What am I doing

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Jimin had been at Jungkooks for three days, days were spent with Jungkook working in his office while Jimin read, nights were a real source of amazement to Jimin as he was shown various ways of loving, all deeply arousing and pleasurable.
Much as he enjoyed this he wasn't sure what' this' was.
His ankle was much better and he could put weight on it, he had washed and dressed in his own before Jungkook woke up.
He was in the kitchen making toast and tea when he heard a yell then pounding feet.
He sat at the breakfast bar munching on toast as a shirtless Jungkook came in.
"You were gone how did you get downstairs,"
"I walked my ankles better"
Jimin took his plate to the sink.
"Your limping."
"That's because my ass hurts!"
"You didn't complain last night"
"I'm not complaining now just saying why I'm limping."
The doorbell rang,
"Shit that must be the architects  and I'm not dressed"
" go get ready, I'll let them in."
Opening the door Jimin saw two men.
"Hi I'm V this is Jackson, we are here to see Jungkook."
"Please come in, I'm Jimin,"
They came in, "please sit down Jungkook will be here soon."
"Jimin........, so are you the one who stalled my hotel,"
"Jackson, hush it was obviously wrong for the area you can't blame Jimin for your mistake."
"Like hell, I would have got a huge bonus if he hadn't poked his nose in."
"I'm sorry you feel like that, I was doing what was best for the town."
Jackson sneered at him.
"Jimin you look like you've been in the wars," V said gesturing towards Jimins plaster,trying to diffuse the situation.
"Oh er just a little tussle with a car, "
"I'd like a coffee,"Jackson demanded.
"Jimin, sit down you'll make your ankle worse, "Jackson I don't appreciate the way you treat my guest, you work for me , he doesn't "
"I don't mind Jungkook,"
"But I do,"
"It's ok Jimin I can make it, I know where everything is,"
V went to the kitchen, Jimin following,
"I'm sorry about him, he's annoyed because he lost out on money but it's his own fault he didn't do his job by checking the surroundings as he should"
Raised voices turned their attention to the study door.
"Jungkook, you can make my design work, surely your not really considering his pathetic drawings!"
"Jackson you fucked up."
"I can't believe your taking the side off that nobody, what ,are you fucking him ,does he mean something  to you,"
"Of course not, so what if we are fucking it means nothing just two consenting adults, you did something wrong and I'm not building it."
"Well I'm sorry but I'm not working for someone who's taking notice of a nobody."
"As you wish, email your resignation , goodbye,"
"Hey,er,look, Jungkook you don't mean it ,"
"I do Jackson, your starting to get sloppy just to make a quick buck, goodbye."
The door slammed open Jackson storming out and leaving.
"Tae! Get in here now we need to get this sorted."
"Sorry Jimin, gotta go, "he grabbed two coffees rushing into the study and closing the door.
Jimin stood frozen to the spot, playing over Jungkooks words,'it means nothing'. What had he expected? Why did it hurt to hear that? Then being called a nothing by Jackson, his old insecurities about not being wanted overcame him, going upstairs slowly he went to his room looking around.
What am I doing? He thought living in someone that I just met house, letting him buy me clothes and fucking him, because......, because you like him a lot idiot but he just wants a fuckboy for now.
Looking for his wallet he searched sending a prayer up when he found his credit card.
Putting on the trainers and a hoodie on to keep warm he tidied the rest of the clothes up leaving them folded on the bed, he found a pen and paper and wrote a note,
Mr Jeon
Thank you for the kindness you have shown to me but after hearing an earlier discussion I realise it is inappropriate for me to stay longer, I hope you will eventually get an advantageous  outcome and the hotel built.
I will if you don't mind reimburse your funds in instalments.
P.S.clothes left for charity shop, I don't think I should gain anything, thank you again.
Jimin quietly went downstairs and let himself out of the front door, limping down the road and hailing a passing taxi, deciding this time he would take the train to be more comfortable , brushing the falling tears away and looking out the window.
"I'm telling you I love Jimins idea it could totally work, I can implement his design to work with building regulations, I want to see the site and area plan around it."
"I knew I should have let you do it in the first place but Jackson begged for the job and you were already doing something."
"Yer, he's just become so money orientated,"
"I had someone accuse me of that,"
"Hmmm, hate to say it Kook but, well, you don't mix with your friends as much and you don't seem, I dunno satisfied with life as much, what's the point of having lots of money if it stops you doing anything else."
"That's Jimin's theory, he dislikes money but does have a reason, am I really becoming like that? You're right I don't feel happy anymore it's all routine and boring."
"When did you last take a holiday?"
"Four,five years ago, I can't remember,"
"You're seriously gonna turn into a boring old man, hey can I get more coffee we've been shut in here for an hour and a half!"
"Sure I'll check Jimins ok."
Leaving the room V went to the kitchen and Jungkook after seeing nobody downstairs went to the bedroom to check Jimin.
Opening the door he looked around,"Jimin?"
He saw the clothes and the note reading it he frowned, damn Jimin , what are you thinking you're not fit to travel.
He went downstairs .
"Jimin ok?"
"He's left, just up and gone just left this note after all I did I don't get a goodbye?"
V read the note then looked at his friend," er if I say something you won't get mad will you?"
"Maybe but say it anyway."
"We heard your whole conversation with Jackson."
"And you basically said sleeping with Jimin meant nothing, neither did you defend Jimin when Jackson called him a nobody."
"Oh fuck........, "
"Yer, Jimin seems like a sensitive person a people pleaser......, he looked upset."
"Fuck V,I'm not used to this, I fancied him straight away his gutsy attitude standing up for what he believed in, I wasn't prepared for it to go further,"
"Well he must have wanted it too he slept with you?"
"He.......he was a virgin,"
"Oh........, not your usual fuckboy type then."
"Exactly, and he's injured god knows what time he left, how will he manage?"
"Sounds like he's got through that hard exterior, what you gonna do?"
"How about a trip to where I want the hotel built, as you say I should have a holiday, I'll get a car to take us and get my secretary to arrange somewhere to stay, we leave tomorrow ,"
"Yes! I'll go pack get my camera and bits I need to suss out the place, text me later, see you."
Once V had left Jungkook got onto his secretary getting her to make arrangements and get back to him.
He stared at his phone, Jimin didn't even have one it had got broken so he couldn't even call him,Damn that boy, he leaned back closing his eyes, then remembered Jimins panting and moaning underneath him, the way he screamed his name when he slammed into him and what a willing pupil he was.
"Your mine Jimin and I'm going to have you again."

His waiting heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora