ice crystals recede.

She took more deep breaths, readying herself.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?

"Everything," Marinette sighed as she and Dex headed down to study hall.

"Please tell me you exploded the serum all over her cape," Dex said.

"I was too far away," she shrugged. "All I did was send a small bit of the slime flying halfway across the room and gave her a red welt in the middle of her forehead."

"Dude, I should've seen that!" Dex said. "But seriously, I still think Sophie destroying her emerald cape was more epic."

"Not as epic as the Great Gulon Incident," Keefe said, joining the duo. "Which, by the way, I had nothing to do with."

"Come on, prankster," Sophie said, dragging him forward. "You have a habit of cutting into conversations like these."

Marinette and Dex stared at where Sophie and Keefe had been.

"Those two sure have a weird relationship," she said, beginning to walk again.

"Not as weird as you."

Marinette and Dex slowly turned to see Stina standing right behind them.

"What do you want now?" Dex crossed his arms.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: The Second Moonlark (a KOTLC/MLB crossover)Where stories live. Discover now