No Bite Behind That Bark

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Carlos took it upon himself to wrap up Clem's wound with actual gauze after proving to the group that Clem couldn't have been bitten by a walker to which Duck replied with a smart remark earning him a dark glare in return. Not that he cared at all.

"Her suturing skills can use some work."

Duck smirked, "Enlightening coming from you. Who knows, you probably would have stitched her up with a knitting needle considering all you know." He put emphasis on the last word, using air quotes to get his point across.

Carlos didn't reply, instead he stood to his feet and went to the sink to wash his hands. "Don't think I don't know what you did to my daughter." He sneered staring down into the sink. Duck took a seat in front of Clem, rolling his eyes as he quickly signed to Clem behind the mans back.

"What are you talking about?" He had to admit, as much as he didn't like the people they were with all he wanted to do was eat so he could get some good nights rest. It had been a while since they slept in an actual bed, and the house had more than enough room for Clem and himself.

"You manipulated my daughter." He said matter of factly, wasting water down the drain. Duck again, translated for Clem.

She  rolled  her  eyes  in  response  clearly  over  the  conversation  already.

Carlos finally turned off the water now looking up from the sink. "She's not someone you ask for help. You may not get that now but you will later."

"Whose to say we will even be here that long. It's clear we're not wanted." Duck said reaching over the table to tuck a piece of hair behind Clem's ear before translating for her.

"Even if you're not, I'd ask that you stay away from her. She's my little girl, she's all I have left." He sighed, shaving his head as he stared out the dirty window. "If she knew what it was like out there, she would cease to function."

He turned around just when Duck had finished translating for Clem  with  the  same frown he'd been wearing since they had arrived. Both children returned with frowns of their own. Slowly he made his way toward them, as they ate their food.

"You are not to be trusted, that I know for sure. Stay away from my daughter." He said finally before leaving the kitchen.

"I  don't  like  him." Clem signed before shoving a spoon full of oatmeal in her mouth. They both shared a laugh, but the moment was lost as soon as Rebecca showed herself.

"Oh, you're still here." She looked between the both of them before heading over to the sink. The two stayed silent, Duck didn't care to speak to her at all but he still translated for Clem anyways. He figured she may have something to say.

"Don't get comfortable."

Clem dropped her spoon in her bowl. She had had it with Rebecca's constant remarks. Duck had filled her in on all the nasty things the older woman said, so she figured she'd shoot one back, an insult of her own.

"Who's  baby  is  it?"  She  motioned  for  Duck  to  ask  her  the  question  inducing  a  mischievous  smirk  on  the  boy's  face.  He  was  happy  to.

"Who's  baby  is  it?"

Duck almost choked in his food stifling down a laugh. He hadn't expected Clem to want  to  say  anything  at  all.

"Excuse me?"

Duck translated for Clem while  she  was  turned  around.

"If  it's  not  Alvin's  who's  is  it?"

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