Note from the author

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Hi guys!

I first saw Pearl Harbor the movie as a little girl and instantly fell in love with Danny Walker. Still as a 19 year old I think he is the hottest and cutest character ever.
I mean Josh Hartnett was just hella good looking as a 22 year old and his character was the sweetest guy ever.
I was gutted to see him die in the end especially after getting the hopes of them both returning even though he makes a bad landing. But nah, he jumps in between Rafe and a japanese with a gun and takes 3 bullets in the chest... Dumbass...

But in this story it is changed around and done opposite. Therefore Danny is the one to survive and Rafe dies.

I hope that you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

~ Maybee 🐝

Evelyn Walker (Pearl Harbor) D.WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now