Home not so sweet home

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Jimin had never felt so tired as when he got to his destination.limping of the train he slowly walked along through the town.
"Oh my god Jimin!"
"Hey Namjoon."
"We heard about your accident, should you be walking and your arm!"
"It's fine nothing to worry about, good news is Mr Jeon  is rethinking his hotel plans !"
"That's great but your more important,"
"Joon who you talking too, hey Jimin oh my god look at you poor boy, you're not walking home in that state, Joon get the car, I'll bag up a few supplies,"
"No it's...."
"Don't argue, unless you want to stay here, I'm ok with that?"
"No it's fine I need to get home,"
"Jimin I don't like you being in that old run down place, your cafes great but your hut not so much."
"Jin it's just somewhere to rest it's fine!"
"Pffft, Joon hurry up the poor boy looks exhausted,"
"The food dear?"
"Oh yes,haha, two secs,"
Soon Jimin was being driven along the beach road  a bag with eggs bread and milk and fresh fruit on his lap.
"So how are you really Jimin you seem off?"
"Do I , just tired long journey,"
"Should you have travelled in this state? Couldn't you stay wherever you were?"
"No Namjoon I didn't want to take advantage of h... their kindness."
"Here we are, let me carry that you unlock it,"
Jimin took his wallet out digging in for the key,
"Damn it's gone,"
"That's ok I'll take you back to ours,"
"No hang on," he went to the rail surrounding the small veranda feeling underneath and reaching up pulling out a key.
"Jimin! Anyone could get in if they ever saw you do that!!"
"What's to steal?"
Namjoon shook his head worry on his face.
Jimin unlocked the door switching on the light shivering in the cold room.
"God Jimin it's freezing!"
"It's ok will soon warm up, "he switched on a little heater while Namjoon put the food in the kitchen.
"Look you sure you want to stay here?"
"Yes thanks again, now get back to Jin and thanks for the food."
Namjoon went and Jimin looked around his little home. It consisted of a room with a small petition behind which was a tiny kitchen area , the main room held a bed a table and one chair and a curtained off area for his clothes, a door led to a bathroom with a sink toilet and shower in.
As he looked he saw what others saw , although clean it was old and run down, all his money went into supplies for the cafe. Now that Namjoon had left he turned off the little heater worried about the cost of running it and how safe it was!
He crawled into his bed too tired and cold to eat or undress. He realised how uncomfortable his bed was compared to the one he had slept on recently. Trying to dismiss it from his mind he closed his eyes his weariness claiming him for sleep.

"Jeez kook why so early?" V yawned.
"V it's three hours drive I want to get there,"
"Three in an old banger, your driver two and a half!"
"So where we staying?"
"Someone called, Yoongi owns a bar and a couple of houses, he's offered one up for us."
"Seems friendly?"
"Probably checking us out,"
"Ok, I'm gonna snooze, "
Jungkook stared out the window as the scenery flashed by, the real reason they were early was because he hadn't slept all night worried about Jimin. He wanted to see him he felt drawn to him.
The miles sped by and they arrived in the town, getting out at the address they had been given they knocked on the door, a man with green hair and a weary look opened it,
"Bit early for me but here's the keys just down the road overlooking the beginning of the beach next to the pink American diner, see ya"
The door closed and the two stared at each other , getting back in the car they told the driver to slowly move along until they saw what looked like an old American diner all in glorious pink.
"Well, I suppose it's eye catching,"
"V you can't bloody miss it!"
Getting out they saw a lovely White House next door.
Going towards it they were ambushed by someone from the diner.
"Hello,welcome, I'm Jin and this is.....JOON COME HERE!! This is my husband Joon."
"Er Hi,"
"Don't mind Jin he gets excited at new faces, ow! It's the truth!"
"You I presume are Mr Jeon and ?"
"V or Tae whatever you like,"
"Aw Kookie and Tae , Tae sweet,"
The two couldn't help but laugh.
"Anyway come to the diner anytime, it's not a hamburger joint although if you insist I can do them, more of an intellectual palate place."
"What Jin means is he's a good cook who likes to try new things, but we also do coffee and cake."
"Is Jimins cafe near here?"
"Jimins er beachfront eatery is the other end of the beach."
"Do you know if he got back ok? He decided to leave mine early I was worried about him."
Jin and Namjoon stared at each other and nodded then pulling the two inside they waved their staff to bring drinks while they questioned the pair.
"How did Jimin get hurt?"
Jungkook explained.
"Hmmm and he left yours? Typical Jimin, he helps everyone else but when he's offered help he finds it hard to accept I had to force food on him yesterday."
"He does seem a little independent , is his business doing well?"
There was silence then,
"Jimins business although called a cafe is little more than a hot water urn, a fridge for cold drinks and a freezer with ice lollies, he uses so much money to pay for a selling licence, supplies and up keep of the place that he doesn't make much profit, he subsidises it by singing in Yoongi's bar."Jin sighed.
Jungkook frowned Jimins life wasn't easy by far.
"Don't forget his god awful home, it was freezing last night, but he still wouldn't come back with me, that place should have been condemned years ago!"
"Look at us talking about our friend like this, but he worries us, all alone down there, no tv , a radio and his phone....."
Jungkooks frown got deeper, Damn this boy why was he a worry like this?
"Well we have to be going things to do ,"
"You'll love Yoongi's house, it's so pretty, be seeing you."
Jungkooks driver had taken their stuff inside.
"Anything else sir?"
"No thank you, "
"I'll be getting back then sir, good day,"
"Please get something to eat first and rest," Jungkook passed a bundle of notes over, the man bowed and left the house going straight into the pink diner.
Looking around their new abode they were surprised at how modern it was inside, the hallway opened up to a huge open plan sitting dining room, a massive tv on the wall and an expensive looking music system.
Three black sofas in a u shape faced the tv a coffee table in between.
The kitchen was light and airy everything you would want in there, going up a flight of stairs three bedrooms led off each with their own en suite, tastefully decorated , one was the length of the front of the house overlooking the beach which Jungkook claimed, up another flight of stairs was a gaming room," yes!! V grinned .
The doorbell rang and a man stood there.
"Hi sunshine vip rentals, I'm Hobi the owner , we've brought two cars for your choice sir."
""Wow!" V stared the man up and down liking what he saw, also making the man blush but surreptitiously check V out as well.
Jungkook and V stepped out to see the cars.
"I have this top of the range jeep nippy little thing easy to drive comfortable or this four door saloon leather interior, classic car,"
"The Jeep!"  Jungkook and V both said like boys with a new toy.
"Excellent choice, your secretary has paid two weeks in advance let me know if you want it for longer ."
"Sure will Hobi, er where's a good place to hang out at night, around here?"
"Yoongi's bar is best, there are restaurants and other bars but Yoongi's fame brings them in, especially if Jimin sings and dances too."
"Yoongi's fame?"
"Heard of Rappin D?"
"Sure who hasn't....wait that's Yoongi!!"
"Ok hope to see you around mr Jeon....V"
"Jungkook please and I'm sure you will."
"So what next , go to the site play games eat?"
"You can have today to do whatever, I'm gonna change then see someone"
"Poor Jimin does he know what he's in for !"

Jimin  had woken up to a breeze , looking up to the roof he had seen a gap, Damn a tile must be loose again . He carefully showered after eventually getting the old boiler to work then grabbed a banana for his breakfast and drank some milk going out the front door he looked at the adjoining small cafe area should he open that first before he did the roof, looking along the beach he saw it was pretty empty still so standing back to see where the tile was he saw it had slipped down so had some on the cafe side , he would have to fix those as well.
Looking at his arm he shrugged his shoulders then going around the back dragged the ladder with his good arm struggling to get it in place. He sighed this was going to be harder than usual but he could do it the tiles only needed to be slid in place.
He climbed awkwardly up the ladder getting into the roof with difficulty, he slid across to the cafe area first putting the tiles back where they should be, the sun was beating down by now he felt hot and a bit dizzy, he looked along the beach seeing more people on it now, cars were travelling along the beach Ed, some would stop others would drive on to the next town .
He moved over to the part of the roof he lived under holding his breath when he slipped but managing to grab with his good hand although he grazed a knee. Eventually it was done and Jimin sighed in relief backing towards the ladder climbing awkwardly down four rungs before.....
"What the hell do you think your doing,"
Two strong arms grabbed his waist and he was turned to face a furious looking Jungkook.

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