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Jimin woke up to an empty bed but could hear the shower running once the water stopped it wasn't long before Jungkook walked back into the room with a towel slung low on his hips.
"For someone who wasn't tired you slept a while I've already been out for a run, oh and picked this up for you."
Jimin was handed a phone, he smiled thanking him.
"V and my number are in there already if you need to call, we have to get back today check all permits and organise a start date."
"Already......,I mean ok,"
"Look I don't know how to say this to you without you getting offended, but I've left some money for food or anything you may need in this drawer please use it consider it as a consultants fee for helping V"
Jimin tried hard to keep the pained look off his face, he felt like a paid prostitute, keeping the man happy and getting paid for it, then and there he told himself he wouldn't spend a penny of it.
"You seem out of it? Get plenty of rest and you don't need to go to Yoongi's bar to earn money, I don't like others touching you, right we will be leaving two maybe three weeks, ok, bye."
Just like that he left.
Jimin sunk into the bed feeling depressed then shook himself out of it, he was an adult for gods sake he could do what he wanted.
Searching on the phone he found a number for Yoongi and rang it.
"Whoever this is you better have a good reason to call me before noon,"
"Yoongi it's Jimin and it's gone noon I know you like to sleep, Erm I wondered if you had any spare shifts at the bar, I can be behind the bar , sing, clean?"
"Jimin, hey what about your knight in shining armour, he might not like it?"
"He doesn't own me Yoongi and I need some work,"
"Well ok then, two nights on stage and three behind the bar, that okay?starting tonight behind the bar?"
"Thanks Yoongi your a good friend."
Jimin spent the rest of the afternoon sorting clothes, by 6,30 he was making his way to the bar, having helped out before, he managed immediately even with his hand in a cast.
Part way through the night Namjoon and Jin walked in.
"Jimin what are you doing here?"
"My new job nice to see you guys, out on a date?"
"We try at least once a month to get out together, two beers please."
The night went quickly, a drunk Jin and a calm Namjoon offering Jimin a lift back which he accepted.
When he got in he picked up his phone he'd left there and saw dozens of missed calls from Jungkook, it rang as he held it.
"Jimin where the hell were you I've called you all night!!"
"Because....., where we're you?"
Jimin remembered his words from earlier,so he lied,
"I was with Jin and Namjoon, I forgot the phone,"
"Oh,ok,er did you eat did you rest up?"
Jimin realised he hadn't eaten all day but again lied, "yes to both, look it's late, your probably busy so I'll say goodnight and you don't need to call I'm not a kid, but thanks, goodnight."
He clicked the phone off, What would Jungkook say if he knew Jimin was working in the bar? He gave an anxious laugh no big deal right?
Jimin spent the next two weeks working hard, doing extra days when he could , snacking on whatever was left in the fridge, buying a meal at Jins when he was paid. The money Jungkook left still stuck in the drawer.
In his free time he combed the rooms for rent seeing how much he would need as a deposit.
He also got a letter drafted up by Yoongi's lawyer who knew him detailing that he signed over the plot of land he owned to Jeon Jungkook, getting it witnessed and official ,he posted it off.
He got a text from Jungkook two days later,saying some business was holding him up so he would be away longer but V was on his way back.
Jimin cleaned the place, welcoming V when he got there with a meal he'd cooked from stuff he bought.
"Hey Jimin this is great,"
"I'm glad you like it, leave the dishes I'll do them later, I have to get to work"
"Work? I didn't know you had a job Jungkook didn't say anything, and you didn't eat?"
"Jungkook doesn't know , it's at the bar and I'm on a diet,"
"The bar, ok I may pop down later, you know chat with Hobi,"
"Ok well I gotta go."
V frowned, Jungkook wasn't going to like this, he went to the fridge for a cold drink and saw it was nearly empty, what was Jimin doing, he didn't need to lose weight.
His phone rang," hey kook...."
"Is Jimin ok?"
"He ,er ,seems so"
"Is he eating properly?"
"Says he's on a diet,"
"I left money there for him he must have some left?"
"I don't think he's used any, you know his pride,"
"For gods sake he's living with me, we share the same bed, I left the money for him"
V could immediately see how Jimin would see it,
"Kook, that even to me sounds like pay for services rendered, I'm sure it offended Jimin,"
"What's the point of money if I can't use it, I told him to see it as a consultants fee,"
"He's got a lot of pride and not much else at the moment and Erm, he's got a job,"
"What sort of job ?"
"In Yoongi's bar type job,"
"God damn I told him he didn't need to work there, did he deliberately do it to wind me up all those creepy guys trying it on!"
"Well he obviously feels ok about it, so don't worry, I'm going there now, I'll see you in a week or so, bye"

Jungkook fumed, how dare Jimin go against him, he'd specifically said no to Yoongi's .
He rang Jimins number and it was picked up straight away," k-Kookie ?"
"Your working in the bar?"
"I thought V might tell you, and?"
"Did you not use the money I left?"
"Nope, I get wages."
"Jesus Jimin why do you make things so hard? I told you to use my money and what the hell was that letter that you had gifted that land to me?"
"Payment for my phone,"
"Jimin your a lousy business man,"
"Maybe so, but money means nothing to me."
"Money is always useful!"
"Not to the point where it overtakes your life!"
"That's not true,"
"No? What about , hey Jimin how are you, oh good you've found yourself a job , instead of why haven't you used my money ?"
"I can't help being rich....,"
"I-I know and you've worked hard and I'm extremely grateful for all your help but don't make me feel like a paid prostitute offering me money, unless you want me to move out?"
"No Jimin stay please....., on your terms, I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I just like caring for you."
"And it's appreciated, honestly, now I have to get back to work, goodnight Kookie take care."
The phone clicked off , jungkook for the first time in his life missing the sound of someone's voice.
It was four weeks since Jimin had seen Jungkook and if he was honest he really missed him.
Today Namjoon drove him to the hospital and his cast came off, he was given a few exercises at home to help strengthen his hand but in general he felt ecstatic to have the confining cast off.
"Jimin I'm staying at Hobi's tonight, can you get home ok?"
"Yer Yoongi will drop me off don't worry and enjoy your night."
Jimin worked hard that night singing as well as bar work and even he got annoyed when someone tried to touch him up. He was glad to get home going to the bedroom leaving the lights off not seeing the figure sitting waiting he stripped of his clothes as he made his way to the bathroom washing the smell of smoke and booze from his body, shrieking when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind.
"Hey calm down it's me , and what do we have here two perfect little hands to touch me, it's gonna be a long night Jimin get ready for the ride of your life."

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