go. go. go.

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Disclaimer:this chapter contains swear words, mentions of a taser and a gun. Enjoy.

~Fast foward~

It was the next morning and ww started to drive to Charleston again.
"I wonder where john b and sarah are" JJ said.
"Me too" i said quietly

{Fast foward}

We had finally arrived at our destination.
"They're fancy people. They've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for, like, 300 years." Kie informed us
"These kooks make our kooks look like pogues." JJ said while looking at the big ass house.
"You sure this is the place pope?" I asked
"Pretty sure" he answered
"All right" JJ said while getting out of the car.
"Fat City, for sure.
Pope rechecked to see if it was the correct adress and it was.
"Talk about home security" JJ said while looking up at the tall fence with spikes at the top.

"Are does spikes to keep people out?" I asked
"No" kie answered
"The slave quarters are over there. These were to keep people in." Pope said
"Oh shit" i said.
We walked up to the door and pope banged the metal lion against the door.
"You think that was too much?" He asked
"It echoed the entire house. That's for sure." JJ answered
"So they definitely heard it" i said
"Maybe nobody's home." Kie said as nobody answered yet.
Pope started to knock again before the door swung open.
Revealing a blonde 37 year old looking man.

"You must be pope." He said
"Um.. are you Mr. Limbrey?" Pope asked
"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." He quickly responded
"Oh. I'm... I'm sorry. My car broke down on the way up here." Pope apologized
"Carburetor blew up in the middle of nowheresville.
Sorry about that." JJ explained
"Yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up." He said with his crusty sounding voice.
"We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation." Kie said
"We got here as fast as we could" i added in
"She also expected you to come alone." The man said

"I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the royal merchant too. I--" pope started
"The instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside." The man cut him off
"We're kind of a package deal, man." JJ said
"Yeah and we drove all this way, for what? To stay outside?" I said agreeing with jj.
"JJ. Y/n. It's okay, i got this" pope said.
"I'll be good" pope said
"Yeah. We'll be right here." Kie told him
"Keep the car running" he said
"Yep." She answered.

Pope went into the house with the old wierd looking man while we waited in the truck.
A couple of minutes had passed while we were talking.
"Look if limbreys legit-" shw took a pause when pope, the man and a woman with crutches went outside.
"- then Ward gets arrested, and maybe sarah gets the gold."she finished
"Does that look voluntary?" She asked as we saw the man grabbing pope by the back of his neck and pushing him to the backyard.
"No way" i answered
"That would be a negative " JJ said to kie's question

"Come on." Kie said while she started to get out of the car.
"Wait, hold on, hold on." JJ told her.
"What?" She asked
"They're going into the alley" he said
"Go around back?"i asked
"Yeah. We'll get them on the other side." JJ said as he started to drive.
"Okay" kie said
"Hey, be chill. Be chill." Kie said
"Yeah, sure." He answered while slowing down.
We kept driving around but couldn't find them anywhere.
"Where did they go?" Kie asked
"What if they went underground? Because in C.H.U.D., when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids 'cause of the radiation. And then all of the sudden--" kie cut him off

"Focus" she said
"That doesn't make any sense " i told him.
"Right. Sorry. Did you guys see him?" JJ asked
"No" kie answered
"Me neither" i said.
After a while we finally saw them, we went in and saw the man attacking pope with a teaser.
JJ kicked the taser over to kie while i punched the man.
"Come on!" Kie yelled
"Pope, come on" jj yellsd
"Let's go" i yelled.
Pope kicked the man in the stomach.
"Go! Just leave him. Leave him!" JJ yelled at pope.

We ran to another fence, climbed above  and qickly got in the car.
"Go go go go go" jj yelled
"I know, i know" i yelled as i jumped in the car.
"Ow!" Kie said as she got pushed against the door causing me to laugh a little.
"Who we're does poeple?" She asked
"We're getting out of here." JJ said
"Hurry" i told him as he backed out.
"That was crazy. Letget out of here." Pope yelled.
We started to drive away as fast as possible.
"Here we go now!" JJ yelled
"I think he's following us" kie said while looking back at a car following us
"Fuck" i said
"This is a one-way" pope said
"Go left" i said

"It's a one-way" kie yelled
"They're following us" kie yelled
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock " i yelled stressed out.
"Hey! There's another car! Turn now." Pope yelled
We all kept screaming and yelling.
He quickly turned to the next street almost running over two people.
"Jesus! Look out" pope yelled
"Holy shit" i said
"Oh my god" kie yelled as the people ran to cross over the street.
They all kept yelling but all i could think about is that they looked an awful lot like john b and sarah but it's probebly not them.
We kept driving fast while the car was still following us.

"That was evasive driving technique right there, ya'll." JJ yelled
"Where we going?" Pope asked nervously
"I'll lose him." He yelled as he yurned the car to another direction quickly causing me to bang my head against kie.
"Fuck" we both said.
We turned to another street before the car brokw down again.
"You said he fixed the Carburetor." JJ said
"He did!" Pope yelled
"No no no" i yelled as fug started to surround us and we couldn't see shit.
"Shit" kie yelled
"Damn it" i yelled.

We pulled up and got out of the car qickly.
"What now, mario?" Kie asked
"Number one Rule. Never trust mechanics !" JJ yelled
"Or cops!" I added in
"We gotta go around!" JJ yelled as the car pulled up behind us.
"Go!" Kie yelled.
JJ grabbed my hand so that i could run as fast as him and not stay behind.
"Go go go go go go" jj yelled.
We ran as fast as we could
"Guys, i think he has a gun!" Kie yelled
We kept yelling and screaming like crazy while running away.
"GO GO GO GO GO GO" kie yelled
"FUCK, LET'S HURRY UP" i yelled
"THIS WAY! we might have to split up. I don't know where to go okay? We gotta lose them!" JJ yelled

"Fuck" i yelled as jj banged against a delivery guy causing him to drop all of his packages.
"SORRY" i yelled
"SORRY ABOUT THAT" pope and kie yelled
"HERE, HERE, HERE" jj yelled while crossing to a small tight street.
"He's right there" jj yelled
"He's gaining, let's go" pope yelled.
We all kept running even though we were completely exhausted and out of breath.
We reached the end of the tight street and crossed straight to the next one almost getting run over by two people in a family bike.
We stopped running once we relised that it was john b and sarah.

Drink water and
ILY bestie. Say it back.

Word count:1318

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