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imagine if you and JJ were sleeping around together and you asked him what you were but you didn't get the answer you wanted.

warning: mentions of sex/ light smut/ swearing/weed

Chase Atlantic - Friends
and what the hell are we?
tell me we weren't just friends
this doesn't make much sense, no
but i'm not hurt, i'm tense
cause i'll be fine without you, babe

You and JJ had been sleeping together for about 3 months now and it was amazing. That feeling of being appreciated and not being alone made you love yourself. But there was a side that made you realise the unknown. The knowledge of what you guys were.

Were you just a doll that he played around with whenever he wanted or were you more than that? Were you someone that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with?

You were currently sat on your bed in your room thinking about JJ. Yesterday you were having sex and after you were done, he just gave you your clothes and walked out. It made you feel like a puppet and he was the puppet master.

You knew JJ was going to be at the chateau so that is where you were heading. You wanted to talk to him about what you guys were and you wanted to do it now. Without any hesitation, you began running to the chateau. It took you a while but you finally reached the house.

The porch floors slightly creaked at the pressure of a being but you ignored it. There was only one thing on your mind and that was to talk to a certain blonde Pogue. You checked every room but nothing,. Every detail of the house, nothing.

You huffed a breath of annoyance before remembering that you forgot to check outside. Whilst clicking your fingers like a lightbulb had just appeared above your head, you began to strut outside. Unfortunately for you, the feeling of being scared slowly began erupting inside of yourself when you saw the head of blonde hair in the hammock flowing in the cold breeze.

You took a deep breath before walking over to him.
"Hey," You spoke aloud. JJ stopped smoking his blunt and turned around to be faced with your figure.

"Oh, hey," He put out his blunt and fully faced you with that famous smirk. As soon as you sat down on the seat he attached his arms around you. He kissed your shoulder all the way up to your neck and began sucking at the same spot from yesterday.

You sucked in a breath that was begging to leave your rose lips. You mentally slapped yourself for letting JJ take dominance, for letting him even touch you sexually and for letting yourself not stop it. You relaxed in his touch but slowly came to your senses and pushed JJ off you.

"No, JJ. Stop," He gave you a questionable look when you stopped. He would've thought you liked him touching and kissing you, maybe not.

"What, why?" He stopped wrapping his arms around you and placed one of them behind his head, probably to flex them off. He probably wanted to impress her, knowing him.

"Look- I can't do this anymore," He gave her a confused look. JJ could sometimes be a little dumb, and that was clearly present in this current situation. He didn't know what you meant by it, he thought you guys were just a couple of teens messing around together.

"What do you mean?" He lowered the hand from behind his head an took of his hat that was previously placed on his head. He pushed his hat back on his head so his hair wouldn't get in the way of seeing you in front of him.

"I mean that I can't fuck around with you anymore, JJ," He looked a little taken aback from your choice of words but relayed back into his normal, cocky self.

JJ was slowly getting at what you were saying but at the same time, he didn't really want to hear it. He thought it was just a summer fling type of thing; like it was probably never going to lead into anything but sex. Because JJ isn't the 'relationship' type of guy.

Which is the exact opposite of what you wanted. You wanted to rely on someone to bring a genuine smile to your face and make them wash all of your worries away. And JJ clearly could not provide that for you.

"What-" JJ caught on with what you were saying and shifted a little bit. He actually enjoyed spending time with you and knowing that, that may not happen again, crushed his heart a bit.

"Yeah, JJ. I can't do it anymore, it makes me feel like you're leading me on," You didn't realise what you were saying until your voice spoke out. It was like a wave of words were slipping from your rose lips; almost like a tsunami that you couldn't control.

"But, I thought you liked it?" You were both looking into each other's eyes with lust and sadness mixed together.

"No! No, it's not like that. I do like it, it's just that I want something more," You didn't know if you sounded desperate and if you did, you know you would mentally cringe at yourself. You didn't want to come off like you were begging, that would make you look pathetic to him.

"You mean like more than having sex?" It was like you were the teacher and he was the student. You were slowly teaching him the things he needed to be educated on, and it was kind of painful. You didn't know what hurt more, you trying to teach JJ or the feeling of rejection that was about to occur.

Definitely the second one.

"Well, I thought this was just a one time thing, you know?" The pain in your heart was visible. This is what you were afraid of, the rejection from the guy that made you feel good.

"Oh..." Was all that could slip through your lips. For some reason, you knew this was going to happen and it hurt knowing that you could stop it. You could have stopped sleeping with him, but you didn't. Because you actually liked him, maybe you were even falling for JJ.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," It sounded like JJ had no sympathy for you, almost like he was humiliating you. And you were not going to stand for that.

"You don't have to be a dick about it," He turned in your direction with a new blunt in hand. You saw it and rolled your eyes. He couldn't even pay full attention to you, he had to focus on his drugs.


"You heard me," You had an emotionless expression written all over your face, which only seemed to confuse JJ even more.
"I come in here, actually wanting to have a serious fucking talk with you and you try and fuck me again, and wasn't even paying attention to me! What the fuck, JJ!" Tears so badly wanted to escape your pools, but you blinked a few times, not letting him get the satisfaction he wants.

JJ was too shocked to even let a word out; he didn't know what to say. He was disappointed at himself for being displayed as a dick, it wasn't his intention. And he was even more mad at himself for hurting you.

JJ didn't fully know if he returned the feelings that you were voicing. He just needed time to think about it all.

"I'm sorry," He admitted as he looked down, not keeping any more eye contact. She scoffed since he was acting like a coward, not even looking her in the eye.

"Whatever," You said before getting up from the hammock and walking away. Little did you know, JJ looked at your back when you left him alone with a single tear that dropped down his cheek.

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