Takes Time

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Duck had left Clem alone in the tent. The sun had started to fall below the horizon and the sky had fallen dark.

The group was preparing to move. After hours of debating the group had decided that Wellington would be the best option. They were further up North than down South, and with baby food running low they didn't want to risk traveling South with no destination in mind.

Sarah and Becca were packing up their things while Duck went to get Clementine. 

Duck entered the tent after taking a brief moment to prepare himself for what he could possibly see. 

He sighed. Clem was laid on the floor, clutching her picture of Lee. Her hat laid beside her, allowing her curls to spring free. The bandage that Carlos had put on was now on full display, he could even see a blood spot from where her injury was. He made a mental note to ask Carlos to change her bandage, or at least teach him how so he could do it. 

He stepped closer noticing a very evident frown on her face as she slept. Her lips slightly moved, she was mumbling slurred incoherent words. Her fists were balled holding her picture of Lee.

He reached for the picture successfully taking it from her loose grip before placing it back in her bag.

"N-No..." He heard her mumble and groan, like she was in pain. Duck stopped what he was doing, leaving her bag half zipped. It was clear she was having a nightmare but of what? He had no clue.

What surprised him the most were the sounds she was making, weird sounds he had never heard before. He couldn't tell whether she was in pain or not, but whatever was happening freaked him out.

"Clem wake up..."

But she did not wake. Her hands were balled into fists, her legs were softly kicking. She let out another sound, soft and breathy. They became more frequent, and tears began to force their way out of her closed eyes.


Duck had enough. He grabbed the girl but her shoulders roughly shaking her until she jolted awake. Her eyes shot open, as she gasped in fear. Her eyes were open but she was not there. She looked lost, and when she turned to face him he knew she was not seeing him.

She was terrified, he had never seen her so fearful. Her fists trembled, her breath quickened. It took her a minute to realize that she was no longer in her dream. Duck remained still figuring it was best not to move until she was comfortable. 

"Clem-" He spoke softly after she had looked at him with a bit of recognition. "You okay?"

She stood to her feet, still not moving from her spot. "Sorry  I  thought-"

"Thought what?"

Clem didn't reply and Duck didn't push the issue. 

"We're leaving soon." He picked up her hat from the floor placing it atop her head. "I know moving at night isn't the safest but we can't stay here out in the open."

She nodded and walked around him to exit the tent. 

He grabbed at her hand stopping her from moving any further. Slowly she turned around, her head tilted a little ways to the side as if to ask what he wanted.

"What were you dreaming about? You were making these sounds, like...you were crying" Clem's cheeks burned red. She looked down at the ground avoiding his eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it..."

Duck pressed, "Was it about Carver? Did he do something to you?"

Clem cringed shuffling to her feet. She turned away from Duck looping her backpack around her shoulders. Her eyes were closed tightly trying to force her traumatic memories away. "Don't worry about it." She forced the words out before turning to meet Duck's eyes. "It was just a crappy dream."

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