mom... please

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains swear words

☆Fast foward☆

It was the next morning.
I woke up and jj was still. i texted the group chat that I'll be back later and i went home.
I got home and went straight upstairs
I started to open my room door.
"Y/n is that you?" My mom yelled from downstairs. Shit.
I stayed quite and went to hide unde my bed because i was in no mood to get in trouble.
After a little bit she left and i got my change of clothes, showerd and left to the location that jb sent me. It was some kind of shop where they give cash for gold.
I saw them getting in the car so i ran in as well.
"Holy shit" kiara said scared while i laughed
"You scared me" sarah said laughing.

▪︎Fast foward▪︎

They told me what happened and we started to drive to the warehouse with the money.
"So they keep money out here?" Pope asked while he looked around
"That's what she said" jj answered, i chuckled and we said
"That's what she said" at the same time.
"Stop" pope said seriously
"I've never even heard of resurrection drive." Sarah said
" 'Cause your rich" jj said
"You've never heard of it either" kie said
"Thank you" sarah told kie.
"There's nothing but weeds back here." Kie said
"All right, just 'Cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's, like...." jj said and then we heard police sirens.
"Cop?, out here?" Kie questioned
"God are you kidding me" jj said
" what fid we do?" Sarah asked
"Why are we getting pulled over" i asked confused.

"Probably because it's ilegal for you to be that hot" jj said. I grew red
"Stop " pope said again
"Chill guys" kie told everyone
"I hate cops" jj said
"Tell me about it" i said annoyed.
"Did you bring the gun?" Jb asked jj
"No. Okay" he answered
"Everybody told me to leave it back at the place. He spoke again
"Thank god" kie said
"Please, everything else in your bag." Kie said
"I am i am all right" he said stressed
" hey it's okay, we didn't do anything bad" i told him to try to calm him down.
"How much weed do you have on you, bro?" Kie asked

"He's walking up-"
"Oh my god"
It was really loud
"Everybody just shut the fuck up and calm down" i yelled. They all did but not because of me because a man had a gun pointed at jb. I gasped and froze.
"Why don't i go ahead and see your hands in the air, all ya'll's hands up in the air right now?" He yelled. We put our hands up in the air.
"You get out of the car right now" he yelled

"Let them out" he yelled at john b.
He kept on yelling at us but i didn't care, i was honestly just annoyed that this shit keeps happening to us.
He started to push jj back with the gun and yelling at him. That's when i got nervous again
"Lay down on the ditch, put your face on the ground" he yelled at us.
Me and kie started to shake a little.
He went in the car and started looking around for stuff.
"It's a setup guys" kie said
"that old batch shanked us" jj said angry.

"Goddamn it" i said
I then saw john b get up quietly
"John b sit your ass down, what the fuck are you doing?" I whisper shouted.
I saw him in the back of the mans car.
The man went in his car and got attacked by john b, we all ran towards him and started kicking his ass.
I kicked him where it hurts wich made him fall on his knees.
We kicked and punched him.
"I got the gold" pope yelled.
"You son of a bitch" kie yelled
"You mother fucker" i said once jj
pulled down his bandana from his face.

It was barry.
"I know him" jj yelled
"He's a basehead, probably knows my brother" sarah said.
I stayed quiet and backed away, i know him.
I saw jj hit him with a gun
I then ran up to barry and kicked him, i pulled him by his shirt and whispered
"Stay the fuck away from me" and with that i went over to our car.
JJ came in the car right after me and he had Barry's ID in his hand.
We all got in the car and started to drive over to his place. It was still identical from the last time i saw it.
"Welcome to crackhead wasteland" kie said
"I don't know abkut this, man" pope said nervously
"Dude why are we at barry's?" John b asked
"This will only take a second" jj said while getting out of the car.
"I'm coming with you" i finally spoke, i got out of the car and we went in his house

We went in jj looking in the kitchen but i went straight to the bathroom and pulled one of the roof tiles out. It was still there, thirty grand and weeed. I grabbed it and was headed towards the kitchen.
I saw jb and jj there with a bag of money.
We all came out and jj said.
"All right, so we're looking at five grand each for reparation for putting us through that bullshit, sorry about that ya'll" i then pulled out the cash that i found.
"More like ten thousand" i said, jj gave me a high-five proudly.
"So that's what we're doing now?, we're robbing drug dealers" kie said

"Trust me kie, this is the least that he deserves " i said
"This barry guy's gonna find out and he's gonna come after us" sarah said
"Not the first time he's done that" i whispered only for kie to hear
"What?" She asked me
" nothing"
"Okay" she said not believing me
"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" JJ asked
"Relax" jb said
"He had it right here on you bro" jj said while pointing at john b's head.
"We've got to go get the gold, okay? Just me that shit, were putting it back" jb said angrily while grabbing the dufellbag out of his hand.

JJ quickly pinned him against the car.
"You feel like a tough guy, huh? What are you gonna do when he comes for us?" Jb asked
"We punch him in the throat " he answered
"And kick him in the dick" i finished.
They all looked at us like we were crazy but they don't get it, they never will.

"Yeah  good fucking idea jj and y/n"
"I'm not putting it back" jj said grabbing the dufellbag back and getting in the car with me.
"You guys getting in or what?" I asked. Nobody did.
Me and jj got out of the car.
"What?" JJ asked
"We're sick of your guy's shit" john b told us
"Oh? Our shit?" JJ asked
"Yeah. Yeah your shit" he answered
"Yes, your pulling guns on people and you two are stealing" kie said
"Your acting like maniacs-" pope started
"Okay, pope i took the fall for you man know how much money i owe because of you?" JJ yelled

"I'm gonna pay you back, and i didn't ask you to do that " pope yelled
"I just did, pay it back, right here, right now by myself" jj yelled.
"You know what that's what I'm gonna do." JJ spoke again getting the dufellbag.
"I'll go off by myself " he said while walking away
"JJ wait" i yelled but they told me not to bother.

They drove me home.
Right when i entered my mom grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs.
"Let me go" i said. She stayed silent until she pushed me in my room.
"Your grounded, you can't come out of this room until you start to behave again" she said as she locked me in my room.
"Mom please" i said
"Sweetie, this is what's best" she said.

Stay hydrated and ily bestie ♡

Word count: 1366

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