Count your blessings

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The hospital hallway was empty of everyone except Jungkook, V, Jin and Namjoon,
Jimin had been rushed into a side room and no one had been allowed to see him yet, just different medical staff going in and out.
The passageway doors opened and Yoongi and Hobi came in.
"We just heard how is he?"Yoongi said.
"We are waiting to find out , Jungkook and Namjoon only just managed to pull him out." Jin said.
"His home?"
Namjoon shook his head, "it's all gone although he had to insure the business for customers he won't get much and his home wasn't insured."
"Shit, poor Jimin ," V said.
The doctor came out.
"Are you all here for Park Jimin?"
Everyone nodded.
"Well we had to put a new cast in and he had a lot of smoke inhalation, so he's on oxygen,we are going to keep him in overnight."
"Can I see him?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes,but don't stay long, he needs to rest."
Jungkook went in seeing the small pale figure, just laying staring at nothing.
"Jimin how do you feel?"
"T-thank you for saving me, it's all gone isn't it?"
"I'm afraid so."
"That's ok....,I should count my blessings right at least I'm alive." A tear ran down his face.
Jungkook brushed the tear with his thumb," we are all glad your alive."
"I try hard to be a good person but bad things keep happening , why Jungkook?" He sobbed.
Jungkook gathered him up in his arms rocking him gently.
"Hush baby, maybe fate has something planned for you, tomorrow your coming home with me, I'm renting one of Yoongi's houses next to Jin."
"No I can't ......"
"You can and you will we have unfinished business, also I want you to discuss with Tae about your view of what the hotel should be, he loved your design and wants to correspond with a few of his own."
"I-ok, what unfinished business though?"
"The fact that I miss your delectable body moaning underneath me."
Jimin blushed madly.
"I will pick you up tomorrow now sleep well,"
He left going into the corridor to assure the others Jimin was ok.
"Thank god! Joon can pick him up tomorrow while I get him new clothes."
"That's ok Jin he's coming back to stay with me and I already have a few clothes he left at mine but if you don't mind getting him a few more I will pay you."
"No payment needed he's our friend, I'm glad to see he has another in you,"
They all left, once home Jungkook poured himself and V a drink," that was too close for comfort and by the way I told Jimin you want to hash together on his design for the hotel."
"Actually that's a great idea and it will stop him moping around."
"Jimin doesn't mope he gets on with things."
"Look at you getting all protective of him."
"I've never nearly lost someone before."
"He was damn lucky, here's to Jimin." They clinked their glasses both thinking of what might have been.

Jimin couldn't sleep he was scared to shut his eyes in case he didn't wake up, his mind replaying the smoke nearly suffocating him the flames starting to burn the door down ,so he kept awake although he'd never felt as tired as he did that night.
Jungkook turned up seeing Jimin sitting in a chair in hospital pyjamas .
"Here wash stuff and some clothes, did you sleep ok?"
Jimin nodded but Jungkook could tell by his shadowed eyes that he was lying.
"I'll quickly shower, they gave me a cover for my cast so water won't get in, I smell of s-smoke."
He disappeared into the bathroom returning fifteen minutes later partly dressed one handedly rubbing his hair dry then combing his fingers through it before starting to put a t shirt on, Jungkook got up and helped then slipped a hoodie over him.
"Ok let's go,"
Jimin nodded thanking staff on his way out and getting into the car .
"Nice car."
"One of Hobi's, I didn't know he was a friend of yours."
"I guess everyone knows everyone here."
They arrived at the house, Jin and Namjoon rushing out to  check on Jimin.
"Honestly I'm fine guys now get back to your diner and thank you for these clothes."
They waved while Jungkook took him in the house.
"This has three bedrooms, V has this one, mines down the hall and you can have this one."
"T-thank you,"
"I'll leave you to rest for a while....,"
" I mean I'm ok I don't need to rest, I am hungry though."
"Ok let's go to the diner, it will be quicker,V is at the site."
They walked into the diner where Jin fussed over the pair like a mother hen, they both ordered spaghetti,Namjoon came over with drinks.
"Thank you Namjoon....f-for last night,"
"You scared the hell out of us the relief we all felt was overwhelming now enjoy your meal."
Both ate hungrily although Jungkook tried not to laugh at Jimins one handed attempt at eating spaghetti.
As they finished Jungkook got a call from V , he listened and said a simple "yes," before clicking off.
"Jimin I have to meet V at the site, here's a spare key, go in and rest."
They left the diner, Jungkook waited until Jimin had the door open before driving off, Jimin waiting til Jungkook drove off before coming back out of the house and taking a shortcut to the beach determinedly walking along it, he rushed past the site where the hotel would be seeing two figures in the distance he could tell were Jungkook and V both facing away from the beach which Jimin was thankful for. He got nearer to his old home a gasp escaping his mouth when he realised all that was left was buckled and warped furniture.nothing at all of the framework, of either the house or cafe.
He automatically made his way to an open concrete like shed a little away from the house which had metal buckets and spare chairs in, lifting one bucket from another he pulled out a little bag , most of yesterdays takings, he gripped it before walking to the waters edge and staring at the sea. This was it all he was worth right now here in this little bag, he started laughing hysterically before the laughter turned into tears the day passed into evening and the lonely boy just silently sat, overtired scared to sleep and feeling like he was a burden to everyone.
"Jimin we are back, sorry it took so long we had to speak to the mayor."
The house was silent, V and Jungkook looked at each other.
"Probably asleep, I'll set the food up you go get him"
Jungkook went upstairs knocking on Jimins door before entering the quiet untouched space, he frowned then went up to the games room that too was empty.
"He's not here maybe he's next door at the diner,"
They both went there just in time to see Jin and Namjoon lock up before going upstairs to their home.
"Has Jimin been in?"
"No? Was he supposed to?"
"Damn, where's he gone!"
"Jungkook do you think maybe he went to see......"
"Shit, your probably right, Namjoon, I'll go get him."
V went back into the house as Jin and Namjoon went to theirs.
Jungkook drove along the beach road nearly at Jimins when he saw a small figure sitting on the sand at the waters edge. He rushed out.
The small boy turned, his eyes red and tired looking,
"Hey Kookie, look I didn't loose everything, I hid this in my outside storage, this is what I amount to, don't you think that's funny, I can't even rent a room with this," he stood up suddenly flinging the little bag into the sea.
"Jimin how long have you been here, it's getting chilly."
"Since you left, a little while ago,"
"Jimin that was five hours ago come on home"
"I haven't got a home."
"Jimin your coming with me," he swung the small boy up easily. Jimin cuddling into his body heat .
Once back, Jungkook made V go and tell Jin and Namjoon that Jimin was back while he carried him to his room. He stripped the boy out of his clothes putting some pyjamas on him and putting him into bed.
"You need to sleep Jimin, I know you didn't last night, but you need to, I'll stay til you drift off."
Jimin kept his eyes open determined not to sleep, then Jungkook climbed on the bed spooning him and before long his tired eyes shut and he was sound asleep.
Jungkook got off the bed quietly leaving and joining V downstairs.
"Is he ok?"
"I think so just drained, let's eat,"
The pair ate their meal and sat down with a drink when they suddenly heard a scream.
"Help me help me I can't get out help me!"
They both ran upstairs barging into Jimins seeing the boy yelling for help as he thrashed around his arms grabbing air as if he wanted something.
"Jimin wake up your dreaming, wake up,"
Jungkook sat on the bed grabbing the boy who awoke startled," no one was there I couldn't get out I was on my own." He whimpered.
"It's fine, your ok we are here."
"I can't sleep on my own, I'm scared."
Jungkook lufted the boy in his arms," you can sleep with me, V can you turn everything off downstairs?"
"No worries...., Jimin you'll always have us sleep well."
Jungkook carried him to his room putting him in his bed, "try and sleep, I'll just shower."
He went in the bathroom when he came out with a towel around his hips Jimin was still sitting upright in bed staring at him.
Jungkook took the towel off and climbed into bed, pulling Jimin down and spooning him against his body .
"Y-your naked!"
"You know I don't sleep in anything, just feel lucky I'm letting you keep yours on, now sleep."
Jimin closed his eyes obediently  hanging onto Jungkooks arm around him and immediately sleeping, it seemed to make him feel secure because he didn't wake up in terror at all and finally caught up on his much needed sleep.

His waiting heartWhere stories live. Discover now