Jealous mind

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Jimin woke up to find a large hand under his top and a leg swung over him with a very obvious arousel poking against him.
He knew Jungkook was still asleep from his breathing, for a while he lay there enjoying the comfort then he tried moving to get up but the hand on his stomach held him.
"I should get up, I heard V go out ages ago."
"Is that so?"
The next minute Jimin was on his back Jungkook hovering over him.
A pair of lips settled on his, his mouth opening when Jungkook nibbled on his bottom lip, his mouth being explored by the other, his own arousel building.
Jungkook pushed Jimins shirt up kissing and marking his chest, enjoying Jimins moans.
"Kookie...,we shouldn't "
"Oh we should, I've missed this, let me pleasure you."
Jimin nodded letting Jungkook undress him. He was now completely hard, Jungkook slid down his mouth encompassing Jimin at the same time he pressed a finger into Jimin.
"You can take it baby I know you like it rough"
Jimin thrust into Jungkooks mouth completely turned on by the feeling of being sucked and fingered especially when Jungkook touched that spot.
"Oh fuck, more, Kookie I want more."
"Needy baby? How about I fuck you hard?"
He lubed himself up and pushed in Jimin gasping at the intrusion.
"Wait let me adjust....."
"Your heat around me feels so good, I can't wait til your hand is free from that cast and you can touch me properly...,can I move now?"
Jimin nodded grunting when Jungkook hit his prostrate again and again.
"Your so tight you make me so hard"
"Kookie...ah, I'm gonna cum aaagh!!!"
Jungkook carried on thrusting sending Jimins senses overboard.
" a little bit more....aaaaagh!!"
Jungkook flopped onto the bed bringing Jimin carefully over him.
"Sex with you is so good Jimin," he groaned.
Jimin tried to smile, he knew for him it wasn't just sex, he loved this man but knew he wasn't ready to hear something like that and after all what did he have to offer anyone?
"I better shower and get to V,"
"How long you here for what about your other businesses?"
"I can work from anywhere but V and I will travel back to Seoul so he can finish the design off that will be in a few days, but I've rented this place for months , once the design has passed I want to be here on the job."
"Oh ok, I'll start looking around for somewhere get out of your hair."
"You'll stay right where you are, V will be back later wants your input and if we have to go to Seoul we will be back in a few days, I want you involved in this Jimin."
"Oh ok..., let's see how it goes,"
"Will you be able to sleep on your own if I'm not here?"
"I'll have to learn to won't I , it was probably just tiredness."
"Hmmm if you say so, right I'll shower and go help yourself to food ok."
Jimin curled back into the blanket listening to the shower it's rhythmic noise lulling him to sleep.
Jungkook coming out glanced at the sleeping boy wishing he could climb right back in there, why did he feel so attached to him, shaking his head he left the room.
Jimin woke up an hour later showered and dressed before making himself some breakfast. Once he ate it he wandered around wondering what to do. He found a book and opened it curling up on a seat and becoming engrossed in it.

"Jimins place is a real mess, I'm glad we spoke with the mayor yesterday about getting it all cleared off"
"Poor Jimin, I think he must have been really scared stuck in there."
Jungkook and V were on the beach by Jimins place, a clear up crew and waste lorries demolishing and taking away everything there, Jimin would have had to endure the cost as he wasn't insured fully but Jungkook didn't want him to worry and had arranged it all, so now there was just a Smokey concrete base left, Jungkook had told the councillor he would get it dug up and fresh sand laid once his hotel started nearby.
"I was thinking, instead of digging it up as there are water outlets couldn't we build beach showers here, people from the hotel could use them to wash sand off."
"V your amazing, this land is still Jimins although a small plot he could either be bought out by us or we pay him a fee, I'll talk to the councillor."
"Not just a pretty face," V smiled.
Two hours later and they were both back an amazing aroma coming from the kitchen. Jimin was there humming along looking happy.
"Hey Jimin, what's brought all this on?"
"Oh, V I wanted to earn my keep so I just made a few things eat up."
They all sat down Jimin waiting anxiously while they tasted it then smiling at their praise.
The two explained about the shower idea which the councilman had passed.
"Oh that's fine you can have it."
"I'll either buy it from you or we come to an agreement."
"You've done enough for me so have it."
"No it's one or the other."
"Well there is something I want."
"Sure what is it?"
"A phone."
"You just want a phone for a plot of land."
"Take it or leave it," Jimin said smiling.
V laughed at Jungkooks disgruntled look.
"So Jimin can you spare an hour after this?"
"Sure I have to go out at seven thirty though."
"What do you mean your going out?"
"Yoongi came and asked if I could sing at the bar tonight and I said yes."
"Can I come?" V asked
"It's a bar anyone can go, now let me wash up and I'll be right with you."
"You two go ahead I'll clear up."
V and Jimin sat together discussing the project, V pointing out things that may not be viable in Jimins design and Jimin telling him about certain stone special to the area and pointing out where to buy trees for landscaping.
""Right I have to look in Jins bag of clothes for something to wear, are you coming later on I need to warm up a bit before I start so will go in early."
"Ok,I'll go play video games for a bit."
Jimin went to the spare room to fetch the clothes only to find everything of his had been moved. He knocked on Jungkooks door before opening it.
"Have you seen the clothes Jin got? I can't find anything?"
"All your stuffs in here, I moved it."
"Oh I just need to shower and get ready."
"Ok I have to go downstairs and make some calls, the rooms yours."
Jimin found the bag shaking out the clothes and looking at them and spying a makeup bag as well, Jin you Angel he thought, he went and had his shower then dressed and got ready.
V was making a hot drink chatting to Jungkook when Jimin came down.
"Holy shit Jimin you look hot!"
Jimin squirmed embarrassed as Jungkook and V stared at him.
He was wearing tight ripped black jeans that fit his curves perfectly a shirt loosely tucked in the front and out at the back was in a bold red. His dark hair was stylishly casual and makeup around his eyes just made him more alluring than usual.
A toot from outside had him moving," that's Hobi Yoongi sent him,"
"Will Hobi be there later? Is he Yoongi's boyfriend?"
"V, they are brothers , and no he hasn't,see you later,"
Once he'd left V jumped up, "well I'm going to get ready what are you doing tonight?"
"I'm coming, we can bring Jimin back."
An hour or so later they walked into the bar which loud cheers were coming from.
A beautiful voice came from a stage at the front where a band was and Jimin, singing his heart out and swaying to the music earning tremendous applause when he finished. Yoongi came into the stage after saying something to Jimin and pointing at the bar.
"Jimin will be up after a short break so get your drinks in and get yourselves ready"
V and Jungkook were looking for a table, Yoongi saw them gesturing them over,"hi guys what will it be, I'm sure Hobi will bring it over himself" he grinned at V, who looking behind the bar saw Hobi waving madly at him.
Jungkook stared to where Jimin was standing at the end of the bar drinking water. He saw a taller man bend down to his ear saying something that Jimin shook his head to and tried to move away but the man grabbed his ass, Jungkook was about to stand up when Yoongi grabbed the offending hand twisted it up behind the man's back and escorted him out, Hobi rushing to Jimin on seeing this then pointing to their table, walking over with Jimin and a bucket holding cold beers.
"Hi you both came!"
"Hi v how are you?"
"All the better for seeing your sunshine face!"
"Jimin are you ok?" Jungkook asked.
"Sure I am."
"Does that happen often , you being touched?"
"Oh that, Yoongi is always there."
"Always? So it's not the first time?"
"When your as gorgeous as Jimin you'll be hit on," Hobi said sighing deeply.
"Gotta go my break is up,"
He walked back to the stage Jungkook frowning, he didn't like the idea of this happening to Jimin.
For the next forty five minutes Jimin sang towards the end he sounded throatier but sexy, the smoke he'd inhaled still affecting him.
"Thank you everyone that's all from me but the band will be playing so get your dancing shoes on," Jimin yelled. He stepped off the stage as the music started dancing to the beat lost in his own little world, not seeing the admiring looks of others but Jungkook did and he felt himself getting frustrated by it. Jimin made his way to the table grabbing a beer from the bucket opening it and gulping it down.
"Phew my throat is dry, V go dance with Hobi he's brilliant, oh hey Yoongi"
"Jimin great job as always, here's your pay." He passed an envelope over, jimin just shoved it in his pocket gulping down more beer.
A man came over," can I buy you a drink?" he asked
Jungkook stood up," Yoongi can you tell V to make his own way back I'm taking Jimin home he needs to rest"
Yoongi nodded smirking as Jungkook pulled Jimin outside to the car.
"But Kookie I don't need to rest!!"
He was slammed against the car and kissed punishingly," oh you will after tonight, get in the car."
Jungkook knew he was being unreasonable and jealous but nobody was going to touch what was his .
He drove quickly home his mind on what he would do but on arrival he looked to the passenger seat and saw Jimin curled up fast asleep.
He laughed to himself, so he didn't need rest Eh ? He carefully carried the boy inside undressing him and putting him in the bed before slipping in next to him, jimin curling to his body heat his cast laying on Jungkooks chest.
"Kookie.... "He mumbled in his sleep.
What was this boy Angel or devil, whatever he was Jungkook wanted him.

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