diver down fool

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Disclaimer : mentions of alcohol and swearing. Enjoy :)

" Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge" John b stated
" you surfed the surge" kiara said in shock
" Yeah, that's my boy. Pogue style" jj said proudly
"I hit his shoulder lightly and rolled my eyes playfully.
"Why the fuck did you do that John-" he cut me of  before I could finish talking
"Yeah I know it was dangerous  and-" I cut him off "you didn't let me finish I was gonna say why the fuck did you do that without me" I said offended, they looked at me in shock but then they laughed.

" wait, do you know who's boat this is?" Pope asked
"No but were about to find out" John b said
"It's too deep" Pope stated
"Oh for the weak and feeble, jj"
"Well I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front" jj said
" y/n will, if you pass out" kie said giving me a light push I just laugh and say " sure I'll be your night and shining armor " I then looked at jj and he seemed kind of angry.

I stated "well I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front" and then I heard kie say " y/n will if you pass out" and then I felt Jealousy grow on me "sure, I'll be your night and shining armor " y/n said and John b grew red, I got even more jealous but I don't know why

I asked him if he was okay and he said yeah even though he sounded a little pissed.
John be went to the front of the boat.
" diver down, fool" Pope said
"Diver down" he said back, the next thing I saw is jj pushing him into the water "Yeah he is" he said
I pull him by his arm to the back of the boat " what was that for?" I asked
" nothing, just messing around "
" are you sure, you looked a little angry"
" Yeah I'm ok"
I touched his shoulder and pointed towards the front with my head signaling him to go to the front.

It felt like hours since John b went underwater and then he came out
" omg, that took forever " kie said
"Any dead bodies?" Pope asked
" looting potential?"
"No. No. I found this motel key" he said while dangling them in his hand
"A key" Pope said
" yes a key,pope"
"Amazing" I said sarcastically
"Great,we salvaged a motel key" jj said annoyed
" guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we'll get a finders fee" kie said
"She has a point" I said having her back.
" Yeah and not work all summer, thanks Agatha ya batch." Said jj.

◇Fast foward◇

We tried to report the wreck but nobody listened to us so we went with plan b.
We got to the motel.
" I thought the chateau looked bad" jj said
" this place is a shitshow" I said
" motel or meth lab?" Kie questioned
"You be the judge" Pope said
Kie and pope stayed on the boat as lookouts, while me, jj and John b went to the room. as we were walking through a hallway jj spoke again mocking kie " just be careful John b"
" god your so wierd" John b said pushing him away
"What is that about?" He asked
" I don't know, maybe she wants us to be careful" he stated
"Sure" I said sarcastically
"Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like, oh be so careful John b" he said in a mocking voice " get of me " he told jj

"Oh just give me that John D already, when are you gonna swoop in on that, man?" Jj asked
" I could ask the same about you with y/n" John b said
"What do you mean?"
" we all see the way you look at her, just ask her out already " he said
I coughed just to get their attention
" fuck y/n I thought you stayed on the boat" John b said " no dude she was here the whole time" jj said embarrassed

" were here " I said as we reached the door
jj knocked on the door and did a high-piched voice saying "houskeeping" I bursted out laughing so jj covered my mouth to not be loud.
* We entered the room *

I went to the bathroom to look for anything helpful or useful while the boys were in the room searching.
I came out of the bathroom "nothing, you guys?" I asked until I saw jj with a gun in his hand
" jj what the fuck are you doing"
"Jj put it back, you can't take evidence "
" no wait take a photo first" he said while making poses  with the gun.
" great, let's just incriminate ourselves".
We heard something from the window so we went to check what it was

It was kie and pope throwing rocks and mumbling cops" shit" John b said and then they knocked on the door. we got out from the window standing on the roof John b on one side and jj and I on the other.

Me and jj were inches apart, him holding my waist so I don't fall and me holding his hand. We heard something fall down and we checked what it was. jjs gun
We got even closer together so that we wouldn't get caught and now are lips were almost touching until we heard the cops leave and we snapped out of it.


I hope you like it
Stay hydrated bestie

Word count: 945

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