Everywhere You Go Death Follows

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"I'm going to put you on my back, but you have to hold on tight Clem." Duck frantically whispered trying to pull the girl up by her arm, but there was no use. She was too out of it. 

He kneeled in front of her, and she was able to weakly climb onto him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as tightly as she could, but when he stood she quickly realized she didn't have as much strength as she thought.

She groaned in his ear, once again letting out a small whimper. "I  know Clemmy, I'm sorry."

Shell looked over, seeing Duck struggling with Clem. She quickly made her way over to them. 

"Is she okay?" She made sure to keep her voice as quiet as possible, but she knew talking at all could put them all in jeopardy.

"No, she's not. We need to get out of here." Becca took one look at her friend and could tell she was the furthest thing from being okay. "We need to hurry and get to Carlos, he'll help."

Shell agreed. "Yeah we just need to get out of this hellhole first." 

The small group made their way through the herd. 

Duck struggled keeping Clem on his back. As much as he wanted to be the one to carry her he was still hurt himself. His pace lagged compared to Becca and Shell, and the two noticed he had fallen behind.

He tried to call for help, but there were too many walkers between himself and Shell.

Clementine began to gag again, retching. She tried to hold it back, but the more she tried the more it forced it's way up her throat. It came out, spewing out of her mouth. Duck staggered forward, almost falling from the weight of her.

The sound of her alone drew walkers to them. He panicked. He couldn't use his weapon due to Clem being on his back. He stepped back, bumping into another walker. It stood over the both of them, arms outstretched ready to pull them into its arms.

Clem gripped her weapon, raising it above her head and driving the hard metal through the walkers skull. She groaned, trying to summon enough energy to rip it out. She did finally, right in time to drive it through anothers skull.

Blood spattered but both children were unaffected. Duck stumbled forward, and Clem prepared to slice through another walker when Shell appeared through the herd. 

She heard Clem vomiting and turned back to see them fighting off the dead. Both her and Becca turned back helping them fight. Shell hammer got stuck in the head of a walker, making it hard for her to rip the weapon out. 

Another walker grabbed at her arm, biting down on it. She felt the walkers teeth pierce her skin as it dug into her flesh.

Becca's heart sunk, watching her sister try to fight off the walker. Clem seeing this once again raise her weapon over her head, and in a split second brought the blade down on Shell's arm.

The action caught them all by surprise. Shell screamed in horror, the pain so strong she struggled standing upright. Clementine raised her clever again, and swung this time cutting straight through her arm.

Shell stumbled back, grabbing her arm sobbing.

"YOU! Why  would you-" 

She never finished her sentence. Her screams had attracted too much attention, and within seconds the herd was on her tearing her apart.

Becca stood still, shocked by the events that had taken place. She wanted to scream, and yet no sound came out. Her eyes burned, silent tears falling from her eyes.

Duck grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the sight. Becca followed, but he wasn't sure she knew what she was doing exactly.

Eventually the three of them made it out of the herd, and were out in the open. In the distance the spotted a small river, a place they could rest before the continued on. 

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