Its a domineering thing!

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"Er Hi?"
""Hi...bloody hi? Are you stupid what were you doing? You could have slipped and broken more than your already broken arm, have you a death wish or something, first a car now a roof!!!"
"I'm fine don't be a fusspot,"
"If your so fine what's this?"
Jimin looked down at his knee seeing the blood run down, he turned to go inside Jungkook following staring around the minuscule home.
"Er you can use that chair while I clean up won't take long ,"
He went to fetch his medicine box from the bathroom washing his hands and face quickly first carrying it back into the room he was surprised when Jungkook took it off him and carried him to his bed before kneeling to take care of it.
"I can do it myself,"
"But you don't have to,"
Jimin shut up waiting until Jungkook finished.
"So you here about the hotel ?"
Jimin felt a bit deflated, although he knew he wished the other had wanted to see him as well.
"So why come here?"
"I got this,"
Jimin was handed a top of the range phone.
"Oh no I can't accept this."
"Not my problem, the mother whose kid you saved saw your smashed phone wanted you to have this said it's pat as you go and there's a little on there, would have given it to you but you disappeared," he lied hoping Jimin would believe him.
"Wow that was kind of her, I need to say thank you, do you have her number?"
"No why would I Stupid woman should have looked after her kid."
Jimin pressed the phone on checking the balance,
"What, is something wrong with it?"
"No she's put so much money on it , it will take me months to use it!!!"
"Oh er well whatever." Jungkook frowned, he'd use that amount in a week not months.
"Well thanks for bringing it I expect you want to get on, I need to open my cafe."
"I'll help,"
"Yes I'm not leaving so accept it."
"Why do you always have to be in charge your just naturally bossy!!"
"I prefer it was called a domineering manner..., and you didn't seem to mind in bed."
"Hush someone might hear you!!!"
"It's probably usual for you but not me,"
"You'll have to get over your shyness, we did it and will do it again."
"N-no we won't ,"
Jungkook pulled him to his feet leaning to his ear,
"But Jimin I love to hear you moan under me,"
Jimin couldn't help the pleasure he felt from Jungkooks hot breath.
"Aaagh, don't do that behave, well if you won't go help me."
Collecting a key he unlocked the side door , unbolting the shutter which Jungkook lifted up easily for him. Jimin then got a jug turning in the cold tap taking the lid off the urn and starting to fill it.
"Let me do that," he passed the jug to Jungkook then get some spray and a cloth he cleaned the three tables in the shutter area, humming a song as he did so.
He then popped back home to bring the milk Jin had given him to the cafe, hot drinks were not wanted often but he should be prepared, usually the chilled drinks did better. He made sure the fridge was stocked and that everything was fine and clean just as a family came up.
"Two of those lollies and two waters please,"
"Would you like glasses?"
"No thank you we will drink as we walk,"
They paid Jimin, who put the money in the till, Jungkook who had finished filling watching.
"You leave the till with money in?"
"Just a bit,"
Jungkook shook his head, Jimin switched on the urn to heat up.
"Well you should go..."
"Should I?"
"Your hotel?"
"Tomorrow ."
"Yes ma'am ?"
"Can I have three cokes at that table please"
"Yes of course please sit down and rest ."
The woman paid and sat down with her friends who were sending admiring glances towards Jungkook.
Jimin tried to ignore it and set a tray with three bottles and three glasses then tried to pick it up.
"I've got this you'll drop it."
He carried it to the table ignoring the women and going back to jimin deliberately putting his hands around his waist so that they would see, after that they stopped staring.
"Stop trying to claim me!"
"I already did."
"No...that was then now I'm back where I belong and you can live your high flier life."
"That's harsh."
"I mean it we have nothing in common you said it yourself to Jackson it meant nothing, so please go away."
Jungkook could see Jimin was struggling to keep calm.
"I'll go for now but you'll be seeing me Jimin, "
He left going up to the beach road to the car and driving off.
Jimin struggled on until early evening then closed up glad to see he hadn't done too badly, he left spare cash in the till and put notes in a bag eventually managing to pull the shutter down . After locking up he tiredly went home , he felt exhausted but he needed to wash up.he hoped the boiler wouldn't play up.
He  put a tin of soup  into a saucepan and turned the gas on  putting it on low while he showered, he didn't notice the flames going out and the gas emitting out he went to shower he heard the boiler in the kitchen groaning as he turned the water on waiting for it to get hot, grumbling under his breath about the old eccentric thing and then...........
Jungkook sat staring out of his bedroom window just  making out Jimins place by the dim glow in the distance.Why was that boy so.........annoyingly independent ?
"So you saw Jimin?" V wandered in seeing his friend frowning.
"Yer much good it did me he likes his own way,"
"Oh like someone I know,"
Jungkook laughed at him then they heard a distant bang.
"Wonder what that was?"
From next door they heard an anguished yell,
They saw Jin and Namjoon rush out. Jungkook looked along the beach where there had been a dim light was now a blaze.
"Fuck Jimin,"
The two tore downstairs meeting Jin and Namjoon.,
"We saw it it's Jimins place,"
"Namjoon with me, V call the fire brigade and take care of Jin."
The two jumped into the jeep tearing along the beach road falling out of the car in their haste to get to Jimin.
The cafe and house were aflame.
"Jimin,Jimin where are you,"
Smoke billowed, both frantically called Jimins name, the front of the house was ablaze no one could get near.
"No please Jimin no," Namjoon cried.
They heard a smash of glass to the side.
"The bathroom!!" Namjoon said running around.
Jungkook was ahead of him, he could see a small bloodstained hand smashing the glass from the small window.
The small voice was broken by coughing from the smoke.
"Jimin we are here can you climb up we can pull you through but we are too big to get in!"
"I-ok I'll try its h-hard"
They heard a noise then a cry of pain,"ah my arm,"
Sobs came and then more noise, then Jimins head and arms appeared, Jungkook could see the cast had broken and he must have been in pain but adrenaline had got him that far.
He took in deep breaths of air. Namjoon and Jungkook reached up to pull him through careful as they could be off his arm.
"You always save me," he said to Jungkook before the pain became too much and he totally blacked out.
Jungkook carefully carried him away from the burning building to the beach as they heard sirens and a fire engine and ambulance appeared.
"Thank god we got here in time."
Jungkook carefully carried the boy to the ambulance explaining about his arm and demanding to go with him.
Namjoon  drove back to pick up a worried Jin and V then followed onto the hospital .

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