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Xiao's POV

I immediately went back to my room.

The Fatui...Where could they possibly be hiding?

I searched through the pile of maps, grabbing the one of Liyue.

I traced my finger over it, frowning a little.

I have to find the Fatui.

I have to find Hu Tao.

"They can't be in Liyue Harbor, it'll be too easy to spot them." I murmured to myself.

"In fact, they can't be in Liyue at all, since the guards are all over the place here. The security is strong."

I leaned back in my seat and raked my fingers through my hair.

"Why would they be in Liyue at all? But Keqing said they are, and she was never wrong."

I sighed.

"Why would they even kidnap Hu Tao?"

I thought for a while.

The only reason is to...

My eyes lit up and I abruptly stood up.

"They want to lure me to them." I gasped.

Of course.

They always thought I was a threat since I was quite smart and skilled in fighting as well.

But they knew my weakness.

I would do anything for people I care about.

Even if I've figured their plan out, I would still go with it to save Hu Tao.

And they were right.

I sat back down and leaned my head back.

They would use Hu Tao as bait, threaten to kill her if I didn't surrender myself.

But I'm pretty sure they would actually kill her if I didn't cooperate since she doesn't have any other uses to them.

Even if we bring our army, they could easily overpower us.

We have more in numbers, but they have both numbers and strength.

The only way to save Hu Tao now is to surrender me.

For Hu Tao...

I'm willing to sacrifice.

Now, how do I find them?

I sat up properly and looked through the map in my hands.

I don't think they would take the risk to sneak in here and threaten me, since they would alert the others and it would ruin their plan.

They would be at a place where I know. 

Where I'm familiar with.

A place that means a lot to me.

A special place...

"Xiao! Save me!"

I grabbed my head, eyes widened.

"Xiao! Don't leave us alone! Please!"

"Stop..." I mumbled, falling onto the floor and curling into a ball.


"Breathe, Xiao, breathe." I calmed myself down and steadied my breathing, the voices in my head started to disperse, leaving only the eerie silence of my room.

I took a shaky breath.

"I think I know where to go."

The next day, I woke up early and changed into a black shirt and fitted jeans.

I went to Ganyu's room.

She was sleeping calmly in her bed, slightly smiling in her dreams.

I gently ruffled her hair, she snuggled into my arm. 

I smiled sadly. It may be the last time I'd ever see her.

After leaving, I went to Venti's room.

He was curled into a ball on his bed, his blanket was kicked away from him.

I sat beside him.

"I'm sorry to have worried you. You deserve better." I whispered.

I pushed a strand of hair out of his face and covered the blanket over him.

"I guess I'm pretty fond of you now." I smiled slightly.

I left the room and closed the door lightly.

I slowly walked out of the palace. 

The guards saw me and opened the gates.

I took one last look at the majestic building.

I sighed, turned around and walked out, never looking back again.







I hoped you liked it! :)

I'm probably gonna get busier by tomorrow but I'll try my best to keep up with the schedule of updating every night!

Please look forward to the next chap!

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