Fight for their right

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Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. He supposed he looked good in the suit but he didn't feel comfortable. Still this wasn't for him it was for his friends.
Picking up the envelope with the details in he looked around the hotel room checking he'd packed everything then left the small hotel to get a bus into the main part of the city where he was supposed to have his meeting with the famous Jeon Jungkook.
Arriving ten minutes early he was directed to a waiting room, giving the receptionist one of his blinding smiles he politely asked if he could leave his case by her desk when he went in, dazzled by his smile she nodded.
Her desk phone rang and she nodded to Jimin, you can go in now Mr Park."
Thanking her he stepped to the door lightly knocking and entering when he heard a 'come in'.
The room was large sunshine pouring in through the windows making him blink.
"Let me lower the blinds"
A whirring noise came and blinds half covered the windows. Jimin turned towards the voice, gulping at the handsome man sitting there.
Regaining his composure he held out his hand,
"Park Jimin"
A strong large hand enveloped his sending little shocks down him.
"Jeon Jungkook, please sit."
Jungkook looked at the small male in front of him glad his desk was covering him as he felt like a hormonal teenager with a boner, the effect of the angelic looking male in front of him.
"So Mr Park I understand you have concerns about the hotel I want to develop?"
"Yes, I'm here on behalf of the town community, they know it is a seaside town but your development is all wrong ."
Jungkook was shocked at his bluntness.
"I assure you I have the best architects they have done many of my hotels."
"Your hotels are usually in larger towns suiting that environment , not like my hometown ."
"Can I ask why specifically you are here and not the council leader?"
"He doesn't like to travel he's old, he was friends with my father before he passed and I offered."
"Can I ask what you personally are getting from this? I had you looked up before you came here, I understand you have a beachside cafe, hardly qualifies you for this?"
"I don't need to be qualified to know that a swanky hotel like yours won't fit in there."
"But I want to build there,"
"Please rethink,"
"I don't need hassle from the residents ,"
"But I'll make sure you get it!"
"Come now, how much to settle this? I don't need all the drama, something towards the town funds?"
"How dare you!!"
"What come on now, we both know money buys everything."
"You have led a sad life if you think that, is that why you build high hotels so you can look out over the people from afar, do you have to pay to get friends?"
Jungkook stormed around the table grabbing Jimin by the wrist and pulling him up,
"you know nothing about me!!"
Jungkook stared into the others beautiful eyes, seeing anger and honesty there.
He rubbed his thumb over Jimins wrist smirking at the little moan he gave, before coughing as if to clear his throat.
"I-I have some aerial photos of the land you want to develop, if you look at surrounding buildings none of them are higher than three story, your building instead of being a landmark would be an eyesore , now the residents have no problem with you building just what you build, I-I drew up a little plan of what could go there I ...we just want you to take a look and get back to us before you insist on your design, even better look around the town yourself."
"Ok Mr Park I'll look but I can't promise anything ."
Jimin nodded putting the envelope down then glancing at his watch.
"Am I boring you?"
"Oh er no I have to catch the bus back."
"That's three hours away by car linger on the bus?, couldn't you catch a train?"
"Oh that would just be a waste of money, Erm so if we have finished I will go."
"Goodbye Mr Park."
Jimin nodded his goodbye and dashed from the room.
Jungkook told the receptionist to call for his car, he had no more appointments today and felt like taking time off.
He went down in the elevator out the front door and into his car.
Jimin struggled along with his case wishing he had longer legs, he walked by families sitting outside cafes enjoying the day, he suddenly saw a little girl chasing after a ball going into the road, her mother hadn't seen so Jimin yelled and then everything seemed like slow motion, he dropped his suitcase running to the girl hearing the mothers scream as he pushed her to safety only for him to be sent flying and landing with a thud.
His head was fuzzy his arm hurt, he could hear an authorative voice shouting not to move him before he blacked out.
He came to in a darkened room lying in a bed, he grimaced as he tried to sit up.
"Stay still you will hurt yourself"
Jimin turned his head to the dark side of the room jumping as a figure stepped forward.
"Mr Jeon?"
"Er um Jungkook why am I here wherever it is?"
"Because you wanted to be a god damn hero!"
Images of the little girl flashed across his brain.
"There was a little girl is she ok?"
"Just scrapped knees where you pushed her out of the way before that car hit you."
"It wasn't the drivers fault I hope he wasn't blamed."
"Are you for real! I thought you were dead, we were behind in traffic and saw it all."
"But it wasn't their fault they wouldn't have seen the little girl she ran out."
"Yer because her god damn mother didn't keep an eye on her!"
"Why are you so angry?"
"Because I've never seen anyone nearly get killed before!!!"
Jimin shut up and glanced down at himself, his left arm was in plaster but he didn't look too bad.
"It's ok just a broken arm," he smiled.
"And a sprained ankle and cuts and grazes on your face and the bang on your head that made you unconscious for three days til now, I need to call the doctor."
He went from the room, three days Jimin gasped they would be worried about him at home his friends knew when he was due back.
The doctor bustled in turning the lights on making Jimin blink.
"Ah Mr Park nice to see you awake, I've done scans no permanent damage, "he flicked a light into Jimins eyes." So I can discharge you today but you will need to take care, Your plaster will be on for six weeks then probably physio your abrasions will heal , I don't want you putting weight on that ankle yet but I'm not sure how you'll cope as you can't use crutches with a broken arm."
"I'll be ok," he whispered to the doctor but Jungkook heard,"c-can I pay my bill in instalments?"
Jimin was worried scans and doctors cost a lot and also this room seemed more than a normal one.
"But Mr Park, your bill has already been paid by Mr Jeon."
He left the two males in the room, Jimin was the first to speak,"I um wasn't expecting this I will of course pay you back"
"It's nothing to me forget it,"
"I can't do that, I don't know you!"
"So, I know things about you,"
"Just because you had someone look me up!"
"No, I know you cry in your sleep and that you have nightmares about something, that you like to cuddle and you moan when you do it," Jungkook smirked .
"I've been here every night, you were crying and I tried to stop you but you grabbed me and wouldn't let me go so I slept on the bed too and you cuddled me."
He omitted to say how horny he'd felt next to the small males body .
"Hmm , I need to contact my friends let them know I'll be back on the bus today , they must be worried."
"I've already contacted your fathers friend and no way are you travelling on a bus today."
"But I have to ,"
"Nope you won't manage, your coming back to mine."
"I am not I'll manage fine!"
As if to prove a point he threw the bedclothes off and went to stand up nearly falling to the ground when the pain from his bandaged ankle shot up his leg, luckily strong arms caught him.
"You are so annoying why don't you listen."
"Did you listen to me when I came to your office ," Jimin angrily said.
"Actually yes, so maybe we can talk some more at my home about it?"
Jimin was shocked he hadn't expected this but he nodded.
"I need to dress ," he looked around for his clothes seeing only a battered suitcase, he sighed "can you please pass me that I'm sure my sweats and hoodie will be ok that I wore here on the bus."
"No your cologne bottle smashed inside everything was soaked , here's your wallet ,take these"
He handed Jimin a bag inside were three t shirts two sweatpants and two hoodies and brand new underwear also some trainers in Jimins size .
"I can't accept all this, I feel beholden to you as it is, this is too much,"
"So you gonna wear this hospital gown outside? Nice ass by the way."
Jimin gasped realising he was showing off his back view through the gowns opening.
"You pervert," he blushed.
"Just admiring a work of art, now then before you get all prissy let me help you dress you can't do it one handed, sit on the bed.
Jimin didn't dare argue, Jungkook got the boxers pulling them up slowly ," wait I'll pull them up further let me stand on one leg,"
Jungkook frowned but let the boy stand on his good leg turned away from Jungkook as he struggled to pull them up one handed.
"Oh for gods sake," Jungkook reached down pulling them up in a swift movement , he then lifted Jimin onto the bed getting a pair of sweats and putting them on the boy. He undid the gown secretly admiring the body in front of him then carefully putting Jimins plastered arm through the t shirt before pulling the rest on ,the same with the hoodie.
Jimin had to admit he felt exhausted just doing that.
"No point putting shoes on you're not walking,"
He rang someone on his phone saying " fifteen minutes."
He then went outside bringing back a porter with a wheelchair swinging Jimin up as if he weighed nothing.
"Do you want the case, believe me it's all ruined I checked and made sure there's nothing personal , it just left your wallet oh and this watch but the glass is broken,your suit was cut off after the accident and your phone broken ."
Jimin sighed, he'd have to wait a while before he had enough money for a new one.
"No I don't need the case,but thank you for saving the watch it was my fathers,"he said quietly.
Jungkook nodded picking up the bag with Jimins new clothes and they all left the room.
The porter took them outside to where Jungkooks driver was standing with a door open, he was lifted up again and placed in the car Jungkook clipping his seatbelt securely before going around to the other side and getting in.
Jimin watched out the window as scenery sped by then leaned back his eyes closing tiredly, before long he was sound asleep snuggled against Jungkooks chest after he'd put an arm around him to stop him falling.
Jungkook looked down at the small face those thick pouty lips begging to be kissed, life was about to get interesting he thought.

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