Chapter 2

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After Namjoon recovered from his breakdown, he made his way from the bathroom and into the waiting room, where his sister, Hobi's sister and husband, and Chanyeol were waiting patiently for any news.
"Hanjoon you can take Chanyeol back now to see his mother. She's still asleep, but she should be awake soon. Hoseok can explain her condition to you."
"Is the baby ok?" she asks as she turns to her husband who was lifting a sleepy Chanyeol into his arms.
"Yes the baby is just fine." Namjoon says with a smile as he sits down next to his sister.
"Thank you Namjoon." she says hugging him tightly and then breaking away before walking with her husband towards the rooms.

It was then that Namjoon's sister looked down to her brother's scrapped and swollen knuckles.
"Joon..." she sighs out as she takes one of his hands and lifts them up. "What have you done?"
Namjoon quickly pulled his hand away from her and shoved his hands into his coat pockets and looked away from her.
"Its nothing." he sighs.
"You are liar..." she sighs as she hugs him tightly. "I know you love her oppa, but the situation is far too delicate for you to be losing your head."
Namjoon simply nodded as he leaned his forehead against her shoulder and sighed. "Why me? Why couldn't he choose someone else to look after her."
His sister curled her his head close to ther as she sighed. She had watched her brother live in Hoseok's shadow since they teenagers. Always keeping two steps behind YN and Hobi to let them have their moment, keeping his own feelings hidden on the inside. But lately Namjoon was slipping, he was no longer keeping his feelings locked inside like he had been. It wasn't the guilt of loving YN that was driving him crazy, it was the guilt that he knew his best friend couldn't control his condition, and as his memories continued to slip, so did Namjoon's feelings.
"Because he knew you would take care of her with no hesitation. He trusted you the most, because he knows deep inside, you care for her as much as he does."
It was then that the rest of the boys made their way into the waiting room.
His sister looked up to the guys and smiled as they all made their way over.
Yoongi made his way closer to Namjoon and bent down to his eye level, tapping him slightly on the shoulder.
"Come talk withe me for a moment..." he says softly, which was unsual for his hyung. Most of the times he was rash with his words and very demanding, but this time he was soft and gentle.
"Fine." Namjoon says as he lifts his head from his sister shoulder and looks around to his fellow band mates. They were all exchanging looks between one another and trying their best to give Namjoon supprotive expressions.
"How is she doing?" Jimin asks curiously as Namjoon stands up.
"She's doing well, but her health has taken a turn, I will explain in just a moment." Namjoon sighs as he follows Yoongi outside.

"Wanna explain that?" Yoongi says pointing down to Namjoon's knuckles that were now slightly bleeding.
"Its nothing." Namjoon says with a frustrated sigh.
"Namjoon, I think you need to take a step back from caring for YN and Chanyeol. It's getting to be a bit too much for you. I will take over from..."
"No!" Namjoon shouts, causing Yoongi to jump slightly. "Why is everyone so against me doing what Hoseok has asked me to do for him countless times?"
" are bluring the lines between being her friend, and being more than friends. She's married, Joon, she's married to your best friend."
"You dont think I don't fucking know that Yoon. For fuck's sake, I have held it in all these years, I can continue to do so. I can't walk away hyung....I can't do it."
Yoongi sighed as he crossed his arms across his chest and began to tap his foot impatiently on the ground. "Explain to me her condition so I can tell the others, and then go home and rest."
Namjoon wanted to protest, but after his arguement with Hobi, he knew it was probably for the best. At least for YN and Chanyeol, they didn't need to be anymore in the middle then what they already were.

Back in YN's hospital room, she slowly began to open her eyes as she looked around the room, her eyes falling on Hobi as he smiled over to her.
"Hi there..." he whispers as he leans over to kiss her cheek.
"You are here..." she whispers back with a weak smile.
"Of course I am. I may not rememeber everything just yet, but I wouldn't leave you here like this." he says taking his hand in his and squeezing it softly.
"Eomma..." Chanyeol says quietly through a teary filled voice.
YN looked over to the other side of the room to see Chanyeol making his way over to her from wher ehe was sitting with Hanjoon and her husband.
"You scared me eomma..." he says climbing onto the bed and curling next to her.
"I am sorry." she says running her fingers through his hair and fluffing it slightly. "Where is Namjoon?" she says looking around the room. She was sure it was him that had helped her get to the hospital and she was sure she heard his voice numerous times before she woke up.
Hobi tried to hide the fact that her asking for him had bothered him slightly as he sighed and gave her his best smile.
"I think he is letting everyone know your condition." Hanjoon answers for him. "The other guys were just arriving as we were walking out of the waiting room to come back here."
"What is my condition?" YN asks curiously as she tries to sit up from the bed.
Hobi stands quickly as he takes her hand and helps her to lean up. "Oh, you preeclampsia." Hobi says as he stacks pillows behind her and helps her get comfortable.
"Mm." Hobi nods as he sits down in the chair beside her bed again. "The doctor says you need to avoid high stress situations, and says bed rest and light activity are best for right now."
"Ah....I see...." YN says looking away from Hobi.
"Don't worry, we will all take care of you and keep you from getting stressed." he says taking her hand within his.
The room grew awkardly quiet as YN glanced down to Chanyeol who had fallen asleep beside her. She smiled as she took his glasses gentely from his face and pushed his bangs from his face.
"Sorry for ruining your wedding reception, Hanjoon."
"Dont even worry about it." Hanjoon says. "You just worry about getting well and taking care of my other nephew thats coming." she says as she walks over towards the bed and kisses the top of her head platonically.
"I'll go ahead and take Chanyeol back to my place, until you get discharged. He is quite tired and has a busy day." she continues as she lifts Chayeol from the bed and craddles him in her arms.
"Thank you." YN says with a smile.
"I'll come get him in the morning." Hobi says as he looks up to his sister with a smile.
Hanjoon nodded and then without another word, her and her husband lef the room with Chanyeol.
"I am sorry..." YN sighs as she looks over to Hobi with a slight frown.
"For what?" Hobi asks curiously tiltind his head to the side.
"I know your memories aren't quite back yet, and all this must be confusing and..."
"Stop. You've stood by my side through all of everything,  it wouldn't be right for me not to be here." he says leaning his head next to her, running his fingers along her baby bump.

The next morning, YN is sleeping soundly in her room. After arriving home last night, she went immediatly to bed. She wasn't sure if Hobi had stayed the whole night with her, but for a long while he did hold her until she fell asleep.
As she slowly started to wake up, she felt around the bed to find it was empty.
Just then there was a light knock at the door. "Come in...." Yn called as she rolled over onto her side slightly.
Namjoon entered the room and when he noticed she was trying shfit her postions to get up, he walked over to her quickly and took her by the hand and helped her up.
"Thank you." she says standing and smiling over to him. "Let me just go freshen up, and  I will come out and talk with you, just wait there." she smiles.
Namjoon nods and sits down on the edge of her bed as she makes her way to the bathroom.
After a few moments that she needed to brush her teeth, her hair, and wash her face, she felt better about seeing Namjoon now. Not that it really mattered, he had seen her worse than this before.
"Okay..." she says as she walks back into the bedroom and sits down next to Namjoon.
"How are you feeling this morning?" he says pressing his hand to the back of her forehead. "You are alot cooler now, thats for sure." he smiles to her as he lays his hand in his lap.
"I feel groggy, but much better than yesterday. Where's Hobi?"
"Oh, he went to go get Chanyeol from Hanjoon's. They are getting ready to go off for their honeymoon, and so they needed to pack." Namjoon says nodding.
YN nodded her head as she looked away from Namjoon.
He wasn't the only one who had just recently started developing new feelings. Or least, to her they were new. She no longer looked to Namjoon as the protective brother she once saw him as, it was slowly turning into more.
And it hurt her alot. In all the years she patiently waited for Hobi to return, she not once strayed. But now all of a sudden, Namjoon was changing her perspective on a lot of things in her life. And it was for the first time ever, she began to question her marriage.
"Thank you..." she says, still not loooking up to him, running her fingers through the ends of her hair.
"For...everything. For being there. For taking care of me and Chanyeol. You really don't get the credit you deserve as often as you should. I know its gotta be tough, caring for your friend's wife and child, and being the leader of a  music group, plus dealing with your own life. I really don't know how you do it. So...thank you."
She could hear his smile as he lifted her chin with his thumb. "You dont have to thank me. I'd gladly do it a million times over if it ment keeping you two safe. You are my best friend after all."
"Namjoon..." YN starts as she sighs, but she doesn't move away nor look from his eyes. She seemed to scan his face for all the answers she needed, but it seemed he was just as lost and confused as she was.
"Hmmm?" he questions as he leans in close to her.
Dont do it! her mind screams at her, but her body completely shut down in this moment as she watched Namjoon's face moving slowly towards her. She had to say something. She had to pull away.
"Don't..." she whispers but she still refused to move away. But either he ignored her or he didn't hear her as his hands grabbed her face gentely and just as he was about to kiss her, the sound of the alarm being put into the front keypad sounded through the halls, followed by the sound of tiny feet running through the house.
"Eomma!" Chanyeol called as his feet thundered down the hall, nearing the bedroom that Namjoon and YN were sitting in.
Namjoon felt his heart sink to the floor as he let go of her face quickly and stood up away from her.
"I'm sorry..." he sighs as looks down to her.
"Namjoon..." she starts as she stands up and it was then that she noticed his bruised and swollen knuckles. She gasped slightly as she took his hand in his and ran her finger across his knuckles gentely. "What happened?"
"Eomma!" Chanyeol calls again as he opens the door to her bedroom and runs in. "Oh hi Uncle Joon! Checking up on eomma?"
"Mm..." Namjoon says as she pulls his hand away from hers. "Glad to see you home buddy. How was your sleepover?" he asks Chanyeol as he ruffles his hair.
"It was tons of fun. Although I missed being home." he frowns.
"What are you doing out of bed? The Doctor said for you to do bed rest." Hobi says as he enters the room now, holding a bottle of water, shooting Namjoon a glance.
"Oh, Joon was just helping to get freshened up for the day no big deal. And bed rest doesnt mean strictly the bed, I can come out and be socialable and sit on the couch as well." YN giggles as she tries to difuse the sudden mood change she sensed between Hobi and Namjoon.
"Were you coming out to the living room then?" Hobi asks curiously.
"Mm, and I am slightly hungry as well." she nods.
"Me too, come on Uncle Joon, lets go find something to cook!" Chanyeol says excitedly as he grabs Namjoon's hand.
YN nodded to Namjoon and gave him a smile.
"Alrigh then Channie, let's go see what we can find!" he says as they turn and walk out of the room.
"Well come on then." Hobi says linking his arm within YN's. "Let's get you out of this room for a bit."
Yn smiled as she followed Hobi out of the room and down the hallway.

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