Thin Ice

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They had been walking for so long Clem could barely feel her legs. The cold had set in making everyone wrap their arms around themselves to keep warm.

However Clem was more worried about Aj than herself.

Snow had begun to gather on the floor turning usually brownish ground a vibrant white. The group left very evident footprints behind making it easier for people to track them. 

Clem felt some anxiety knowing that Troy could be out there, but she tried stuffing the torturous thought in the back of her mind.

"I think there's a cabin or house somewhere around here. I saw a map a ways back..." Mike announce to the group through his chattering teeth. Duck practically cringed hearing the sound of his teeth harshly collide together.

Kenny nodded wrapping Aj tighter in his hands. "I did too. It's more up North. I think we'll come on it soon." Kenny hoped that when they arrived there would be some sort of supplies there, specifically for the baby. 

They had about two days worth left of food for Aj before they were going to run out and with Rebecca gone there was no way to guarantee he would be able to get the food he needed. His only concern was making sure that all the kids in the group remained safe and alive, especially his three.

He hadn't said anything to the group about it out of fear that the group would want to turn back to Howe's. Turning back was not an option, not for him at least.

"It's getting colder, we should have tried to get some clothes." Bonnie suggested, shivering from the harsh breeze of air.

Luke shook his head limping on his sore leg. "No, that would have taken too long. We did the right thing going for the weapons. We can deal with the cold."

"We maybe can but this baby can't. The sooner we find some shelter the better." Kenny said from the front of the group. He checked on Aj who was peacefully sleeping in his arms. They had wrapped him in layers of blankets hoping that did enough to shield him from the harsh cold.

"He's right, the kid could freeze to death. Hopefully this cabin or whatever has a nice fire place." Carlos replied looking down at Sarah who had moved her arms to the inside of her shirt in an attempt to keep herself warm. Snowflakes had gathered in her hair, and her glasses were blocked by the clump of snowflakes that had fallen on her lenses. He took the girls glasses from her face wiping the snow from them before placing them back where they belonged.

"Keep these clean, you need to be able to see Sarah." He lightly scolded the girl. She simply nodded too cold to really do anything else. 

Becca, who was walking beside Clem had since been nicer since their little chat. Both girls appreciated being able to talk to the other, even though their was a slight communication barrier. The fact that Clementine felt safe enough to speak to her in the first place was something Becca took a great pride in.

"Whatever we find it needs to be soon." Bonnie snapped from the back of the group. Luke groaned in agreement, he was too cold to do much else. He along with a few others in the group were still mad about the decision to continue moving North.

With Kenny being as stubborn as he was it was hard for anyone to try to get their points across. It was like talking to a brick wall, and so after hours of fighting the others bit their tongue and followed behind.

The group continued on, all of them fighting off the harsh cold in their own ways. 

Clem's cheeks had begun to get a little red from the cold, same for Duck and Sarah. Their once warm fingers were now cold and numb, to the point it hurt to move them too much. Clementine was pretty sure they were freezing to death. 

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