Introduction Chapter (Where the story is now)

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Hello my lovelies! Here a short introduction chapter to where the sequel to Come Back To Me, is going to begin.
I once again changed family names. So if you notice fictional names, thats why.
This chapter will be fairly short, just because I don't want to give too much away in the introduction part.
Let me know what you guys think, and I can't wait for Book 2 to take off! <33333
-April xxxxxxx*

It had been exactly 5 months since YN, Hobi and Chanyeol had moved in with the rest of the guys to be together for when Hobi's mind would start to slip again.
It had been exactly 5 months since YN annouced to everyone that she was expecting again. Everyone was so shocked and supportive. They couldn't wait to have another little niece or nephew around to spoil along side of Chanyeol.
Hobi's family was most excited, and most of all his sister, who had annouced that she too was expecting a little one, as unexpected as it came because her wedding was just around the corner, but she was excited nonetheless.
And it had also been 5 months since Hobi had lost his memories once again. It was never easy for YN when Hobi forgot everything, but it seemed this time it was a little easier to manage. He didn't want to run away, and he did his best to understand in his confusion that she was his wife, and Chanyeol was his son and that together they were expecting another little one.
This time he had journals, the locket he had gotten them both for Christmas, pictures, and notes to trigger his memories, and though it worked for short amount of time, it seemed it was going to be another long stint of time before he could fully remember once again.

Although YN relied alot on each of the guys for support to help her through the times, it was Namjoon who truly helped her through the first month.
Especially when Chanyeol started to catch on that his father had once again lost his memories. The first night after getting Chanyeol to bed after she talked with him a long while, explaining the situation again for him to understand, was a hard one. And once she got him settled and off to sleep, she could not contain her emotions.
It was Namjoon who found her first that night. Curled into the corner of the couch, with her head buried deep in her arm, hiding her face from the world.
She had been sure everyone had gone to sleep and she felt confident and letting her emotions slip from her eyes, but after a few moments of the tears flowing freely, she felt a pair of famaliar strong arms wrapped around her, arms she knew belonged to Namjoon.
He held her tightly against his chest, rocking her comfortingly and not saying anything to her at first.
"Its alright...." he had said after awhile of her just crying to him. "We will figure this out together. Yoongi had the right idea of you all moving in with us, this time you don't have to wait and be alone. You have us here...." he says rocking her again. "You have me here."

Namjoon was a big help with getting Chanyeol to and from school most mornings, especially when YN had doctor's appointments for the baby.
One particular morning, Hobi had regained his memories for a short period, that he was able to attend one of the baby appointments with YN and he was able to be learn with her that they would be having another little boy.
The excitement that lit up his face as the ultra sound tech confirmed this, was enough for all the pain that YN had been carrying around for the long months of her pregnancy.
But as they went to lunch later that afternoon, his mind went again, and YN tried desperately to hide her visible disappointment, and did her best to explain the situation to Hobi, but ultimately had to call Namjoon for back up.

It was then that Hobi made the decision to move in temporarily with his sister. Of course this worried everyone, as last time he had decied to move away, he ran to the states for 6 years and no one knew when he would be returnig. It was also a decison everyone fought against, because the whole objective of everyone moving in together was to keep everyone close and to help if and when Hobi's memories would fade again.
But at least with his sister, he wasn't too far away from everyone, and he could still come to see YN and Chanyeol, so in the end, everyone agreed to let him do what he felt was best.

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