calm down loverboy

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains swear words and mentions of a gun. Enjoy.

I was so happy when i found out that jb was alive that i kissed y/n passionately and she kissed back. It was the perfect moment to ask her to be my girlfriend but i couldn't get the balls to say it. I want ot to be somewhere special anyways. Not in this shitplace that they call school

♧Fast foward♧

It was later on in the fay and we we're hanging out at the wreck. "Just for the record, i never doubted them." JJ  said while walking outside
"I owe you five bucks" kie said
"So we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ asked
"Dude, there's no way we're getting to the bahamas. " pope said
"John B will get nabbed sooner or later. So if we're gonna clear his name, we need to have done it yesterday" kie said
"I'll tell you how we do it." JJ spoke
"Oh so ypu have it all planned out?" Pope asked

"As a mater of fact, i do. We kidnap rafe" he answered
"I'm sorry, what?" Pope asked
"We kidnap Raf, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth" he said while holding his two fingers and pushing them up. If I'm being honest it was hot. I bit my lip trying not to smile
"And just wait till he starts squawking." He said wich snapped me back to reality.
"You know, torture's a war crime." Kie said

"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing john B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony" Pope asked
"All right, well,what do you got pope? I was just trying to keep it simple. You know, one stop, and we're done" He  said
"More like one stop and we're in jail" i said
"Guys, all we need is a material witness. We saw ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If somebody else flew, they were there on the tarmac. They saw peterkin get murdered. We just have to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record."

"Your a genius pope" i said while i kissed his cheek (friendly)
"How do we do that?" Kie asked
" a little light espionage." He answered
"a little ghost recon." JJ said
"Woogity-woogity" pope said
"Woogety, baby" jj said back while they did a wierd thing with their fingers.


"Your a genius pope" i heard y/n say and kiss him on the cheek.
I felt that feeling again jealousy.
If she we're my girlfriend she wouldn't kiss him. Fuck. I'm gonna lose her if i don't make my move fast i thought to myself


☆Fast foward☆

We we're in kies car.
"If this guy flew Planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope said
"So then direct approach gets my vote" jj said while pulling out his gun and loading it.
"JJ no."pope said
"No. What?" Kie said
"Put the gun down" i said
"Guys, we gotta keep this simple, or we'll never get john b off." JJ explained
"Or we just tickle the wire." Pope said
"What?" Kie asked
"We tickle the wire, i plant my phone in his car, and then we listen on your Airapods. Say something" he said

"Something" she said
"Okay, we have audio" pope said
"I think that's his house over there " pope said as we pulled over on the side.
"All right honk or... yell or something if you see anything suspicious" pope said
"Don't do anything dangerous " she told him
"Come on, I'm not jj" he said
"Ha!" I said laughing while jj was looking at me seriously
"Funny pope. Love thrid-wheeling. It's my favorite thing." JJ said. I took a sip of my water.
"More than fucking n/n?" Kie asked wich made me spit all the water out.
"How's it been going, you know with pope and all?" JJ asked

"It's good" she answered
"It's good? All right" he said
"Give me my 5 bucks" i whispered
"Fine" he said handing me five bucks.
"In the bedroom is he, like, kinda freaky, 'cause it's pope, you know?" He asked making me hit his arm
"Why are you asking?" She asked
"I don't know. Just kinda curious. just spitballing here." he answered
"You don't need to spitball" i said
"We could sit in silence." Kie said
We sat in silence until jj decided to speak again.
"Raking wise-" kie cut him off
"Oh your still asking?"
"Yeah, i was just curious" he answered
"Your still curious?" I asked

"Is john b better?" He asked kie
"What?" She asked loudly
"Okay" he said.
Pope came back in the Car out of breath.
"All right phase one is complete" he said.
We all stayed in akward silence.
"Everything-- are we all good?" He asked.
We just nodded and kie started driving again.

▪︎Fast foward▪︎

They drove me home, i went upstairs to my room and layed down. Kie texted me that they called gaven telling him that they know what happened.
I showered did my homework and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night and i saw jj texted me.
"Gavin's got the gun that rafe used to shoot peterkin" he texted
"No fucking way" i texted
"Yes fucking way" he texted back
"And there's more" he texted
"So gavin and ward met up and ward beta him up, took the gun from gavin and shot him and then dropped the gun in the sewer"

" what the fuck, i wasn't even gone for three hours and this happens?" I texted
"That's why you need to stick with me" he texted
"Okay okay, calm down loverboy"
"Only for you princess. Sweet dreams" he texted
"you too my prince" i said jokingly.
I finally fell back asleep after what felt like forever.

Drink water and
ILY bestie ❤

Word count: 1014

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