We're Leaving Tonight

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Clementine did not wake for a while. 

As punishment Alvin's dead body laid in front of them for hours serving as a constant reminder of the days events. Kenny had thrown a blanket over him mumbling about respecting the dead.

Duck had cried himself to sleep. The thought of taking Alvin's life was too much to bare for the child. No matter how much he tried to wipe the sight from his mind he could still see the bullet blow into Alvin's head killing him instantly.

He could still see his eyes cock as the life seeped out of his body. It haunted him, and his only peace was the sleep that came after his tears had dried.

One by one others in the pen followed after Duck until only Becca, Sarah and Carlos were the ones left awake. The girls hadn't left Clem's side. After the events had unfolded they were the first to run to her. 

Somehow Sarah had convinced her father for her to stay up a while longer. She wouldn't be able to rest knowing Clementine hadn't woke after being attacked.

Sarah looked up at Clem then down at the hat that she had in her hands.

"Is she dead?"

Becca's  head flew up her face frowned as she replied. "No! Don't be stupid!" The bite behind her words surprised Sarah. She averted her eyes looking away from her.

As soon as she said it she regretted it. Becca sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that it's just-" She looked toward an sleeping Clem. "Don't say things like that. She'll be fine."

The two fell into silence again, just in time to hear a faint groan come from behind them. They gasped turning to see Clementine's eyes softly fluttering.

Clem opened her eyes instantly feeling the soreness of her face. She groaned raising her hand to her nose. The sting was almost to much to bare, it felt as if her face was cracked. Her neck burned in pain, she felt the bandage around her throat.

For a second she was confused on how she had gotten in that predicament. Then second by second the memory returned. She sprung up from her bed gasping for air. She saw Becca and Sarah in front of her. She saw Carlos run over to her yet the only thing she registered was the covered body of Alvin that still laid motionless on the concrete.

The girl stood to her feet, slightly loosing her balance a bit. 

"Clem you need to lay down! You took a hard hit to your head." Carlos was concerned yet Clem still trudged on no matter how hard her head pounded in pain.

"Please Clem, you lost a lot of blood." The man said again.

She walked straight to Alvin standing over his dead corpse. 

His death was pointless. Though the two had their disagreements she never wanted him dead. Her chest tightened, her breath hitching as his death replayed in her head.

It was her fault. The events of last night occurred because she had killed Rebecca. She had done it again, caused death to those around her.

Becca rested her hand over her shoulder gently tugging her away from the body.

"Don't look Clem. It only makes it worse." She led Clem back to the cot she had been resting on where Carlos was waiting with a cup of water for her to drink. She sat on the cot with Sarah and Becca at both sides of her.

She took the water from Carlos nodding in thanks before she chugged the liquid down her dry throat. 

Carlos hoped the water would help her to calm down. Alvin's death was devastating enough for the adults, he couldn't even begin to imagine what the children were feeling.

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