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imagine if you and JJ broke up and you left OBX.

warning: panic attack/swearing

y/m = your mom

AURORA - Runaway
now take me home, home where i belong
i can't take it anymore

The night was cold. Goose bumps ran throughout your skin, making chills run through your spine. Energy was drained out of your body since the tears was making you dehydrated. Why? Because your boyfriend of 2 years broke up with you.

JJ Maybank was your number one. He was like a dream, you didn't think it was real because of how amazing it was to be with him. He was a gentleman, never too rough and never too soft. Always knew where your boundaries were and never pushed your limits.

But when that moment of when he was 'too drained out' to be in a relationship, you felt like your world just crashed. It was a ridiculous excuse, but you thought he was lying. Why was it that he was so happy the morning but then later he was 'broken' and he broke up with you. It made no sense.

Tears fell on your face, but with an already tear stained cheek. Your body was completely shaking out of loneliness and fear. You were afraid that you wouldn't be able to live with the knowledge that JJ wasn't with you anymore.

You sobbed your heart out, hand on your chest to stop you from hyperventilating. Panic attacks were common for you, almost every week. But ever since you met JJ, they were rare. But now that he's gone, it's more like a routine.

Footsteps were heard outside your bedroom door, but you didn't care. You were too concentrated on your breathing.

"Y/N!" Y/m's voice was present. You looked up from the floor to see your mom in the doorway. Her hand was resting on her chest, mouth open agape and eyes wide. She ran to your side and sat down next to you, holding you close to her.
"Shh! It's ok, Y/n."

She calmed you down until you could finally talk.
"What's wrong?" Your mother asked.

"JJ, h- he broke up with me," Silence filled the room. Your mother held a disappointed face, but she still held you close. You were too upset to look at her, but the essence you got that was radiating from her body, filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm sure there'll be others waiting for you," She stroked your hair, which she knew calmed you down.

"I don't know mom, I loved him," You sobbed at the thinking of JJ being the one stroking your hair. You situated yourself to have better posture since your back was aching from crying most of the day.

"Theres 7 billion people on the planet, I know one of them is gonna climb on the moon for you," Your mom kissed your head. You sniffled before looking up to face her.

"I wanna go," You said with a cracked voice since you could barely speak. Y/m looked at you questionably,

"What do you mean, hun?"

"I wanna leave Outer Banks."

JJ was with his friends at the Chateau. He had just broken up with you and he didn't know how he felt. His excuse did sound a bit idiotic, but it was an 'in the moment' type of thing. A part of him didn't want to end it with you, but another part of him felt free.

Yet that part didn't last long.

He wished he could still hold you, touch you, kiss you like there's no tomorrow. But no he can't, and it's all his fault.

"JJ, bro! Are you even listening?" John B exited JJ from his trance. He couldn't stop thinking about you.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am."

"Well you clearly aren't cause we've been trying to get your attention for ages now," Pope spoke aloud.

"I broke up with Y/n," He couldn't even tell he had just spoke, it was like his lips took control. The Pogues' eyes widened in utter shock. Kiara sat up, Pope looked straight at JJ and John B held his hands on top of his head. They all loved JJ and you together and never did they think you would be over.

"What?" Pope spoke quietly, barely audible for the others to hear.


"Why? I thought you loved her," Kiara shook her head to see if this was a dream. Unfortunately, it wasn't, this was reality.

"I did!" He shouted making the atmosphere fall silent,
"I still do..."

"Then why did you break up with her?" Pope asked with rage filling him. He always loved you as a best friend. He knew how much you loved JJ, and he could easily tell that you were sobbing your eyes out at this very moment.

"I don't know, man!" JJ and Pope were now at each other's throats. The remaining Pogue's looking at each other with worry filling their eyes.

"She loved you, bro! She loved you so fucking much and now you've broken her heart! I hope you're happy," Pope said before storming inside the house. JJ pulled on his blonde locks aggressively as well as letting out an angry grunt.

John B stood up and ripped JJ's hands away from his head. JJ looked at him with tears down his face.

"Why did you do it?" John B was desperate to know why. You were like a sibling to him and it also annoyed him that you were now broken.

"I don't know, I regret it," John B sighed.

Another figure ran outside the porch. Blonde hair was recognisable to everyone.

Sarah was present. Seeing as her golden locks shone throughout the air. She was panting, like she had just ran a marathon. "Guys!" She yelled aloud. The Pogues all looked at her at the same time. Pope was also there behind her because of the sudden presence of the Kook.

"What?" Kie asked.

"It's Y/n," JJ looked up as your name was said. Sarah had a tear on her cheek, meaning she was upset. So, John B wrapped his arms around her waist for reassurance.

"What about her?" Pope asked with a worried tone.

"She's leaving OBX."

And that's when JJ's heart broke.

part 2?

JJ MAYBANK IMAGINESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang