Chapter Thirty

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"Hey," I called out harshly, my voice hoarse but loud. I was desperately trying to keep up but my dress felt like one giant lead weight. I picked up my skirt, not caring about all the beads that fell off as I ran after the suited man. No matter what I said, he wouldn't stop, he wouldn't halt even for a moment. He continued onwards, only looking back to make sure I was still following him.

"Who are you?"I asked, turning down one of the many hallways just moments after he did. He seemed driven and focused, and not once did he backtrack his steps. He knew exactly where he was going as if he had walked these palace floors a billion times before.

I felt like Alice chasing after my very own white rabbit. As he lead me down the halls, he walked with a pace so brisk, one would've rightfully assumed he was running late. No matter what I tried, I just couldn't seem to catch up with him-feverishly wondering who he was and where he had came from.

"I order you to stop," I said firmly, my voice echoing throughout the hall like thunder. To my surprise, the white haired man stopped before swiveling on his heel to face me. His raise a brow, looking at me as he crossed his arms.

"Now please," I said, igniting my hands with a green glow, "I shall much prefer if we go about this in the civilized way. But, if you insist to make things difficult and prove a threat to my kingdom, I shall not hesitate to make you hurt...a lot." He smirked in response and steadily walked towards me. Certainly he did not know who I was, or he simply didn't care what I could do. As he stood before me, he outstretched his hand expectantly.

"You expect me to shake your hand?" I asked, looking at it suspiciously. "I thought you wanted to be civilized," he scoffed, his voice thick with an odd southern accent. Cautiously, I took his hand with my own as I extinguished the magic in my palms.

"Hela Lokisdottir," I said slowly, making my introduction. He smiled widely, as though he found my name comical.

"Oh I know," he replied as he shoved his hands into his suit pockets. I raised a brow, narrowing my eyes at him as if to ask how? "Your father and I go way back," he explained as if it was a fact that I should just know. "But you're also his spitting image and the Goddess of Death, it's kinda my job to know who you are."

"And...why is that? Are you a consort of mine, leisant to Midgard?" I questioned, trying to figure out who this man may be. I had never seen him a day in my life and he certainly did not seem to fit within this timeline. I could only guess who he was or why he was here.

He only laughed, shaking his head as though I had just asked the dumbest question in the world. "Not a leisant to Midgard, but perhaps you could call me a kinda consort. Seems a bit too fancy though. I guess you could call me...your time consultant, being that you're the Godess of Death and now Allmother," he explained happily, shifting back and forth between his toes and heels.

"Time consort?" I echoed, my heart immediately quickened its pace. Oh no, oh no, oh no, I thought to myself. Surely I hadn't come into trouble with the time police to whatever they were. I thought that they were below me, at least that's what the other Hela had said. But maybe I had gone too far, meddled with their scared timeline just a bit too much.

He nodded as he whipped out his wallet, flashing his identification card at me. At the top of the card, TVA was written in bright orange letters just as it was on the back of his jacket. Of course, his picture was there and besides it his name was typed out, Mobius M. Mobius. Alongside it, his rank was sprawled out with such an abundance of titles, they hardly fit on the card. Amongst the titles I was able to read were Secret Agent, Special Operatives, Loki Wrangler, as well as Death Consultant.

"Figured I'd introduce myself," he said, pushing the wallet back into his pocket. "Also, congrats on the whole coronation thing." He gestured to the crown that sat upon my head and smiled.

"I'm not in trouble?" I asked but Mobius just shrugged. "No, not necessarily," he explained with a sigh. From his pocket, he pulled out a TemPad. As he powered up the device, a steady line ran through the center screen.

"You see, the timeline is altogether fine," he exaplaimed as he traced his finger along the line.  "Since you' we can make the accommodations necessary to bend time to your will, so to speak. You messing with time isn't why I'm here today."

I nodded slowly. At the moment, it seemed as though what Hela said had been correct. Time was willing to bend to death's desires. But, there was still a TVA agent in my palace. Even with the knowledge that I wasn't in trouble, I wasn't exactly at ease.

"Then why are you here?" I asked curiously, tilting my head as I looked at Mobius. Just as he opened his mouth, his gaze shifted past me. He grinned widely as he crossed his arms. "Well, well, well," he said as he shook his head. I followed his gaze and saw my father walking down the long hallway. The look on his face told me he wasn't nearly as happy to see Mobius as Mobius was to see him.

"Do I even want to know why you're here?" my father asked in a grim tone. Mobius chuckled as he began to type something into the TemPad. "Oh yeah. I think you're actually going to get a real kick out of this," Mobius said through his laughter. He turned the TemPad to face my father and I, on the screen there was a holographic picture of Grimnir. My eyes went wide as I took the TemPad into my hands. Next to his picture, giant letters spelled out DESERTER. My heart sunk.

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