Money doesnt make me happy

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Jimin woke up on an extremely comfortable bed. It was still daylight as they had left the hospital early morning. He remembered getting in the car and that was it, he had no idea where he was now.
He sat up pushing the covers off himself. He saw that his hoodie had been taken off but he still had in the sweats and t shirt.
Gingerly placing his good foot on the floor he hopped his way to the door. He opened it seeing other doors like his and a staircase, hopping over to the bannister he wondered how he could get down debating if maybe he could slide down the carpeted stairs on his bottom.
"Damn it I leave you for a little while to shower and change and you think you can get up and wander!!"
Jimin jumped at the angry voice teetering on the top step sure he was going to fall as two arms grabbed him pulling him back.
"Aaagh!" His bad ankle hit the floor at the jolt and tears sprung to his eyes.
He was swung up and carried downstairs , placed gently on a sofa with a cushion under his bad ankle.
"Wait here,I'll get the painkillers the doctor prescribed ."
Jimin stared around at the large sitting room, it was serene looking minimalistic greys, white and silver, no personal photographs of family or friends but expensive looking artwork but it didn't feel like someone's home.
"Here take these,"
Jimin swallowed the pills with the water he was handed.
"Thank you I'm sorry to be a bother."
"Hmmm, well let's discuss this building plan."
Jimin nodded wondering if it was good or bad news.
"I looked into this more when you told me about differential building heights ..., I hate to admit you are architects have let me down on this , they drew up only the area where the hotel would sit and drew trees around the edge as landscaping , from the aerial photos you had and video calls with a man I sent down there I can see it would be totally wrong to build a high rise."
"Thank goodness...., but does that mean your pulling out totally?"
"Why you scared your little beach hut cafe is going to run out of tourists and you out of money?"
"No,I don't care about myself but it would be helpful for the shops in town."
"Come on now, your wallet held spare change and a bus ticket you couldn't use, of course you care about your business doing well and bringing in money!!"
"Why you looked in my wallet I don't know but I don't care about money it doesn't make me happy"
"Yes really."
"I suppose it's easy to say when you've never had it."
Jimin clenched his fists," so you didn't get a complete background check on me then if you had you would have seen my father owned Park Enterprises, he built expensive Yachts for the rich. He started out as a humble boatbuilder which is where our council member met him, then he found he had a knack for building bigger and better boats, he ran a company always looking for richer clients, my mother and I were shoved aside for his business,even when she was in hospital dying of cancer he rarely visited, he left her funeral to go do a business deal, all that money and he poured it all into the business he didn't care about our home if I needed him, I was ten when my mother died, he left me at home to fend for myself, just an old lady to come and clean and supposedly care for me but she rather liked a drink and always fell asleep,I used to help the man who owned the beach cafe before me, that way I had something to eat and drink, I was seventeen when my father committed suicide in front of me, he had a drink and gambling habit, one night he was so drunk he bet his business, he lost, he came home, first time in ages, he cried said he'd lost it all had nothing else to live for, I told him we would manage he had me, he said I wasn't what he needed pulled out a gun and blew his brains out, this...," he rummaged in his pockets," this watch is all I had left of him, my home, contents everything went so I could pay the workers he owed, that the new owners didn't want to keep,I kept this to always remind me that there's more to life than money, I had been studying law but decided I can help people more by just being there for them," he looked at the watch and threw it in the bin," I don't need this anymore I won't be like my father!"
Jungkook listened in astonishment, when he had asked about Park Jimin he had said he just wanted to know about the job he was doing now nothing else,he could remember hearing about this seven years or so ago, the yacht company had fallen into a rival companies hands but never had the same success as Park Enterprises.
"I'm sorry Jimin, it must have been hard for you losing all that."
Jimin laughed," see you still don't get it, my father wanted all that not me or my mother, we wanted the kind humble man back, money ruined it all."
Jimin tried to stand tears running down his cheeks, jungkook rushed over hugging him, patting his back , something about this small boy made him want to protect him.
"I-I'm sorry , I've never let that all out before now ,"
"That's ok now sit down ."
"Erm, no I er need the bathroom is there one down here?"
"Of course," he was immediately swung up and carried down a hall to a bathroom .
"Yell when your done,"
Jimin nodded embaressed.
After five minutes of hopping he was done and went out the door holding the wall as he hopped along .
"Do you ever do anything your told?"
Jungkook had been engrossed in his laptop until he'd heard a rhythmic light thud and seen Jimin hopping.
"I'm not used to relying on anyone, Woah!"
Jungkook swung him up and then sat down on the sofa Jimin on his lap.
"Stay here and explain your designs the drawings are god..., stop wiggling!"
"I can sit in the seat!"
"But I like you here....."
"Your so bossy and Domineering are you always like this?!?"
"Always,especially when I have someone lying underneath me."
Jimin flushed with embaressment at the thoughts his words envoked.
"S-so what do you want to know,"
"Well the aerial photos are good, how did you get them gives a better layout of the land."
"I used a friends drone , snapped the area easily"
"So your drawings more like low rise beachfront chalet type hotel?
"Yours was seven storeys high, this could be a horseshoe shape facing the beach only the middle three stories to allow for a reception a dining area above and above that a gym. The rest either side only two stories high, every room having small balcony or veranda leading from their room .
Landscaped garden to fit into the surroundings a small pool one side a childrens play area on the other"
"Why not pool and play area together?"
"Kids might run off to the pool and not be safe an enclosed play area is safer."
"How many rooms?"
"Your original hotel had seven floors rooms on six of them, ten per floor so sixty rooms, this has forty eight, less expensive more family orientated, parking at the back and less costly to build."
"You've really looked into this."
"I just wanted to help,"
"Ok I'll get a team of architects on it but this time they can actually go to the area to get a better feel for it."
"How come you've never seen the area?"
"I just get my buyers to look out for beach land it's always a sure thing,"
"I dunno, it sounds like you go through the motions, do you even enjoy your job ?"
Jungkook was about to blow up and say of course when he thought about Jimins words, when had he stopped enjoying the thrill of it so that now it was just a constant life on repeat, buy , build ,make money repeat.
Instead of answering Jimin he muttered," you hungry I can cook us something?"
"Starving," Jimin smiled making Jungkook stare at those wonderfully plump lips before shaking himself and going to the kitchen.
Not too long after he carried a tray through to the dining table setting down lots of dishes then scooping Jimin up and placing him on a seat.
"Wow you did all this?"
"Wasn't sure what you liked so you have choices dig in."
The pair sat and ate or rather Jimin nibbled.
"What's up? Don't you like the food? I can order takeout?"
"No,no...., it's amazing, I just have to watch my weight as I'm chubby."
"Jesus are you kidding me, your as light as a feather, surely you can see in the mirror how scrawny you are?"
"I am not scrawny?and I don't like looking in the mirror to see what I look like, the kids at school called me chubby chim chim"
"School was a long time ago and from the sound of it you've changed a lot."
"Pffft," Jimin dismissed the notion.
"Well your girlfriends must tell you,"
"I don't have one....., I don't think I'm into girls."
"Don't think, what about boys?"
"Oh I don't know I've never had either but I can't see me with a girl!"
Jungkook stared in astonishment , this little beauty was a virgin?!
Jimin without thinking had eaten more gasping as he realised.
"Oh I'm sorry for being a pig,"
Jungkook collected the plates rinsed them then put them in a dishwasher , he then carried Jimin to the sofa put the tv on and gave him the remote, watch what you like, I have a bit of work to catch up on in the study yell if you need help."He left.
Jimin nodded flipping channels until he came to one that had a kids cartoon, he giggled at it played away snuggling down on the sofa and pulling his ankle up comfortably he watched until his eyes dropped and he slept.
Jungkook had his study door open to hear jimin, he could hear the low sound of the tv so got on with urgent work. Before he realised a couple of hours had passed he stretched his stiff neck when he suddenly heard sobs.
"Dad,no dad please!!!"
He rushed in, Jimin was thrashing around in his sleep much like he'd done in the hospital but this time Jungkook realised what Jimins nightmare was,
"Jimin wake up you're having a nightmare wake up come on."
Jimins eyes opened still clouded with fear and desperation as he stared at Jungkook.
"Oh shit," Jungkook couldn't help but lean in and caress those plump lips, it felt like an electric spark between them, Jimin kissing back as Jungkook hovered over him.
They had to part to breathe both gasping Jimins face rosy.
"You were having a nightmare."
"Is that why you kissed me?"
"Hmmm, part of me wanted to take away your fear the rest of me just....wanted to take you!"
Jimin looked away, he had just had his first kiss, should he admit how he liked it?
"Erm I want to go upstairs to my room if that's ok?"
Jungkook nodded sweeping the boy up easily and taking him to his room," bathroom?" He queried.
Jiminee nodded," I'll wash down and do my teeth, oh! my washstuff!!"
"Everything's there that you need," I'll go find some pyjamas."
Jimin nodded closing the door he awkwardly stripped his t shirt off and then pulled his sweats halfway down before balancing to pull one leg off at a time he really wanted a shower and looked longingly at it jungkook came in and saw him looking at the shower.
"Don't try it in your own!!"
"I know but I feel grotty,"
Jungkook stared, "depending how prissy you are, as all your injuries are on the left side I could support that side while you washed with your good hand?"
"You mean me naked?"
"Well unless you usually shower with clothes on?"
Jimin thought," ok but you have to face the other way and you hold my arm with the cast?"
Jungkook smiled inwardly at the innocent boy and helped him over to the shower.
"Hang on I'll probably get soaked let me take my top off."
He pulled his top off displaying great abs then helped Jimin into the shower," er those ," he said nodding at Jimins boxers.
"Damn Erm ,"
Jungkook sighed then made sure Jimin was balanced so he could pull them down for him lifting him easily to get them off his legs.
Jimin was so red that Jungkook laughed," we are both males have the same equipment so why are you embaressed?"
"I just I know it's stupid ok, just get on and help me I don't care anymore I just want to feel clean."
"Ok then,"
The water was on jungkook made Jimin turn to his side so his injured arm was away from the water around Jungkooks back for support.
"Lean in I'll wash your hair,"
Jimin did so unaware he was moaning in pleasure at the hands soaping his hair, jungkook took the shower head of to easily rinse off Jimins hair looking at the boys closed eyes and pouty lips as the water ran down . He put the shower head back then passed the soap to jimin," you front me back," Jimin nodded shyly, lathering up and washing his body praying that he wouldn't get a boner from this peculiar circumstance , he washed himself down there turning to rinse of, then passed the soap,
"Turn to me put your arms around my neck,"
Jimin gulped awkwardly hopped around and did as asked.
Jungkook lathered up the soap and began washing Jimins back his big hands making quick work of it until he came to his ass. Then he used both his hands to lather up and massage Jimins but cheeks not missing the small gasp Jimin gave. He deliberately moved his fingers along the crease and down feeling the effect it had in Jimin by the sudden bulge against him.
"Gotta clean you all,"his hot breath against jimins ear as his fingers parted his ass and probed his puckered hole Jimin moaning in want.
"What do you want Jimin, shall I touch this virgin hole?"
Jungkook pressed against the hole the soap lather making it easy," such a tight little hole, "his finger pressed in gaining a long moan," god your so responsive hang on let's take this somewhere more comfortable." Withdrawing his finger he rinsed Jimin off the picked him up grabbing a towel on the way placing him on the edge of the bed he rubbed his hair dry then gently dried his body then he stepped back removing his wet trousers and boxers drying himself and seeing Jimin look at his large rigid member.
"Lie on your stomach, carefully don't hurt your arm or ankle"
Jimin did so warily then Jungkook placed a pillow under his hips so his ass was raised up.
"You have such a fuckable ass,"
Jungkook leaned down licking the length of his crease spreading his ass cheeks and pushing his tongue against his hole, moans of pleasure could be heard...," more..."
"You want more? Ok"
Jungkook reached to the nightstand in the drawer he removed some lube," good job this is actually my room,@
He coated his fingers pushing one in, Jimin took it in well so turned on at this he pushed back against Jungkooks finger," your a needy little thing aren't you?"
"Shut up....,more,"
Another finger went in scissoring him stretching his hole then a third jimins tight hit warmth welcoming it as he pushed onto the hand pleasuring him, jungkook hooked his fingers up finding that spot Jimin groaning in arousal," I want I want more,"
"Jimin if you want more be specific I need to know,"
"F-fuck me me, I want you to fuck me,"
"I need a condom,"
"No you just you hurry ,"
Jungkook lubed his dick removing his fingers he lined himself up and pushed in bottoming out, jimin gasped loudly at the intrusion, "aaaah. Hurts,"
"Sshhh baby deep breaths soon feel better you did so well taking me in ,your pretty ass was made for me,"
Jimin relaxed a bit at his words getting used to the full pressure.
"Ok you c-can move ,"
Jungkook slowly pulled back before pushing back in then repeating soon he was in a rythm that Jimin was keen to join pushing back as Jungkook pushed in," Harder," he moaned.
"Hmm you like it rough eh,ok,"
Jungkook angled slightly different slamming in,
"Fuck oh fuck yes there," jimin felt Jungkook touch the bundle of nerves inside with every thrust.
"So tight your gonna make me cum," he thrust in harder feeling Jiminee tighten around him then give a loud moan", aaaaaargh Kookie" as he came onto the pillow underneath him, after a few more thrusts Jungkook came hard grunting out his release.
He withdrew, "let me clean you up"
Going to the bathroom he washed himself off then carried a wet towel to jimin cleaning the cum from his ass then telling him to turn while he rinsed off again. He removed the pillow then cleaned Jimins front before drying him.
"Right get comfortable,"
Jimin turned to his uninjured right side, jungkook placed a clean pillow unde his injured ankle then he slipped into the bed.
"Hush go to sleep," jimin nodded closing his eyes.
Jungkook faced Jimin staring at the beautiful face or as much as he could see in the dim light, this boy was really getting to him and he didn't know why, sighing he closed his eyes drifting off to a deep sleep.

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