Chapter 8

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"Hobi, you are putting way too much thought into this. Just tell the girl how you feel and be done with it." Namjoon sighs as he stands and stretches, running a hand through his hair.
"You sound way too generic and like you are reading a telaprompt."

Hobi scoffs as he begins to pace the living room floor in front of his best friend. "Then what do you suggest I say?" Hobi sighs as he turns to Namjoon with crossed arms.
"I dont know Hoseok. Tell her that her smile is brightest when it touches her eyes, that when the sun is at the highest in the sky, her eyes almost seem to have a glimmer in them.
That her laugh makes your heart skip a beat, and her pressence is warm ad comforting. Sappy bullshit like that." he shrugs as he looks away from Hobi.

Hobi looked up to him with a lifted brow and a smirk. "You say that like you have feelings for her yourself Joon." he chuckles.
"Dont be riddicolous Hobi.  Shes my best friend, its just things I have noticed over the years. Things you should've noticed too if you paid attetion."

*10 years later*

"I am gonna tell her, Jin. Today. I can't keep it a secret anymore." Namjoon sighs as he runs his had through his hair and looks up to his best friend.
"You expect her to just leave Hoseok and be with you after all that? They have been together for quite sometime..." Jin says with a sigh as he looks up to Namjoon.
Namjoon shrugs as he takes a sip of a drink he had been drinking. "I dont expect her to do anything. I just need to tell her to get it off my chest. I am very well aware she is going to turn me down."
"So why even say anything Joon? Sounds like such an unneccesarry situation for a solid outcome." Jin says as he crosses his arms.
"Like I said Jin, I have to tell her. I am tired of keeping it on the inside because of Hoseok, when Hoseok knew how I felt to begin with."
"Whatever you say Namjoon." Jin shrugs.

*Later that eveing*

"Why such a fancy restaraunt Joon?" YN giggles as she takes a sip of the wine he had poured for her. "People might think we are out on a date."
"Is that such a bad thing? Besides, everyone in our circle knows where your loyalties lie, so why should this be anything but two friends having dinner?" Namjoon says with a smile as he too takes a sip of his wine.
YN raised her eyebrow at his statement and sat her wine glass down onto the table. "I suppose...." she says as she crosses her arms across her chest. "However, I know you better than anyone, other than Hoseok, so I kow this dinner has another purpose behind it."
"Possibly." he smirks as he sets his wine glass down on the table. "I have something we need to talk about."
"Oh?" she raises her eyebrow with a smile. "Well before we have a serious conversation, can I share some news with you?" she asks leaning over the table excitedly.
"Of course." he says leaing over as well, her smile and the twinkle in her eye making him feel like he was on cloud nine. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was. And how much more in love with her he fell everyday. He knew he was risking his friendship with Hobi, but he just had to tell her, finally, how he felt.
"Hoseok asked me to marry him." she says with a smile holding out her hand so she can see the ring.
"Oh..." Namjoon says simply as he takes her hand and brings it closer so he could see the ring.
"Oh? Thats all you have to say?" she laughs slightly. "I thought you woud be thrilled."
Namjoon let go of her hand as he leans back in his seat. He tried to swallow the emotions down that were slowly creeping to the surface, the anger and the sadness he felt was becoming overwhelming quickly as the room felt like it was spinning, and his chest felt like the wind had been punched out of him.
"Namjoon...are you alright?" YN asks with concern as she moves closer to him and taking his hand.
He inahled a deep breath as the reality of things came back to him and he looked over to her with a smile and squeezed her hand.
"Of course I am thrilled for you, YN. Truly, you deserve this happiness." he smiles to her as he tries to blink the tears forming in his eyes.
YN smiles as she squeezes his hand back and looks up to his eyes. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"
Namjoon sighed as he took his wine glass in his hand and raised it up in a toast. "Its not important now. Let's celebrate your engagement. Congratulations."
"Thank you." she smiles as she takes her glass in her hand and clinks it to his.

*Present Day*
Namjoon's eyes lingered on YN for a moment as he smiled and made his way out into the crowd.
She thought for a moment of walking over to him, but as she started to move, he made his way to the left to join Taehyung and the others.
"Uncle Joon!" Chanyeol called happily, once he caught eye of him.
"Hey little buddy!" he called back as he bent down to his knees to be at his eye level. "Boy you have cupcake all over your face. I see your other Uncles are neglecting their duties." he winks to him as he wipes the frosting and crumbs from the chuckling boys face.

YN smiled as she watched the two of them, as a feeling of overwhelming sadness hit her.
She tried taking in a few breaths to calm herself down, as Hanjoon walked over to her and squeezed her arm gently.
"Are you okay, sister?" she asks with concern, smoothing YN's hair from her face.
"Yes, I am a bit hot and tired. I think I will go in for a moment and get some water and sit in the cool air. Is that alright?"
"Of course YN, you have done more than enough today. Go take a rest." she smiles to her as she motions for her to go inside.

Once YN is inside she gets a glass full of water and sits down at the kitchen table. She then burries her head in her hands and lets her emotions go.
Hobi was right, she avoided all of this for too long and now it was finally catching up to her.
But she wasn't upset with the fact that she knew soon she would have to make a decision, or her feelings for Namjoon, it was the fact he was here. It was easier to ignore while he was away and now the harsh reality was in her face.
As she was thinking over everything, she heard the glass door slide open, but she didnt look to see who it was.
She figured it was probably Hobi or one of the guys coming to make sure she was okay.
The room grew quiet for a moment as she heard feet shuffle over to her, and then her hair being pulled over her shoulder.
"Wanna talk about it?" a voice whispers in her ear.
She was startled at first that the voice didn't belong to Hobi or Yoongi, and she turns to see Namjoon smiling at her. His face dangerously close to hers.
"Why did you leave...?" she whispers softly.
"I wanted to make things easier for everyone. I am sorry, for being the cause of all your stress." Namjoon whispers back.
"Oh stop it Namjoon. We both know that isnt the real reason you left, or else Hoseok would've left too. Whats the real reason? Does it have to do with what you were gonna tell me that night when I told you I was engaged?"
Namjoon sighs heavily as he looks away for a moment but doesnt move his face away from hers. "Yes." he says not looking back up to her.
YN reached out to touch his cheek softly making him look back at her, his tears falling from his eyes.
She smiled a small smile as she wiped the corner of his eyes and held her hand on his cheeks. "So say it now."
"Its too late, YN. Its too complicated." he says through a frustrated tone. "I waited too long."
"Namjoon, please..."
"I love you YN. And its because I love you, I will do what it takes to see you happy. And you constantly beating yourself up over this, is not making you happy. I will stand aside gladly if it means you will be happy. Its Hoseok, it has always been Hoseok." he says pushing off the table and turning away from her.

Yn felt the panic inside of her rise, she wasn't ready for him to leave yet. She wasn't ready for him to not be here, when he only just returned, she quickly stood up and grabbed his hand.
"Namjoon stop. You are wrong..."
"Stop this YN. I cant keep fighting it if you keep pulling me back to you." he says with his back still turned to her.
"Then don't fight it Namjoon!" she says raising her voice slightly. "I want you happy too, Namjoon. And it is clear that being apart is not working either.
I..." she stops as she bites her bottom lip.
"You what?" he says softly turning back to her. "Say it."
"I love you Namjoon. I love you. You. Please....dont go." she squeezes his hand tightly as her own tears begin to fall.

It was like a great weight had been lifted from Namjoon as she finally said what he had been dying to hear from her for all these years. He felt like the room wasn't so constricted, and he could breathe.
He closed the gap between the two of them as he pulled her close to him and leaned his forehead to hers, cupping her face in his hands.
"I am sorry. I am sorry I never spoke up sooner."
"It doesn't matter Joon. You have always been there for me." she looks up to his eyes. "Always been by my side."
He smiles as he leans down to kiss her softly.
He knew this wasn't a definite answer, he knew within the next few minutes she could return back to Hoseok. But he was not going to waste this precious moment he had with her now. After waiting all these years.

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