i ain't afraid of you

602 10 1

Disclaimer: this chapter contains swear words, mentions of blood, alcohol and assault

}Fast foward{

We got up and i fixed his hair while he fixed mine.
"Do i look good?" I asked
"Always" he answered making me blush.
JJ got a phone call so i went outside and chilled on the hammock until i heard kie yell
"JOHN B, SARAH, Y/N. COME ON" so i quickly got up and ran over to them. We got in the car and drove.
They explained that something happened to popes dad so we went over to heyward.

<Fast foward>

We got to him and he was loosing blood from his forehead but luckly srah knew how to fix it.
"Pop, what happened?" Pope asked
"I should've known better. He came in just as i was about to lock up, caught me by suprise. Once he had me down, he put his knee in my chest,  and he asked me anout that... that.... that key from that... that drawing you showed me. And in case you're wondering, i ain't tell him nothing. Now did you track it down?" Heyward explained and asked.
Honestly heyward is a really nice person, he doesn't deserve this.
Pope pulled out the key and handed it over to heyward saying

"I found it in mee-maws old apartment above the pharmacy just like you said." Pope said
"Shit, boy, you should've gave this to me. I wouldn't have to take a beating. What's the big deal? It ain't worth anything. Why they want it so bad?" He asked
"I don't know. First, i get this letter telling me that i need to go to Charleston. And then i meet a rich lady who wants me to give her a key that i didn't even know was in my family." Pope answered
"None of it makes sense" kie said
"Well, Don't ya'll sit here winning about it. Figure it out!" Heyward raised his voice.

"No. I'm just gonna give the key to that lady. It's not worth-" pope started but his dad cut him off by saying
"No. no. no. Did i raise you to back down from a fight, boy?" He asked
"No, sir" pope answered
"Well, all right. Know i didn't think about it before. I admit that. But now... now? I'm interested. Well, did they say why they wanted it?" Heyward answered
"Something about an old cross. I think it might be some kind of lost treasure." Pope said
"You know who you should talk to? Your great mee-maw" heyward informed us.

[Fast foward]

We got in the van and started to drive i was laying my head on jjs lap while he played with my hair.
I was almost falling asleep so i could barely hear what everyone was saying but i did hear pope say
"She said the key leads to the cross of santo domingo."
And jj say "so it's a giant ass cross" .
We pulled over at our next destination so jj woke me up and kissed me on the forehead before getting out of the car.
"Hey, actually i think I'm gonna do this one by myself" pope said while looking at kie who was getting out of the car.
"Are you sure?" She asked
"Yeah, i can handle it. I don't really need you so..." he said
"Oh shit " JJ whispered to me
"What was that about?" I whispered
"Oh we're all just one big happy family today? Aren't we?" JJ said sarcastically

♤Fast foward♤

We went driving around, me, kie and sarah got out of the car to get slushies while the guys waited in the car.
We got back in the car
And we went over to pick up pope.
Once we arrived he got in and stayed silent.
"So how'd it go?" John b asked
"Shit just got way more personal" pope said.
He explained what had happened.

♡Fast Foward♡

We we're all chilling together drinking beer and talking
" i still can't belive that you're related to denmark Tanny. Are we in presence of a royal?" John b asked
"A king?" I asked
"we shall crown him. All hail lord of tannyhill" JJ said in a horrible fale British accent while putting and invisible crown on pope's head.
"Everybody relax. Can we relax, please?" Pope asked
"Relocate to the Cat's ass, question mark?" Sarah asked
"I'm with that" JJ said
"I agree" i said
"How soon can we move in?" Kie asked
" 'cause i Don't have a place to stay." JJ said

"Me neither. Bumk beds?" Kie asked
"Bunk beds. Cheers to that." JJ said while taking a sip of his beer.
Pope kept on talking about everything that's been happening and i just stopped listening because honestly i was already tired from all of it.
I saw the old woman and weird bodygard man that i kicked his face come up to us.
"And live happily ever after?" The woman asked.
We all went quiet and jj put me behind him to protect me.
"You assulted my father" pope told the old woman.
"Oh, i didn't assult anybody." The woman said "He can identify the psycho from a mile away." kie said

"Why would my employee
A...a...assult your father?. That's absurd." the woman asked
"Oh don't act dumb or are you just so old that your already having memory loss?" I asked making kie and sarah laugh.
"listen we can keep negotiating, but the fact is that i want the key. And i won't stop until i have it. I don't have a choice wich means you don't either." She said as the man started to push pope
"Look ladie, you seem annoying as fuck or maybe not but pope already told he doesn't have it, are you death or something?" I asked

"I would advise you not to talk to her like that" the man said while walking over to me.
"Look, compared to everything that's happened in my life, you two are barely anything and i ain't afraid of you people " i said
"Y/n don't " sarah said nervously
"What, just saying" i said
"It's limbrey, right? Is that right?" Jb asked as he held the key in his hand
"Yes" the woman answered
"Is this what your looking for?" John b asked

"yes, it is" the old bitch answered
"Looking at the tide right now, I'd say it's about 20 feet deep out there. So if i just threw ut in the channel, the probability of you finding it again is slim to none. Wanna give it a shot?" He asked. We then saw pope pull out the real key and hide it again.
I had to bite my lip so that the old bitches couldn't see my smile.
"No, hey!" Ms. Limbrey yelled
"Please don't do that" she said more calmed down this time.
"Get him to back the hell up" john b said pointing at the man pinning pope against the wall.

"Of course. Back up" she told the man.
He did and the look on his face was priceless.
"As i told you from the beginning, I'm willing to be reasonable " the woman told pope
"Okay" he said
"Okay?" She asked
"I'll give you the key,
But.i want the tape." Pope said
"Of course. Of course" the woman said happily
"Pope. Hey, hey, hey. You don't have to do this, okay?" Jb said trying to play along with the plan.
"No, It's okay." Pope said

"No, dude this is your family" jb said
"Hey, It's fine. It's okay. It's about your dad. That's way more important." Pope said
"The tape?  Pope asked
"Yes, give him the tape" she told the man.
He pulled out the tape and handed it at the same time that pope handed the fake key.
They started to leave and the man said "see you around, pope"
"I hope not" i whispered
"Just go" kie said and they finally left.
"How long do you think we have, before she relises it is your dad's old key?" JJ asked
"10 minutes" john b said

"Who's idea was the fake key?" Pope asked
"Shockingly not me" kie answered
"Hmm, i don't know. Should we tell them?" John b said as he wrapped his arm arojnd jj
"I'm impressed "
"Damn finally"
"Maybe you are good for something " kie said.
I stared at him in shock, it was really hot when he was smart. I whispered in his ear and smirking.
"I'll congratulate you later"
He couldn't help but smirke as well and sarah could tell.
"Ugh, get a room" she said jokingly
"Oh we will" i said

Making everyone laugh.
"Okay, we gotta take this tape to shoupe" john b said
"Yes sir. Ward cameron, we're coming for you, big boy." JJ said
"Whooo" i yelled.

Fast foward

We went over to the police station and john b entered with the tape to show it to shoupe while we all waited outside.
For once in his whole goddamn life he believed us.
I had to go home and once i did i saw conner waiting outside of my house.
"Conner?, hey how are you?" I asked
"I'm okay but there's something i need to do" he said
"What is i-" he cut me off by smashing his lips against mine.

Ummm chile anyways...
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Word count:1565

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