Chapter 1

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Since the introduction chapter was so well recieved, I will go ahead and post the first chapter.
Its an emotional one, so beware!
-April xxxxxx*

After the wedding ceremony, Chanyeol made his way down the aisle to YN and jumped carefully into her lap.
"Did I do good Eomma?" he asks excitedly, clapping his hands.
"You were the best ring bearer I have ever seen, you set some high standards for future ones." she says pinching his cheeks playfully as he giggles.
Meanwhile Namjoon was watching carefully, making sure she truly okay, like she had assured him the whole ceremony that she was.
"Eomma...." Chanyeol says as he touches her cheeks. "Your face looks very red, almost like mine does when I have a fever. Are you and my brother ok?"
Namjoon looked from Chanyeol to YN to see her reaction, but she was calm and gave Chanyeol a warm smile as she helped him from her lap.
"We are both fine, it's just slightly warm in here and maybe I should have some water." she says taking his hand in hers.
"YN, I really think that we should take you to...." Namjoon begins but is cut off by Yoongi running over and grabbing him by the sleeve of suit coat.
"They want us to take a group photo, and Hanjoon is looking for YN." Yoongi says motioning for Namjoon to follow him.
"Wait..." Namjoon says as he snatches his arm away from Yoongi.
"Go on Joon, I'll be fine." YN says with a smile.
"But you are not fine, YN. Please...I want to help."
"Namjoon honestly, I just need some water. I'll grab some from the counter before I go to find Hanjoon, ok?"
Namjoon wasn't satisfied with this answer, but what could he do. He wasn't Hobi, and he wasn't her doctor, he was just Namjoon, her best friend, the person who's there for her when no one else is. He knew better than to try and argue with her, and the last thing he wanted to do was cause a rift between them in this delicate stage she was in.
"Fine....but when we are done taking pictures if you are still warm I am taking you to your Doctor." Namjoon says with a serious look.
"Fine." YN says as her and Chanyeol make their way to the counter that had all the beverages that were non alchoholic sitting out for anyone to help themselves to.
"Eomma..." Chanyeol says as he tugs her hand slightly.
"Mm..." she says handing him a small glass of his favorite juice. Hanjoon made sure to specifically add it to the list for him, knowing besides water, it would be the only thing he would want to drink.
"Don't be so mean to Uncle Joon, he's worried."
"I know he's worried, Channie. I know. For now, let's just go see Auntie, ok?"
"Okay eomma!" Chan says with a smile as he places his empty cup back onto the counter and takes his mother's hand once again.
They finally found Hanjoon in the back of the venue, she had changed out of her wedding gown, and was now wearing a slightly more casual, yet classy dress. Her tiny baby bump poking through and her smiled reached up to her eyes, much like Hobi's did when he was extremely happy.
"Eonni!" she calls out excitedly as she turns her attention from her friends and catches eye of YN and Chanyeol walking her way.
"Hanjoon! Congratulations!" YN says happily as she holds out her arms to Hanjoon and hugs her tightly.
"Oh? YN, why are you so warm?" Hanjoon asks as she breaks from the hug. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine." YN assures her with a smile. "It's just a little warm in here. That's all. Little more water, I'll be fine."
Hanjoon was not convinced as she lead her and Chanyeol over to some chairs and made her sit down. She sighed as she took her hand in hers and patted it softly.
"Are you fine? Really?" Hanjoon asks again, looking into her eyes with concern written all over her face.
"Yes, I am fine. Really...."
"No you are not. Because Hoseok is with me, and not where he should be." Hanjoon sighs sadly.
"Don't you dare..." YN says as she pinches her chin. "You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much, and if you cry, your makeup will run."
Hanjoon giggled slightly as she waved her hands in front of her face to try and keep the tears from falling from her eyes.
"Eomma...." Chanyeol says tugging her skirt. "The Uncles are done taking photos, can I go see them? Appa is over there, I haven't seen him since last weekend!"
"Yes go on, stay near your appa and uncles tho! Don't wander!" she shouted to Chanyeol, as she watched him trot over to Jimin and Jungkook, her eyes trailed over to Namjoon who greeted her with a smile and gave her a thumbs up, indicating he would keep an eye on Chanyeol for her.
"I wish you and Chanyeol would come stay with us as well. At least there, Hoseok might recover quicker." Hanjoon sighs as she takes YN hand once again.
YN sighed as she gave Hanjoon a small smile and shook her head.
"I know everyone doesn't understand the situation, especially when Hoseok takes off during the memory slips, but I have honestly learned to just let him do what he is most comfortable with. The last time we tried to push it all on him, he ran to the states. I don't want that to happen again. I have always told Namjoon that no matter what happens between me and Hoseok, I want him to have a relationship with his children. We are trying the slow approaches this time, instead of bombarding him with information all at once. I dont blame him though, for wanting to be away when he can't remember. I would be quite confused myself if I woke up one morning and forgot who I was and the people around me, only to be told someone I dont know at that moment is my husband, and I have children. It would be overwhemling, I can understand his need to run."
Hanjoon nodded, understanding what YN was saying. It was a tough situation all around, for everyone, especially while everyone was trying to be understanding of Hobi's decisions, but in all reality at the end of the day, he was always going to do what made him comfortable.
"At least this time, he had slight awarness of Chanyeol." Hanjoon says looking over to Hobi who was now scooping up Chanyeol in his arms and holding him proudly for everyone to see. His smile wide across his face, and Chanyeol laughing loudly. It was the first time in months she had seen Chanyeol truly happy.
"Yes, for that I am truly grateful." YN smiled as she turned back to Hanjoon, she reached out her hand to her tiny baby bump and rubbed it gentely. "How's the little one?"
"Doing just fine. I have appointment next week, I am hoping to find out what we are having at this one. Maybe we will both have boys." she says excitedly clapping her hands. "If we are we could have our baby showers together!"
"I like that idea." YN says through a small laugh. If its one thing Hobi and all his siblings had in common, it was their chipper personality. They all always lit up a room, and they alwasy smiled the brightest.
"Well let's take a picture together!" she says motioning towards the camera man. "Then maybe we can get the boys and Hoseok over here for one as well."
YN nods as Hanjoon takes her hand to help her up. As she stood up, she began to feel slightly dizzy again and her vision started to go blury once again.
"Ready?" she says wrapping her arm around her waist and turning her to where she wanted her to postion for the picture.
"Yes..." YN says lowly as she blinks quickly as she looks over to the camera man, or what she thought was the camera man. Her vision was blurring more and more by the second, and now she was truly starting to think Namjoon was right about her needing to go to the doctor. She smiled and saw the flash of the camera, and then Hanjoon let go of her waist.
"Hoseok!" she called out to him. "Hey! Yea, you and the guys come over here for a picture with me and YN!"
As Namjoon turned to head towards where YN and Hanjoon were standing, he noticed something wasn't quite right with YN. She was swaying slightly, grabbing onto her head and rubbing her eyes.
He looked over to Hobi who was still holding Chanyeol, and just as he looked back he saw her hit the floor.
"Shit!" he calls out as he starts sprinting over to YN.
"Eomma!" Chanyeol calls out as Hobi held him while he ran over to join Namjoon.
Namjoon picked her up and laid her across his lap. "She's on fire...." he says looking up to Hobi.
"What do we need to do?" Hobi says looking down to Namjoon.
Namjoon reached his hand across her stomach to feel the baby's small kicks. "Baby is fine, and still moving. I think she's just fainted, but if we don't get her to the doctor soon, it might be trouble." he says standing and as he did he lifted her bridal style. "I'll take her in my car, you and Chanyeol follow behind me."
"Right." Hobi nods to the instructions as he picks up Chanyeol once again and they make their way quickly out to his car.

"Preeclampsia?" Namjoon repeats as he looks over to Hobi.
"Yes. And she was severly dehydrated." the Doctor says looking betwen Namjoon and Hobi. "We've ran tests on the baby, he seems to be doing just fine. Her preeclampsia doesn't seem too severe yet, so I would highly recommend bed rest and light activity."
"Could it get worse?" Namjoon asks looking to the Doctor with worry written all over his face.
"Preeclampsia is a high blood pressure condition, normally in these types of situations, we would deliever the baby, but she's still too early on, so that isn't the case. As I said, bed rest and light activity will keep some of the risk down. Does she deal with a lot of high stress in her life?"
The room fell awkwardly silent at this point as Namjoon turned to look to Hobi. "He's the father of the baby and her husband, and well, he had a car accident 7 years ago, with amnesia as a result. He's going through another memory spell agian, and it has been stressing her slightly, especially since they have another child."
"That is a tough situation, and I am sorry to hear this. But, if you want your wife not get worse, she doesn't need to experience anymore high levels of stress.
Once she is awake  and the IV drip is finished rehydrating her, she can be discharged, I wanna see her back her next week to check her progress." the Doctor says as he bows and leaves the room.
"Hoseok...." Namjoon says as he turns to Hobi again. "Just because the doctor said she needs to keep her stress levels down, doesn't mean you should run."
Hobi stood from his seat as he walked over to YN and took his hand in hers and sighed. "You are acting really strange with her lately Namjoon."
"What do you mean? I am only doing what you asked me to, what you ask me to do every time your go through this, take care of her."
"Right, I asked you to take care of her, not move in where I am supposed to be."
"What even is that supposed to mean, Hoseok?" Namjoon asks angrily as he looks now from Hobi to YN.
"You know very well it means. You are getting way too close to her, and my son. I am not the only one who has noticed."
"Its funny how now your memories seem to return when you think I am a threat to you." Namjoon scoffs.
"You think I am doing this shit on purpose, Namjoon?"
"I don't think that at all, Hoseok. What will you have me do? All she does is cry, she cries to the point it makes her sick. She barely sleeps, she barely eats. Its worse than before. This time she's giving up. She's tired.
I am doing the best I can for her and for your son."
"By replacing me...."
"Its not like that!" Namjoon says, doing all he can to stop himself from shouting.
Hobi smirks and looks away from Namjoon as he sits down in the chair next to YN's bed. "I am not an idiot, Namjoon. Forgetful, but not an idiot. Its in your eyes, because its the same look I give her when I look at her."
Namjoon shook his head as he turned towards the door. "Then I won't care for her anymore." he says coldly as he puts his hand on the door knob.
"If I asked you to stay away from her and Chanyeol, would you do it?"
"I just said I wouldn't care for her anymore." Namjoon says as he tries to not to let his voice give way to what he was really feeling.
"That's not what I asked Joon." Hobi says, staring at his brother's back. "If I asked you to stay away from them, would you do it?"
"No." Namjoon says turing to face Hobi. "You asked me to take care of them, and walking away now, just wouldn't be right."
"So when you say you won't care for her anymore, what you really mean is..."
"Hoseok, I am not having this conversation with you here and now. We can discuss it later, after shes awake and we get her home."
"Fine." Hobi says looking away from him.
"I'll go check on Chanyeol and bring him back now that we know the situation."
Hobi nods as he doesn't look back up to Namjoon.
And without another word Namjoon walks out of the hospital room and into the hall.

As he made his way down the long hall, he saw there was a bathroom to the side of him. He quickly ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, locking it, and turning on the light. He looked to the walls and punched them hard, over and over and over until he felt his knuckles grow sore from the hard hits, but he kept going.
He kept going until he felt his tears run down his cheeks and then he covered his mouth quickly so no sounds would escape.
Of course Hobi was right. He knew Hobi was no idiot.
But he sure was and idiot to believe that she would ever be anything to him, other than his best friend.......

Come Back Again (Book 2 of Come Back To Me)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora