Chapter 3

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Things seemed to settle down once everyone had their first meal for the day.
Even Hobi and Namjoon had returned to their playful ways, joking around with each other, and joking around with Chanyeol.
It seemed then, that the auroma of the food had woken the rest of the guys in the house, as they slowly made their way into the large kitche, gathering around to see what had been prepared.
Of course Namjoon and Hobi both worked together suprisingly well, to cook and make sure there was enough for everyone have.
It seemed even for just a small moment, everything had returned back to normal, YN had almost forgotten what had almost taken place between her and Namjoon.

After everyone had eaten and settled down, the younger 3 of the group decided to take Chanyeol to the back yard and play with him.
Lately they had taken to teaching Chanyeol how to play badminton, and it was always such a funny spectacal to watch the 3 youngers fight over who would be on the team with Chanyeol.
"Its my turn to have Channie on my team!" Jungkook pouts as he folds his arms across his chest.
"Don't pout Junkook, you are not a child." Taehyung says as he grabs the rackets and the birdie from the box of equipment they had beside the back deck.
"I am on Uncle Jimin's team, I am always on his team, unless Uncle Joon were out here." Chanyeol says walking between Tae and Jk and walking over to the side where Jimin was standing.
"What about Uncle Joon?" Namjoon's voice suddenly rang out from behind them.
"Uncle Joon, come play with us!" Chanyeol calls as he waves over to Namjoon.
"Mabye a bit later Channie, I've got to run into town real quick.  But I'll be back." he winks over to the small child as he waves to them all and makes his way to the car garage.

YN watched the 3 youngers play a match with Chanyeol for a moment, before heading back towards the long hallway and towards her bedroom.
It seemed everyone had gone their seperate ways, and she was curious as to where Hobi had gone off to.
She knocked on the bedroom door once, as she was accustomed to doing with Hobi's memory slips, she learned when he was having an episode that just walking in normally would startle him.
"Come in..." his voice rang out softly on the other side and so she entered carefully, and met his gaze as he smiled at her from the back of the room, where he was sitting at his desk.
"Why are you knocking? This is your bedroom, right?" he asks curiously as he tilts his head to the side.
"Its yours too." she says with a sigh as she walks over to the front of the desk and sits down in one of the chairs.
"I know...thats why I was asking why you were knocking. Were you expecting someone else to be here?"
YN raised her eyebrow as she looked to Hobi and frowned. "No? Last time I just walked in, you got so startled I thought you were gonna faint." she giggles slightly. "I am sorry I don't mean to laugh. It wasn't funny."
Hobi looked at her and smiled as he reached out to run his finger across her cheek. "I miss your laugh. It's nice to know I can still make you laugh, even if it is at my own expense." he says with a chuckle.
"What are you doing?" she asks curiously, peaking over to a new leather bound book Hobi had sitting in front of him.
"Journaling again, its not all fully back just yet, but I figure while I am somewhat here, I should write things down. I wrote down your condition, Chanyeol's new hobbies and things he likes, his birthday which is coming up soon, and things I've noticed about you...." he trails off as he clears his throat and looks down.
She wanted to ask what he meant by that, but she wasn't sure if she wanted the answer. She knew she wasn't the same person she was when Hobi had returned from the states, and she felt bad about that.
But between his constant memory flucation, being pregnant, and now battling these new feelings for Namjoon, all the while keeping a good face for Chanyeol, was growing exhausting and she knew it was written all over her face how it exhausting its been.
"I also wrote down your due date, this time I will be present for the birth of my child, memory loss or not."

YN looked down to her hands she had folded in her lap as he mind trailed back to the day she gave birth to Chanyeol.
How they tried to wait for as long as she could for Hobi to arrive, while she was mid push, Namjoon was calling him franticaly, but he never answered.
Namjoon ultimately in the end was the one to hold her hand and help her through the final pushes, and witnessed the birth of Chanyeol.
She wondered if she would have to go through that again, or if he actually would stick to his word of trying his best o remember.
It was moments like these where she would grow frustrated, and then immediatly feel guilty for feeling frustrated. It's not like he could help it. He does his best to remember, and in the end it always falls in vain.

Come Back Again (Book 2 of Come Back To Me)Where stories live. Discover now