Broken Trust

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Clementine sat beside Duck bound by her wrist like the others. The piercing glares were hard to ignore, everyone had something to say, yet no one had the gall to speak up just yet.

It was silent for quite a while, until Carlos decided to speak up. "I didn't know it would end like this."

Kenny growled, sending the man a glare of his own. "One of my people is dead because of you. Don't spit me any bullshit."

Clementine stayed silent her eyes trained solely trained on her feet. She could feel the intense emotions from everyone in the truck. It was thick and unforgiving it made her feel out of place. 

"You spoke so badly of them only for you to-"

"I  HAD TO!" The man voice boomed. "You don't win against Carver, the plan was a failure from the start. I was trying to save us." 

Duck scoffed, "You didn't give us the chance."

Becca chimed in, "The plan would have worked, I know it." 

Carlos rolled his eyes. "You don't know Carver, not like we do, not like I do."

Duck face went red in anger. "Are you forgetting that me and Clem spent days with that lunatic!?" He glanced over at Clem who's had shut her eyes, her face slightly scrunched. "Don't tell us what we know and don't know. We know enough and fighting back was better than laying down and rolling over, now look at us!?" 

"When did you even find time to talk to him!?" Becca asked.

Carlos sighed, "I bounced around while you guys were carrying out your plan...I found him in the woods or he found me I should say." He ran his hands through his hair. "Fighting him would only piss him off more. I'm sorry for the death of your friend but it could have been way worse."

Rebecca sighed, "Let's calm down. Clearly all of our emotions are running wild."

"Shut it! He's one of yours, scared little fucking minions!" Kenny huffed.

Alvin spoke up his voice laced with annoyance. "I'm getting tired of hearing you voice right about now! This is our domain I suggest you listen to us if you wanna live."

"The moment I wanna die I'll come your way until then I'd rather ignore you like I been doing." Kenny scoffed again.

"Let's  just  lay  low  and  wait  for  Luke,  he  wasn't  caught.  He'll  come  for  us."  A  faint  smile  fell  over  Rebecca's  tired  features.  There  was  a  sprinkle  of  hope  in  her  eye  that  her  leader  would  come  and  save  her  friends,  but  Kenny  who  was  already  blazing  in  anger  shut  her  claims  down  quickly.

"If  he  was  going  to  do  something  he  would  have  done  it  already!  He  left  us,  we  need  to  help  ourselves."  He  spoke  so  loudly,  his  words  made  the  pregnant  woman  flinch.

"We  know  Luke,  he  wouldn't  leave  us  behind.  He's  coming."

"No  he  ain't  and  the  sooner  you  realize  that  the  better  off  you'll  be."  

Clem had since opened her eyes seeing the heated words being exchanged between the members of the group. She nudged at Duck attempting to get his attention. 

Duck looked over, noticing her small hand movements. She urged him to tell her what was going on, she was barely keeping up with everyone talking at the same time.

Duck opened his mouth to speak right as Kenny did the same.

"Clementine, you okay?"

The group all turned toward Clem, some with looks of confusion as to why Kenny would be asking her that particular question.

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