Chapter 4

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Trigger warning:
Panic attacks*

It had been a week since YN and Namjoon begin to ignore each other.
And everyone in the house noticed the mood change between the pair, but no one said anything because no one wanted to bring it to Hobi's attention that Namjoon had grown feelings for YN. And even though they all noticed it and they were sure Hobi noticed too, they just didn't want to bring further atention to it.

This particular morning, YN's attempts to avoid Namjoon came to a halt as she made her way down the long hall and to the front of the house, where he sat at the kitchen counter reading one of his many books, and sipping coffee.

"Good morning." he greets without looking up from his book.
"Morning." YN says, trying to ignore the awkward tension that filled the air.
As she began to make herself busy getting things ready for Chanyeol's lunch for his school lunchbox. Once she was done with that, she checked the coffee pot to see how fresh it was, and she began to make Hobi his morning coffee. His tastes and likes seemed to change with each memory episode, but the one thing that remianed the same was his love for his morning coffee.

"Do you need me to take Chanyeol to shcool for you this morning, I really don't mind. It's become such a normal part of my morning routine." Namjoon says breaking the awkward silence that was lingering in the air.
"Actually I do have a baby appointment this morning, so that would be really helpful, Joon. Thank you." YN says with a smile as she turns to face him.
"No problem." he says closing his book and putting it down onto the counter.
"When I get back, we were gonna go over plans for Chanyeol's birthday if you'd like to join in with us with any ideas?"
"Sure, I look forward to it." he says with a smile.
"Well I should get Chanyeol woken up, and Hobi as well, so we aren't all late."
Namjoon nodded and gave a small smile as he watched her turn her back and make her way back down the hall, carrying the coffee mug with her that she had made for Hobi.
He sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his finger. He wondered how much longer he could be there for her before the feelings became too much, and he had to stand aside for good.

Later that morning, YN and Hobi sat in the waiting room of YN's OBGYN, patiently waiting for it to be her turn to be called back.
"Is everything alright?" Hobi asks turning towards YN with a concerned look.
"Yes. Why wouldn't it be?" she asks as she looks over to him with a smile.
"Oh, it's just, I've noticed you and Namjoon have been avoiding each other, I was just wondering what was going on?"

YN knew she wouldn't be able to hide the blush that was now very apparent on her face. She had truly hoped Hobi wouldn't have noticed the new behavior between her and Namjoon, but it would seem he is far more observant than she truly gave him credit for.
"I think we are all just on edge with everything, Hobi. Your memory flucations have been more frequent and its not just me you are forgetting now, you are forgetting everyone. Even small little things in your life you have forgotten."
"Oh." Hobi says as he figdets with the small locket around his neck. He knew she wasn't going to admit outright that she was avoiding Namjoon because she too was growing attatched to him as well.
Of course for Hobi it had made perfect sense that the two of them would eventually grow fond of each other over the years, he did ask Namjoon to step in when he began to forget, he was present for his son's birth, he raised his son with YN for 6 years, and then continued to take care of them through his newer episodes, why wouldn't they fall for each other, Namjoon should be in his place instead of him. Namjoon should be sitting here for these appointments, and not him.
Which of course was a ridicolous thing for him to think, this was his child, as well as Chanyeol, of course he should be sitting here with his wife, waiting to go back with her to find out how well the baby is growing and getting along, especially given her new condition she developed.

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