Moment Of Truth

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Clementine  finally  got  to  her  feet  coughing  though  the  smoke.  By  that  time  everyone  else  had  been  awoken  from  the  molotov  and  had  made  their  way  downstairs.  

"How  the  hell  did  this  happen!?"  Kenny's  voice  boomed  powerfully  before  he  himself  started  to  cough  on  the  thick  smoke.  Luke  and  Vince  began  ripping  the  wooden  boards  from  the  windows.  Using  the  buts  of  their  guns  they  smashed  the  glass,  shattering  on  impact.  

"What  do  we-"  Duck  began  to  speak  but  was  cut  off  when  part  of  the  ceiling  began  to  collapse.  Off  instinct  he  grabbed  Clem's  hand.  "Shit."

Luke  stepped  out  first  successfully  making  it  through  before  Vince  followed.

Becca  grabbed  Clementine's  hand  tightly  with  Sarah's  in  her  other.  "We  stick  together."  She  mumbled  before  the  four  ran  straight  for  the  window.  

"Get  to  the  wood-"

The boy was cut off yet again, this time by what sounded like gunshots, followed by the well known groans and moans of walkers. Quickly, he pulled out his weapon, Clem doing the same as they ran out of the resort.

Once they arrived they saw that somehow, the windmill keeping the power going was spinning out of control, blasting a loud whirring sound in the air. Duck held his hands over his ears, the sound being too loud for him to handle. Clem only stared at him, confused as to why he'd be doing that. Walkers were surrounding them, which she found a bit weird, when they went out earlier they weren't nearly as many as their were now.

Where did they come from? She wondered.

"We need to get that windmill off!" Duck heard Vincent yell over the loud sound of the mill. Clem looked around, seeing if their were any walkers coming up that were too close to comfort, but before she could get a thorough look around Duck tugged on her arm, pointing over to the Windmill.

"Do you think you can figure it out?" He asked her. The girl nodded before charging over to the loud object, her being the only one not affected by the ear curdling sound the thing produced. She opened the hatch, sighing in frustration seeing the cable box being too dark to really see anything. Luckily for her, Shell came up behind her flicking the bic of her lighter to give her proper lighting to see what she needed to do.

It didnt seem to hard, in fact it was rather simple, with a quick turn of a key and the flip of a switch the windmill stopped.

The others sighed in relief but they weren't completely clear yet. Walkers were attracted to the buzzing of the windmill and there were more and more each direction Clem looked in. She took out her knife, holding it tight in her grip before attacking the first one she saw. She kicked at the monsters knee causing it to double over, allowing her to land the fatal blow to it's head.

She could feel another one come up from behind her, almost grabbing her but she dodged it just in time before doing the same to that walker. She looked around her seeing both groups popping off at the walkers, but she knew all in all there were way too many to fight off.

In her periphial she could see Shell fighting with one, some how the walker was gaining the advantage. She quickly ran over to the woman, her blade out and sliced through the back of the walkers knees. It's legs quickly gave out giving Shell just the upper hand she needed to finish it off.

Sweat began to form on her brow as more walkers approached her. She was ready to fight, to end them and get it over with but in the distance, right under a coffee table she saw Duck, attempting to kick off two walkers trying to get at him.

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