car sick...

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains swear words and puking/vomiting. Enjoy

(Fast foward)

We followed pope into the school library
"Is this a game of tag?" JJ asked
"I don't know" kie answered
"Am i gonna have to beat you with your protractor? What's going on?" JJ asked
"Shh" the librarian told jj.
"Shh yourself " i said
"Sorry about her" kie told thw librarian
"Seriously pope, you are driving me insane." Kie told pope
"Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committe" he said as we all sat down at a table
"Take a look at this. Read it" he spoke again while jj snatched the envelope from his hands.
"Out loud" kie said
"I can't read cursive"
"He can't read cursive" me and jj said at the same time.
Kie looked at him wierdly and disappointed at the same time before she read it out loud

What it said:
Dear Mr. Heyward, I'm reaching out because i have material evidence that can exonerate John B Rutledge.
It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 king street, Charleston at 8:00p.m. sharp tonight
Please come alone.
Regards, C. Limbrey.

"what the-- " kie started before getting cut off by jj saying "Charleston?"
"I know it's like a eight hour drive plus who will we get there tonight?" Pope asked
"We'd have to leave right now" jj said
"Oh but i gotta get pills because i get car sick-" jj cut me off
"I have them with me at all times just in case we have to  have a long car ride" jj said
Wich made me smile. A lot.
"I have a free period" kie said
""Material evidence"? What does that mean?" JJ asked
"It means he can clear john b" kie said

"Oh, shit, then we're going to Charleston JJ said loudly causing the librarian to give us a dirty look.
"I gotta tell my mom" kie said
"And me my aunt" i said
"Look if we get it this time, ws are not giving it to shoupe" kie said
"For the record i never wanted to give him anything anyways. He's a cop" i stated " yeah i agree with y/n on this" JJ said in agreement
"You agree with her in everything anyway" pope said
"No, i Don't " JJ said lying.

♤Fast foward♤

We got in the car but it was too tight so i had to sit on JJ's lap the whole time, I'm  not complaining  tho. We drove kie to her house while i called my aunt. She picked up after a couple of rings and said
"Hey, what's up?"
"Just have a quick question" i said
"What?" She asked
"Can i go yo Charleston with my friends, it's for uhh for a school project" i said
"That's far away"
"I know but I'll back in the morning and I'll be safe i promise" i said.
It took me a little while to convince but in the end she allowed it.
When i got back in the car I saw kie and her parents keep yelling at each other.

She got back in the car sitting next to me and jj.
"It's good to ses you Mrs and Mr carrera" JJ told kie's parents.
"Hi uh ma'am , sir i...i promise to have her back at a reasonable hour safe" pope said
I heard her mom kicking out and i thought that that musst have been hard ao i stopped listening.
When we started to drive i saw kie kinda upset so i asked her
"You wanna crash at my place when we get back? Girls night?"
"Yeah sure" she said while smiling.
We we're on the ferry. I went to the bathroom because i felt really sick and the pills weren't working. Suddenly i started to puke in the toilet.


Y/n should be back by now, I'm getting worried.
"Imma go check on y/n" i said
"No, it's okay, ill go" kie said
"Nah, it's fine. J gotta pee anyway " i said.
I walked over to the bathroom, knocked on the door and opened it to see y/n puking.
"Holy shit n/n, are you okay?" I asked her concerned
"Car sick" she answered
"It's okay, we're almost there" i said as i rubbed her back. I grabbed her hair and put held it in my hands so that it wouldn't get dirty.

I feel so bad for her right now.
After about 10 minutes she said
"I'm okay" as she stood up and flushed the toilet
"Are you sure?" I asked
"Yeah, thanks by the way"
"No problem cupcake " i answered.
She was washing her moutha and brushed her teeth.
"Oh fuck" she said while looking at her shirt stained with vomit.
"Wait here" i said as i went ovsr to the car, got my hoodie and handed it to her.
She put it on. I took her hand in mine an took her to the car
"Come on let's go" i said

Y/n's outfit now:

Y/n's outfit now:

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We all went back in the car. I fell asleep on jjs lap while he lightly played with my hair.
Like this:

I woke up again because the car broke down

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I woke up again because the car broke down.
"What the fuck?"i asked
"Damn it"
" Pull over, that's a lot of smoke even for your dad's truck " kie told pope.
"Pope. I got sensitive lungs, man" JJ said while coughing.
We all kept yelling until he finally pulled over at the side of the rode.
"Shit" kie said
"No. No. No. No. " pope said
"Oh my..." JJ said
"It's gonna blow up" kie yelled while getting out
"Chill, it's okay" i said
"No, It's not gonna blow up" JJ told kie
"You probably unhooked the radiator, pope. I haven't seen this before. You knocked the entire hudcap off! Whoo" JJ yelled as he clapped.
"You might wanna reschedule your meeting tonight, pope" JJ said.
He was being kinda rude to pope
And i didn't like it.
"Plan B?" I asked
"We could use public transportation,  we can hitchhike" she suggested
"We can rent bikes." I added in.
"Yeah, that's the radiator " JJ said while taking a close look at the cars engine.
"My dad's gonna kill me." Pope said
"Yeah, he might. He might" JJ responded

◇Fast Foward◇

We ended up making it to gas station we're luckly they also fix cars.
Pope and JJ we're inside talking to the mechanic while me and kie we're by the car being bored.
"How's it going with pope?" I asked
"I don't know" she answered
"Why?" I asked
"I'm just not sure if he's the one" she answered
"And so what if he's not. It doesn't matter, you'll find the one eventually.
If you like him and you are having fun
And he treats you right than that's all
That matters right now" i told her
"Yeah, your right. Thanks"
"No problem " i answered as i put my head on her shoulder.

A little later JJ came outside with us.
"Middle of nowhere. Dude's in heaven right now." he said
"Gotta know the calibration point before you do anything with that intake valve. JJ you do the--" he started in a mocking voice but i kicked his foot and signaled to kie that is clearly upset.
"Hey. You alright?" He asked
"My mom is so worried taht I'm gonna
Be a pogue that she's willing to send me to boarding school" she said
"That's what moms do i guess... or maybe just ours" i said wich made her laugh a little.
"Well, i guess that's what you get for hanging out with the wrong crowd" JJ
"I mean. I'm not gonna go. It's too late anyway, i already am who i am" she said
"It ain't all that bad" i said.
"Just look at that guy over there. He would do anything for us. That's a pogue if I've ever seen one.
Bone-deep" JJ said while pointing over
To pope.
"That's just one mans opinion though" he spoke again.
Once the car was finished, pope and kie went to pay for it while me and JJ stayed by the car.

Stay hydrated and
ILY bestie.

Word count:1382

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