There's Blood On Your Hands

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Rebecca screams quickly woke everyone else as well.

Both Duck and Clem frozen where they stood. Looking at Rebecca in the state she was in immediately took them back to Christa's birth. All the blood, the screams and cries, but nothing haunted them more than the dead infant...

They both gripped each others hands tightly as the adults stood around slightly panicking.

"Please, we knew this was happening! Everyone stepped back..." Carlos moved them back as he quickly got to work. Kenny was up raging about how they needed blankets for the baby. Duck wished his father would quite down but for once the man's demands seemed to work in his favor.

Shel, Becca, Russell, Sarah and Mike all stood off to the side. Becca, who was the closest to Clementine gently grabbed her shoulder and pulled her and Duck back toward the rest of them. She too went to grip Clem's hand. 

"Does it really hurt that bad?" She asked her friends as the group of kids all stared and watched in horror.

While they stood there Duck got the bright idea to tell the others about Luke and the walkie. That way it could work as a sort of distraction, and they needed to get working on their escape plan anyways.

"I know now is probably not the best time but Luke's here, and he and Clem came up with a master plan." He announced turning to face the group who's eyes were wide in disbelief. He reached down to take the walkie talkie from Clem's pants and showed it to them, though he made sure to do it as discretely as possible.

"No fucking way! What's the plan?" Becca asked practically jumping up and down in excitement. Clementine couldn't help but smile at the look of hope that crossed all their faces.

Clementine took the walkie from Duck showing them which station to use and which not to tap into. 

"Channel 10 is Carvers...stay away from that one." Just as he said that Kenny walked over barking at the group for just standing around when Rebecca was in labor. However the man quickly hushed himself when he saw the walkie talkie in Duck's hand. 

With his eyes wide he looked over to his son, "What did you do Duck?"

The boy quickly shook his head motioning to Clean beside him. "I didn't do a thing. This was all Clem, she found Luke..."

"R-Really?" The older man asked in surprise. "But how, we've all been in the pen?" He took the walkie out of Duck's hand fiddling with it.

"Be careful with that dad, we don't want to alarm anyone who doesn't need to be in on this and Clem snuck out last night...from the ladder there." He pointed over toward the broken ladder that lead to the roof showing the others where he had found Clem just moments before.

"Well I be damned."

Once again, Duck and Clem went over the plan on what time do with the walkies and the group themselves went over their own plan, making sure everyone knew exactly what was going down. 

Moments later Bonnie came walking through the pen, rifle in hand as she always did. 

"It's that time already?" She seemed just as startled as everyone else. Her eyes wide as she stared down at Rebecca. 

"None of us were prepared for this. We knew it would be soon but this-" Alvin looked down at his wife fear etched over his face. "Too soon. She's coming too soon." 

Bonnie wanted to help the couple but she'd be the first to admit she had no clue what to do. Instead she helped in the only way she knew how; gathering supplies.

"Kenny come with me. There's some things she gonna need, but I can't carry all of it alone. I'm gonna need a second pair of hands." 

Although Kenny was untrusting of the women he didn't hesitate to gather needed supplies for the newest member of their group. He went with Bonnie muttering under his breath. "Just don't do anything stupid." 

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